it's like PUBG but actually playable and free :^)
i don't remember being able to play as a nigger with a sword in it
what is this false advertising?
I honestly don't know what's funnier.
Sonybros shilling this absolute shit because they can't play pubg or pubg outselling every PS4 exclusive on the PS4 itself when it inevitably gets ported.
you can keep playing PUBG
>feminism is awesome, the game
the BR mode only have the "soldier" class characters while he's a ninja
Does anyone even play the actual Fortnite game? Did they completely abandon that because of their PUBG rip off success? Bet they wish they had started ripping PUBG off sooner so they would have had time to put some microtransactions in it. :^)
there's a BR battle pass now i think its like 10-15$ to get skins lmao and you'll have to get it every 3 months
it's so satisfying to see fortnite fags getting milked like a bunch of wuss
>Bet they wish they had started ripping PUBG off sooner so they would have had time to put some microtransactions in it.
What are you talking about? If you get the free-BR part, all cosmetics are behind a paywall. There is zero character progression outside of microtransactions.
Is this the new ChinkG shill tactic?
apparently Sup Forums doesn't actually play games. Fortnite has a mix of free and paid cosmetics, in terms of paid ones there's the battle pass (basically pay to get slightly more stuff when you level up during a season from playing), and paying for specific (usually limited-time) cosmetics that are so overpriced it's actually funny; it also has piƱata-like random rewards but I think this is only for the PvE mode(?) as I'm not sure where you access it otherwise. PUBG has crates that you can either buy or receive at random using in-game currency, the cost in-game increases throughout the day before resetting again. In short, both have paid cosmetics and lootbox-like mechanics.
Such strong and independent women :)
I must play this!
no one plays Fortnite at all lmao i'd rather play PUBG because at least the weapons are not tier based and inaccurate as shit
I play both games as they're barely alike at all, one is arcadey and more casual whilst the other is more realistic and intense.
this is why I hate when Fortnite players try to feel superior just because PUBG runs like shite on their pc
>thead made an hour ago
>14 repllies
this thread is as popular as the game I see
you mean because they don't really compare as games? yeah I suppose. I was playing with a friend who refuses to get pubg due to its performance issues (despite being almost entirely fixed since the recent update), and he constantly complains about how shit the gunplay is in fortnite and how poor spectating is as well. People just have no clue what they're missing out on. That said, in some ways PUBG's weaknesses are fortnite's strengths as well, since games in fortnite are a lot quicker and gunfights more frequent.
I mean because no matter which Youtuber or thread there'll be about PUBG there will be a moron to comment "but Fortnite is better anyway" without saying why, somehow this said comment will get the most likes out of all
Just saw this thread and came in here to say why the fuck doesn't anybody on this site play the Save The World PvE mode? It's a lot of fun even though a bit grindy. I'm more than half way done with it.
because of the price, may as well wait until it goes free since they announced it'll be F2P early 2018.
fortnite will be a lot better when it's not just battle royale
>you cant have 1 account and play on console and pc
>need 2 accounts to be able to play on console and then on pc
That is so weird, why did epic handle the account stuff like that?
because the crossplay?
That depends on the definition. In terms of performance and bugs? Fortnite is miles ahead of PUBG. Gameplay though? Shields are still fucked and gunfights can still completely boil down to luck.
Until they improve on the gunplay and balance shields, I don't think it's incredibly playable in that sense.
But I got PUBG for free :^)