I've been wondering, do revenant drops have the exact same properties and level as the equipment the player that died was using? Or are they just randomly generated drops of the same quality (color) that player's items were?
They are the same up to a certain level. After that they're randomly generated.
Man attaining new difficulties is fucking tedious. I just want muh Abyss.
someone help me kill wotw umi bozu
Just use fire bro.
I can't beat Nobunaga and his waifu no matter what I do
Use the hyotokko masks. That's basicly what they are for.
Try hitting yukki with a slow and weaken, then oda with a slow and try to blitz yukki. You should be able to debuff yukki with no reaction but oda starts the fight I think. Respec for kunai if you still can't.
Nioh 2 when
Slow one, then go for the other. Stay on Nobunaga, you can party him when he's not in living weapon. Yuki-Onna is dangerous at range to dart in occasionally to have her whiff a combo and nullify her for a second while you get a few hits in on Nobunaga.
>wear a bunch of equipment that increases killing blow damage
>unleash THE BULL
>stunlock Nobunaga and hit him for 1/4 of his health in an invincible killing blow animation
Thanks guys, will give it another try
Nioh is a game that gets its difficulty through sheer unfairness at later points in the game. Luckily, it also provides you with your own arsenal of unfair tools and techniques. Nioh is basically a game of out-cheesing the enemy, don't forget that.
Hopefully it's a prequel.
This really is the best description of the endgame. WotN and the Abyss as well as a lot of the DLC is just plain bullshit with how they ramp numbers up against you. You have to go ultimate levels of cheese to one shot shit before it can one shot you. Still fun, just gets frustrating. Almost done with the DLC on WotN before I finally shelve this game.
Where you play as Negro Samurai in service to Nobunaga?
i know kunai has been nerfed a lot but can it still carry you through WoTN?
Git better gear.
But we didn't even get to kill Maria. It's gotta be a sequel.
So far Kunai seem pretty useless. Maybe it's because of my build, but six of them weren't even enough to kill a single standard enemy.
>nigger protagonist
It's a Japanese game, not western.
>Voiced by Samuel L. Jackson
Yasuke was an actual black samurai that served under Oda Nobunaga. According to (((wikipedia))) anyway.
Not just a nioh thing but holy shit mfw the stupid helmet every big guy have is based on the real version of it irl. How can literally any other culture compete with this shit.
No one debated that.
You need specific gear that boosts ninjutsu damage.
Kunai can absolutely carry you to and through endgame way of the nioh. It's how I did it. Gotta stack x2 thrown damage, roll with the cat and rabbit spirits, and use shadowround talismans liberally.
Kunai get that powerful if you spec for it? Jaysus.
I'm still in NG so I'm not worrying about "builds" right now. Melee is still viable I assume though, yeah?
I haven't completed the game, so perhaps I'm talking out of my ass, but I feel like Nioh would have benefited from a loot system more akin to Monster Hunter than Diablo.
Oh and you NEED one level of head of the Iga skill for kunai replenishment how did I forget to mention that. Just having the hat and the magamata is how I did it(the rest was hyabusa stuff) using the cat with that gets you living weapon so fast you just never run out of thrown stuff between kunai and fire wheel shots
Right after Ninja Gaiden HD Collection featuring Black and NGII with improved visuals and more costumes.
You can craft item sets if you have the recipe, and you can reforge the unwanted qualities, so you have more control than in Diablo. Actually can't say about D3 super late game.
It's a different game from MH. I like both.
Fuck I'm mad I can't get Hayabusa gear until end-end-end game. I fucking love Ninja Gaiden.
Does it ever show up on Revenants early, maybe?
Kunai are absurdly strong if you build for it. A single kunai from behind hits far harder than any weapon for me and you can just fucking melt any boss in the game with them. A right build and you can ohko normal guys even in wotn but even having to throw a ton out it does not matter because you never EVER run out just using living weapon like a reload
you wouldn't be able to put down some inheritables would you? PC
I love that this game is more about single player than anything so broken shit stays broken.
I heard Living Weapon used to be something you could basically live in pre-patch. I wish they'd left it like that. Sounds fun.
>end game
Nah dude you just need to finish the third DLC area. You can get it in NG and I personally used the NG armor for its skills all the way through queens eyes wotn because one hit killed me anyway so I just used the skills hah.
don't forget to farm Jin for his fire wheel magic too it's SUPER good and gets ninjutsu damage bonus not magic so it refills on LW and hits like a fucking supernova.
You still can. I've seen a guy run through an entire level in LW form. I think he had a set built around staying on low health for that or something.
Maybe I just need to give it more time. The idea of grinding for gear just doesn't sit well with me in a game like this. I was really enjoying the game up until the ice level. Then I started to lose interest when the boss could just three shot me at range.
Maybe I'm just missing something?
I got all my Ninja Gaiden gear off revenants before I even touched the DLC. Rolling with the True Dragon Sword was baller as fuck.
