MH World Fall 2018
>Either pay ridiculous monthly fee's to play online on the PS4 or wait till fucking autumn to play on PC for free
Man, fuck this gay earth already, jesus christ.
so what? I played the ps4 beta and animals were flying at 10fps in the background, it kept dropping below 30fps etc
plus what the fuck is this autistic code bullshit? can't they just do a proper matchmaking system lmao
capcom hates pc
>pc has to wait
>ps4 barely runs it
>xbox will be the definitive experiencie
>can't they just do a proper matchmaking system lmao
There is, the code stuff is for finding friends
Translation: Sony paid us to sit on our asses for half a year.
>ridiculous amount
is 30$/year too much for a NEET?
Isn't PSN $60 for 12 months?
Is this the most cucked Monster Hunter game of all time?
if you're dumb yes, but every year you can found it on sale.
So the X version will be the definitive for awhile now I guess
Why is this a surprise? Consolecucks almost always get to pay to betatest multiplat titles at sub 30fps, before they are released on PC with patches and improved performance.
Where can I found it on sale for that price?
this, it was on sale at xmas and I grabbed my years sub
fuck off nigger even costco doesn't go as low as 50$
Glad i bought ps4pro.
Why does Sup Forums believe everyone loves MH?
Idc on which platform it is, I just don't like the franchise.
it was on sale this christmas on amazon and gamestop. I share it with a friend, so i only paid 15€
>living in america
that's your problem.
ahahahahahahaha pckucks blown the fuck ouuuuut
Sup Forums still thinks a majority of people bought a PS4 for bloodborne, it's called being delusional
>the definitive version of Monster Hunter is going to be on an Xbox
What timeline is this?
Why cry when apparently Pc has all the games. Can't you play those until autumn? Surely there's enough
>animals were flying at 10fps in the background,
Have you never seen this before? Even the new Mario swaps models for sprites in busy areas.
>not having a Pro
>having a pro when you could be playing at REAL 4K on an One X
Double dip justified. Feels good having a PS4pro and a gaming PC.
Hopefully that means that the PC version is going to be godlike.
Dead community tho
the best one
why would I get a pro lmao it's a scam for pscucks just get a X or a Pc
dont reply to shills
>upscaled 4k 25fps
if PC gets futa mods it will be worth the wait
I mean dont reply to PS4 pro shills
I sold my old PS4 and have money?
>get an X
Thanks for beta testing console cucks
F rest in piss MHW
The only chance this game had was Twitch streamers and Crapcom somehow managed to fuck that up too.
Thanks for beta testing PSchlomos?
I don't get it. Why the fuck they can't optimize it for PC at the same time they optimize it for consoles? Why the fuck we always have to wait months for developers to ''optimize'' it for PC? Same things happened with MGO3.
It's just PR bullshit, the real reason is sonymoney. All of their other games released on PC at the same time as consoles so there's no reason why this couldn't too.
Bet they gonna try blame pirates as usual, when noone buys it after 3/4 year delay, but all know its bullshit these days.
Because modern publishers/developers who mainly make games for consoles are incapable of making good games beyond making games for a standardized set of hardware.
Xboner here, wouldn’t it just run the same as the PS4 version because it’s a 1:1 port?
Not that PC will fare much better. They want to prevent the on disc DLC from being leaked/modded via late release and DENUVO.
The game runs like shit on the base PS4 and Pro, the X is the only one that will be able to maintain acceptable framerate.
It doesn’t matter how much stronger the Xbone is than the ps4 if the devs will just make a half assed port that won’t take advantage of the specs. Enjoy seeing that Rhenopolos charge you at 15 FPS.
lul, they'll push out a faster release when they don't hit their target sales on ps4
I'm not fucking paying for online you dumb piece of shit. You faggots literally ruined this shit for sane people by paying for it so go fuck yourself.
all good things happen to those who wait OP. we might be getting it later, but it will hopefuly include a couple of dlc's released in the meantime, plus some extra pc exclusive shit. on top of the higher quality graphics, improved fps and shit. i don't mind waiting if we're gonna get a better product.
