Does someone's taste in video games reflect their intelligence/personality?
Does someone's taste in video games reflect their intelligence/personality?
Yes. Intelligent people like Mario
Retarded people like """games""" with stories like near a tomato or games trying to be books like baldurs gate because they're too retarded to understand actual movies or books
I'm pretty dumb and autistic and I like first person shooters.
Is this the 672nd "Automata is for pseudo intellectuals " thread?
Intelligence? No.
Personality? A little.
I like almost every type of a game. From story heavy walking simulators to cuhrayzee to management games. I also have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Go figure.
No, people play what they enjoy. If people believe that games reflect their personality or some other shit, they’re looking for some deeper meaning to themselves which doesn’t exist.
Just got the new nier bruh
Hello my fellow melanin rich brother.
People with high IQs play every genre except for sports games and console fps games.
Yes, anyone who only plays CoD or Halo..I find them almost always to be lacking in intelligence.
He's not even black. I am more black than him and I'm pure white.
Both to a very small extent IMO. Most AAA games have deliberately simple mechanics because they want to appeal to the middle of the bell curve and most normies aren't open minded enough to like weird games or games that challenge them too much.
Then you're not pure white, mutt.
What's my IQ white boy?
i have full blown autism and i like CoD
it determines if someone has shit taste and is a normalfag
its aight
looks like someone at least has good taste
this shit reminds me of the weeb handicap nigger walking around my city
Yeah, people who call Nier Automata a masterpiece tend to but dumbass virgins who dropped out of highschool and fap 3 times every day.
I like Battlefield 1, Risk of Rain, and Cities: Skylines. I'm a retard. I don't think it correlates at all.
This. In my experience the common denominator with people who are into games but don't like Souls is ADD.
The definition of subjective is subject to personal bias, in which intelligence is an important factor of, so yes.
You're pathetic
Has there ever been a mainstream game that pandered to first year college students with an over-inflated sense of their own intellect than Automata?
playing those games confirms you are retarded
Nice. I thought those other two games were disappointing, but I hope you like them better than I did
more than*
Nobody's taste in anything reflects intelligence. You can like shitty nigger music and be a doctor or scientist. You can like classical music if you're a janitor.
Personality on the other hand probably has everything to do with media choices.
Ha, jokes on you. I finished highschool
i don't care about any of this shit, but you like good games and I think that's all that matters bro.
Many meme indie games like Firewatch and other assorted puzzleshit.
Can't think of any mainstream ones off the top of my head though.
Nice, where did you steal them?
Yes. For example if you like you're gay
How exactly does it pander to pseudo-intellectuals?
>Shit Taste: Plays only one series/really basic stuff
>Bad Taste: Plays only one genre
>Okay Taste: Plays the most accessible games of several genres
>Good Taste: Plays all genres, making sure to browse the classics of each one
I've found that pseudo intellectuals tend to play entry level strategy games and 4x but never go deeper than that. Theyre the sort who go 'I like playing games that make me think'. To make themselves feel smarter when in truth theyre just too lazy or casual to learn any of the more skill intensive genres.
I really hope most of Sup Forums does Good Taste then, it should be a requirement for posting here.
What if I've been ADD my whole life and don't like Souls but do like Bloodborne as well as Dragon's Dogma?
no one says that except people who hate the game
somehow it's too much to deal with that some people enjoy games that you personally don't
Intelligent people like games with lots of reading or games that are not as user friendly. Intelligent gamers also like games that are innovative and not cookie cutter shit which means if you like shooters you are an insta pleb.
I feel like the same people who hated Nier must have disliked Life is Strange. LiS fell into obscurity and now this new hate magnet took its place with the same pseudo-intelligence hate narrative.
Young adults play videogames.
More like intelligent people realize that there is no point in being "skillful" at a competitive multiplayer game unless you are an actual money earning professional. They rather just have fun in single player.
And 4x games can become autistic as fuck as well.
Go see how people play civ 4 on hardest difiiculty...Its nothing like you would imagine.
It's a garbage list because some genres are unironically shit when you're no longer a spastic teenager (FPS, sports sims)
Add multiplayer rts to that and fighting games which are literally nigger tier.
Personality for sure. If they play Paradox games like HOI4/Crusader Kings/EU3/4 whatever then they're probably a Sup Forumslack
CS:GO means they're most likely a normie or meme cancer and so on. You start to learn this shit after a while
Nothing wrong with FPSes unless they're multiplayer only
I like Doom2, Quake, Killer7, MGS2 and Genki Racing Project games. rate me.
Unless they exclusively play shit like sports games, then no, in all honesty
I know people who own PS4 just for Fifa and football manager, it's crazy
Return mankind divided, it's free on ps plus thus month
I like RPGs, turn based strategy, puzzle and fighting video games. What does this say about my intelligence and personality?
>Doom2, Quake, Killer7 and Genki Racing Project
Brings down to 9/10
Good taste
I only play twin-stick shooters like pic related
Those and occasionally arcade rougue-likes, Tower 57, nuclear throne
Whats my nature?
>posts tharja
not very inteligent
potentially autistic
Yes, only degenerates prefer playing video games.
I like Ys, playing Ys Origins currently, Toals path on Hard.
How do I rate Sup Forumsirgins
What if I play HoI4/CK2/EU3/4 and CSGO and ASSFAGGOTS and fitans
3 is better gameplay wise but 2 is special
Then you are the embodiment of cancer. I bet you get banned from servers alot
Nope. I rarely talk to randoms, unless I need to tell info.
High IQ people like Roguelikes and 4X games. Dwarf Fortress, Aurora 4x, Nethack.
Nier Automata is a great video game.
Kill yourself
>Have to be ADD to not enjoy boring, no challenge trash.
It's more that people who don't like wargames have ADD.
I mean yea if you've played 5 games total in your entire life
If you're a redditor
If you're such a shiteating weeb that anything from Japan is godtier
If you're such a degenerate fetish loving weeb that any cute models mean great game
Only reason to think this game is anything above a 5/10
And where did you even find those 5 points?
>Horrible graphics running very badly
>Shit writing and story still keeping plot points from very bad games released almost 2 decades ago no one should play, or fucking unreleased idol stage plays because fuck you
>Shit characters who can't even deliver on their promises from both a visual and writing standpoint, no the model is NOT cute and also you see it for 1/4 of the game anyway
>Shit gameplay, shit level design, shit game structure, shit character switching in a fucking RPG, how genius
>A copy of Sonic Forces that isn't the bonus edition
Those exist?