Don't grind gear till you hit the final difficulty(or at least unlock divines/ethereal). Gear gets way way better simply progressing and anything you ground for you are gonna dump in a few levels.
There are a lot of rules for revenant drops. But put shortly, on an difficulty above the base difficulty the revenant will drop one or two pieces of the person's gear. But the gear will be whatever the original stats are, so no reforged or inherited stats.
>I was really enjoying the game up until the ice level.
Wait, are you still on NG?
>But the gear will be whatever the original stats are, so no reforged or inherited stats.
Ah, I see. I was wondering if I were maybe gifting my awesome (for that point in the game) gear to some other players by dying. I guess not.
Also, is there any kind of a comprehensive wiki or other community site for this game? There's pretty much no info compared to other grindan games.
I haven't played Nioh since the first DLC came out because I keep getting side tracked by other games. I'm afraid there'll be no revenants anymore when I get back to it.
Yes. The combat in the game is good, but I feel like it punishes minor mistakes far too harshly considering the amount of hits it takes to kill something.
But maybe I just have shitty gear. I was eventually able to beat the ice witch, but I was stuck on her longer than I care to admit. I've never actually experienced being "stuck" on a boss before. It was weird.
Now imagine fighting her AND another boss at the same time. It's all part of the "getting good" eventually you learn the patterns and weaknesses and then you can wipe the floor with dudes. It's all cheese or be cheesed, always use every advantage you can get by combining debuffs on them with buffs and elemental effects on you.
You just can't go ham on yokai enemies, let alone bosses unless they're out of stamina. Yuki Onna especially fucks you up with her stomp since it's all elemental damage you can't block.
Still not as bad as the Return of the Gourd.
I was using a powerpill and a fire talisman on this bitch, but the fire buff only did about 50 extra damage to her. Which I found pretty odd.
Yeah I eventually abused the kick to lower her stamina/ki so I could just stunlock her. And would run away when she started to recover. She managed to kill me with about one pixel of HP because I got greedy.
Because you're not built to do a lot of elemental damage. Anyhow, the most important part about elements is not the damage itself, but the elemental debuff you can inflict upon enemies. Like elemental blights in Monster Hunter.
Ki drain is a legit tactic, especially vs the yokai. I think that's like tonfas play all the time. Haven't tried them myself yet.
>power pill
Never used that myself, I always toss on the steel/carnage talisman combo but the fire damage directly scales with your magic power (idk how the "item" talisman works, only ever used the onmyo one) and yeah it's not always a massive boost, but the trick is to apply TWO elemental effects to create the discord effect and stunlock the fuck out of anything. So like, fire and lightning for ice bitch or wind and fire for the white tiger etc. so once they are burning or whatever swap to another elemental type. I liked to use the mega hyrokudama or fire wheel magic (and endgame I used elemental shots) to apply fire and then slash away with a lightning/wind blade.
I wasn't aware that there was a debuff for applying two different elemental statuses. That's pretty cool.
Yeah I'm not sure the powerpill is actually that good. But it's one of the only buffs I have. I'm roughly level 50 I think. I used one of the respec books to see if I could pump my damage stats and HP a little better, but honestly I found no difference in my old build where I have everything around 10+ (Which I was told was a good idea). Perhaps I just need to learn more of the intricacies of this game's combat. I'm still unlearning about 1000 hours of souls habits.
Discord is top tier. Instantly drains ki to zero and won't let them regen it while it's active so you can just go fuckin nuts on dudes affected.
I wouldn't worry too hard about point allocation till later on betcause while skills matter a "quality" build is actualy a good idea for the first 100 levels or so. A base of 20 points at LEAST in each skill is a good start then pump it into your primary damage skill like dex or heart or whatever. Getting spirit to, shit what was it 25 or 31 or whatever is a good goal too so you can use any spirits bonuses.
Also I would highly recommend getting into magic and ninja powers. The buffs are insane like the quick change scroll, shadowrounds, weaken/slow, and the elemental projectiles.
Well that's good at least. Some other thread said the Ninja Gaiden DLC was super hard so you had to wait until like after NG+ to do it.
I'm still in NG right now. So I should be able to give it a try after beating the game?
I wonder how op Hideyori's duals in that regard.
Even if you have trouble beating him with NG gear, just take a quick dip into wots for some better gear and then go back to get him. He's not the hardest boss in the game imo, he's human so he can be stunlocked.
So is the fastest way to get multiple debuffs to hit them with like a talisman then a 2Kat with elemental damage?
I just finished the Tokai Region and I don't think I've ever gotten two debuffs on an enemy at once.
I'll give them a look. Thanks for the help, user.
What's the best weapon? And why is it the kusarigama
Personally I have a easier time applying elemental with the kusarigama but dual blades are good too. Either throw a fireball/mega dama/elemental shot to proc the first element then yeah swing away. It's really mainly only going to happen vs bosses and some larger oni.