

Why is this game hard again?

Cause you have to time your roll?

GREED makes the game hard

Roll is time consuming

memorization through failure.

You can die in it

because it doesn't have bloated health pools on both the player and the enemies (like every single other console arpg in existence) which reduce it to safe button-mashing and instead requires you to make as little mistakes as possible

>tfw memorizing all the boss' openings and how greedy you can get with each one then killing the boss in record time

because maybe its about how not to be a greedy casual.

most of the games from 2011 to current year are
>spam attack
>get hit for 1/20 of your hp
>keep spamming attack
>get hit for 3/20 of your hp
>keep spamming attack
So it really doesn't take that much to make a "hard" game. That is the premise of From Software's games. Woah, you actually have to pay attention to things happening around your character! PREPARE TO DIE!

>put all your heaviest gear on
>cast crystal magic weapon
>quickly swap your weapon for a moonlight greatsword
>put your original gear back on
>attack boss
>he explodes in 2 hits

Why is this game hard again?

its really not hard, except for casuals

>get invaded by japanese havel mom while hosting forest on my soul level 200
>start to turtle
>bait a safe swing but instead of just blocking do hyper pivot into backstab
>while he wakes up do L2 + mash the dpad left + mash the R1
>he's dead

why is this game hard again?

How long until 10days shows up, if he isn't OP?

>oroboro invades me
>he buffs his little falchion in his 56 poise no free ring slot build, which isn't even crystal
>quickly make him cancel a backstab and he falls to the ground
>repeatedly do parry chain backstab until he wakes up with R1 and gets parried because of animation priority
>riposte him for a trillion damage

why is this game hard again?

spam some more

>use buttons
>slip the analog

why is this game hard again, Sup Forums ?

>souls doesnt have bloated health bosses
wtf are midir, nameless kang and ultra waifu deathnun aka freide?

timing the roll and stamina management, which doesn't exist in bloodborne or das3

Shouldn't have done then in NG+ if you're a scrub

Also maybe get a better build instead of your quality 400 AR Dark sword.


in regular NG midir has 16,000hp, where someone like nameless king has 10,000 including the dragons hp, midir was fucking retarded

Dunno OP, it's obviously piss easy shit for piss easy man such as yourself. Pic related to your absolutely reasonable explaination.

got to admit that the dlc bosses having double health comparing to the main bosses was cheap