>game starts out boring and mediocre
>becomes better and better as the game progresses be it gameplay or story
what are some examples of games that do this?
Game starts out boring and mediocre
Hollow Knight. Once you unlock more movement options it goes from ok to fantastic.
Hollow Kn-- FUCK
Rayman actually
It starts out pretty ok but they give you more and more shit that you can do the further you get.
also Bongo Hills is fucking ass because you don't have the helicopter the first time you get there, but it's manageable once you get it
Every game I ever play nowadays, because I'm bored out of my mind during tutorials. Even good tutorials where I'm learning actual necessary information make me stop playing until I can push through.
Super Mario Odyssey
Most platformers really, though I gave up on a lot that were just too boring leading up to when they start to challenge you. Grandia was like this story-wise, it's generic as hell but the world is cool so that kept me going, but after 25 hours even the most generic main character managed to grow on me.
Both KOTOR games, they both take hours to get going.
Too many games desu senpai. I don’t expect a game to blow its wad within the first few hours, but there’s no excuse for a game to be shitty early on when there’s tons of other games available.
what are games that DON'T do this?
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.
Most of them, you'll have to be more specific
Drank souls 1.
>Kingdom Hearts
>Anything better than mediocre
Pick one
Thanks for sharing your opinion with me.
God I hope so. Having so much trouble getting into it because the jumping is just a bit too off for me. Default max height is JUST too short to make a ton of jumps and it was infuriating.
Guacamelee is less interesting in terms of core mechanics early, but the first dungeon and first boss are the best ones. Most genres don't have the problem though, it's only really RPGs and metroidvanias that have a core progression of mechanics so you don't start out with all the interesting options and abilities, or platformers/puzzle games that are afraid to challenge you too early on. E.g. Shmups like Giga Wing or Battle Bakraid, or well-paced fps/actiony games like Contra: Hard Corps, Metal Gear Rising, Furi, One Finger Death Punch, Cuphead.
The story wasn't compelling me too much to keep playing by Ending A, but the game picked up story-wise right after it and had me super invested. Satisfying true ending as well.
Same with the gameplay, though it was partially my inexperience with hack and slash gameplay. I'm the kind of guy who would be fine with mashing AAAAB for most of the game. By the end of it, I was taking advantage of the plug-in chips and different weapon styles.
Maybe it was just me, but those first handful of hours I spent with the game didn't compel me to keep playing too much.
>super slow start
>gets really good early to mid-game
>mid-game you hit a lot of powerspikes
>you turn into a complete god late game and nothing in the game is challenging anymore
grappling hook and weapon scaling was a mistake