Do you even vidya?

Freeze Sup Forums, prove you're not just larping on this board by posting the last game you beat.

Tales of Xillia 2.

Legend of heroes: trails in the sky (FC)

beat the first Mega Man game earlier today, it's a fun game and I keep coming back to it every now and then to beat it.

Supreme Commander, the Cybran campaign since it was the last one I had left.
Monkeylords a best.

Titanfall 2.

Deus Ex: GOTY. Got all three endings.

Mario Odyssey Darker Side, gonna 100% it after XC2.

i really don't understand why newfags need to redefine LARP into just RP.

Tai Fu
Short and super easy but fun


I do vidya little loli so please don't shoot me. I am pretty sure this is the last game I beat. Other than that it has been some grinding games that don't really end as such.
It was nice but the blink and time powers kinda broke it and maybe I goofed like a retard but the outsider didn't really do much or wasn't developed much beyond his initial appearance.

Super Mario Odyssey

Avadon 3

Finished Campaign mod for Cryptark once.

>tfw I can't even remember the last game that I beat

I have a lot of games where on the middle part of the story. I just always stop playing them for some reason.


Saints Row: The Third,

Half-Life, just a few days ago.

I don't remember if it was A Hat in Time or Xcom2

mario odyssey
got it monday evening, beat it tuesday around noon.

but I am larping on this board

Persona 3

This has been confusing me as well.

Number one most comfy. Can't wait for part 5


it's a Sup Forums thing, you hilldogs wouldn't understand

This, but with JRPGs. For some reason I can't complete them anymore. They just stop being fun mid-way through, they story always kind of start being shit around there.

Way of the Samurai 4.

People pretend to play video games?

Anyway, I just beat Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I beat Wolfenstein The Old Blood last night.

Revelations. A lot of big fat arses in it.

I'll do you even better heres all the 2017 games I've played and how I liked or am liking them.
Last one I beat was Odyssey

Kero Blaster

Persona 5 I romanced Makoto

Just finished okami hd.

It was kinda miserable. I don't know if it's the restored content mod that's responsible, but enemies scaled much too quickly. On numerous occasions, I suffered a full party wipe. Because nobody in my party was able to hit the guy who was hitting us for 2/3rds of our HP.

Clock Tower: The First Nigger

>play vidya
>absolutely loving it
>get stuck at point and/or get bored
>decide to come back to it later or tomorrow and continue
>never do
>eventually uninstall clear space for another game i'll never finish
Often these games aren't even at points where i have no idea what to do or where to go. They're just games where i put it down for the day and never come back to.

I beat the forest with my friends.

Then I got mad, because I always waste lots of time trying to convince everyone of them to play a new game. It's not worth the fucking effort.

meant for

Pillars of Eternity

>tfw never actually beat xcom 2
Had a crash by the last room and my PC was kinda bleh at the time so the game didn't run very well to begin with, later I played a ton of long war 2 though.

All I play now is Europa Universalis 4. I can't remember the last time I had fun playing videogames. It's been so long before I started living by myself when I had a carefree attitude

I never even get past the first 150 years from eu4 because I just lose interest in the mid game and would always end up playing another civilization, over and over

Last one I actually finished was new super mario bros on ds, 6 years ago

Dragon's Crown, I don't have a PS4 yet and with DC Pro and MH World coming out I might have to finally get one, not sure what else I'd play on there though.

Twinkle Star Sprites.

>Dominions 5

I defeated a bird person faction and a bat person faction by having lightning strike enemies in areas people believed in my pretender God.

Suikoden 1, anime girl

I Am Setsuna.

>I played a ton of long war 2 though.
Is it fun?

Resident Evil 0

For all it's faults, that game was real comfy.

I beat Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc a couple days ago and just finished the Prologue for 2. Fat Byakuya is weird and talking to the albino Makoto as an autist protag is weirder.

>everybody posting game titles with no image to prove it

Destroy All Humans 2

It's my favorite game for mindless fun. I come back to it time and again. I loved Pagan and Vas. Very excited to see what they do with main Lillian in 5

Persona 3.

If I wasn't spoiled on the fact the Main character dies I would've imagined he survived since the few days you have in March made me believe he survived

Honestly, I take things at face value way too much.

Geneforge 2.

What did you think of it?

I finished it last year, and got all 108 stars of destiny, and it only took me around 20 hours. Felt it was quite an average game, nothing really stood out.

Suikoden 2 is supposedly better but I haven't put a lot of time into it.

She doesn't have enough bullets for all of us.

I got A Hat in Time recently, 100%'d it. Sad I didn't get the black color item to be a qt goth grill

i beat dead rising off the record last week, it was a good game but overall I prefer 1

playing metroid prime now

why is the ps4 dude yellow

Hollow Knight. I'm having fun with it though the movement is a bit floaty and delayed with a controller. I also have no idea where I am going but I guess that's half the fun of an adventure game.

Darkest dungeon.

>on that old road we found redemption

Dragon Warrior 2 on GBC. Suck it nerd.

I mean, I guess I technically "beat" Super Mario Odyssey if we're just talking beating Bowser and seeing the credits. But I won't consider it truly done until I 100% it.

Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland
was it and i am fucking pissed that i didn't get a happy marriage between rich loli and clumsy loli

>try to play divine divinity for x time
>struggle like holy shit in the beginning
>hey that's kinda fun
>few hours in find finally feels like my character is competent fighter
>clear the orc camp entirely
>suddenly find a weapon that freezes ANY enemy
>become literally immortal. Not even satan himself can defeat me.
>oh boy can't wait to play the sequel
>it's utter shit from performance on modern system to the UI

Oh well. Maybe someday I will finish the trilogy.
They don't make games like divine divinity anymore. Now it's just whining about muh balance.

I was just playing a bunch of faggot chileans whose entire gameplan is to troll everyone else. Let me post in here to recoop.

Rome: Total War. Can't get enough of the series

link and zelda panoply of calatia, it's a Zelda Classic quest.
Now you tell us what game you beat, fuckboy.

Did you beat the other modes?

A game I can never technically "beat"
Splatoon 2

In terms of traditional games, Mario Odyssey

Beat it on New Years Eve

Gonna do Grandia next

don't do it assy!

It was surprisingly good, doing ng+ now

What's this animu?

wasn't the only thing I beat that day

Touhou 8 1cc on easy tho
and completed street foghter iii 3rd strike that game I 1cc daily on hardest
and am currently trying to 1cc thunder force 3.
Your turn now. How do I believe you are not the one who's larping? You certainly did start thread with that pic that make me think that

Super Mario World at the end of November, apparently.
Been playing XBC2 and BotWs DLC since then.