I got 1 year PS+ for 30 during black friday
Are players here really jaded enough by current tech that they think the console versions were "unplayable?" I have a pcmr rig that I play shit on everyday but I also have a base PS4 and I still absolutely loved both betas. I play games daily > 100fps but don't mind at all console games when I play them.
honestly, I bought bloodborne and it's shit. So many better games on the PS4.
Fuck off.
I will be playing Monster Hunter World in 22 day PC guys gotta wait until August - October WOW
>have to buy this game now for my pro1game machine
>have to play in dipping 20 fps
thanks Sony
>T-thanks for beta testing it console peasants!
What do you mean current tech?
60 fps used to be standard before the casual revolution.
Amazing, now if it flops only the PS4 to blame. This will be fun to see.
How does this makes you feel pc bros?
thx for beta testing as always ;^)
I'm alright
The solution is simple: Don't play this shitty westernized trash nu-MH at all and wait for real MH.
a tad miffed
then wait until autumn you poor faggot
I'm glad we get this news now, at least.
>the end of winter sale
>still comes well after summer sale
>random sales in between
I picked up Nioh to last me until March which is when I thought World was going to drop, I guess I'll be a bit more liberal with my spending for the time being.
just gonna play PUBG while you play in stutter mode.
I wish I could go back swallow the blue pill... Being perfectly comfy playing consoles..
Its not fair, we should be able to play it a launch FUCK
>he doesn't know
The 26th can't come fast enough. I can taste that collectors edition.
>Mfw Sony pays Bungie to delay the release of Destiny 2 on PC
>Mfw Sony could only get a beta exclusive out of MH, so they paid to have the PC version delayed on it.
It's a win/win for the developer. They get time to polish up the PC version/get to double dip while also getting a check from Sony for doing it.
Steam sale for a lot of people then
>haha you're getting another game!
i don't really feel one way or the other
a lil peeved
might have to dust off my xbone now and try to stomach the 720p 23fps experience
That's ok, by then it'll be clear whether it's actually casualized garbage and it'll give them the time to iron out a proper port.
Eh, not surprising. Was planing on double dipping from the start.
fuck Capcom for not bringing this to switch. Monster Hunter world on the big screen or on the go would be amazing. Their fault for not getting my money
Is Capcom fucking retarded? Why are they so bad at PC development? Or are that literally that fucking scared of filesharing?
Almost certainly the latter.
Please keep neo-casual MH away from the Switch, let's not taint it.
Well at least MHW isn't a story centric title so spoilers aren't a big deal at all. While I dislike how long of a wait we have ahead of us, if this time goes towards making the PC version run as best as it possibly can I'm ok with it. Good thing I'm an idort and I can just play the PS4 version then buy the PC release when it comes out.
But it would be perfect for the switch
MH would be good for it, yes, but it'd have to be proper MH. Not this zombie shit for uncharted players.
>implying they even started working on the PC version
Who's legitimately double dipping and why? I am because: friends on both console and PC, PC version will be technically superior and gorgeous, MH fan since forever, and can't honestly wait for the superior version.
The game would run and look even worse than it already does on the other consoles. The switch version would be an unplayable mess on handheld mode for sure.
Get Nvidia shield you dolt. Switch isn't the only hybrid way of playing games handheld anymore, fuck.
Game doesn't look worth the buy. not even on PC, skipping this one.
Most of the shit they've put out recently has had a simultaneous PC release. Who knows what the fuck their problem is now.
Who care it's fucking garbage anyway
But you get FREE games!
As long as you keep paying for them.
It's called "please buy this game twice or we won't make enough money off of it"
Christ I never thought anything would top port begging pcpals but Switchfags take the cake
Anyone who owns a Ps4 and is the least bit smart already has like 3 years worth of PS+ on back up an only payed like $40 on black friday.
lol, you're a fucking fag. I get to play it at the same time, PLUS I get an even better version in august-october. WOW!
Paywalled multiplayer in a MH game is unheard of and makes me sick just thinking about it
Fine. Playing it on the pro before I start again on pc.
>already own 3 years of ps+
>for one game, bloodborne