How do you react to getting new games?

How do you react to getting new games?

Other urls found in this thread:

By threatening to nuke a country.

Imagine if this amount of effort went into making OC for a a meme that was actually funny. Good show, OP, but you can do better.


I usually feel disappointment when I start playing it.

In b4 níntoddlers get buttblasted

Very reminiscent of the two scoops deal.

Pic related, me when my new switch arrived

Releif I can ignore my irl problems a while longer now that I have a shiny new distraction


Everyone below this post is BASED


Sup Forums has caused a massive influx of misplaced OC resources on overly political shit
Everything has an agenda to it nowadays


why are the nintendie wojacks so funny?

I smile for the first time in months then play the game.

shame too, some of the colbert edits were pretty funny. that's the consequence of making a time sensitive forced meme, though

>Every gamer yelling and screaming like autists at an e3 presentation


I cannot tell, I bought a PS4, so i didn't have games for the last 6 months.

Instead I post numale images on Sup Forums and shitpost loudly

>its not funny cause me and me nu-soy friends dont like it


Game that I didn't expect to enjoy and ended up loving it

I like the Switch, but goddamn if this meme isn't funny.


Because you are dumb enough to find them funny.

You are likely dumb enough to respond to this post, too.

Every time there's some sort of new meme on this fucking board it gets run into the ground faster and faster each time

Bottom right did nothing wrong.

If you think that is bad, someone should post that 3d comfy pepe webm.
Talent for 3d modeling wasted on memes

my wife's son loves the switch!


Half the board is without game to play. You can easily guess which console they own.


Bottom right is just fine
>clean shaven
>has a normal facial expression

>excitement when it arrives
>too tired to play it after work
>play for an hour or two on saturday and sunday
>fuck yeah vidya this is great!
>unable to play for another week
>wife gets annoyed the next weekend just when game is getting good
>have to stop playing
>sneak a session a few weeks later
>have forgotten the controls
>game goes into back of movie drawer
>repeat four months later when the next interesting game comes out




This. Bottom-right looks like a normalfag.



took me a while


xbox do not exist on this site. Try again.

Kek this is a good one

Imagine if this amount of effort went into finishing that backlog


You can tell how true the meme is by how hard NIntendo fans get worked up over it.

>Sonygroes depicted as obese and/or black
>don't let the specific depiction get under their skin

>PCfriends depicted as obese and/or neckbeards
>don't let the specific depiction get under their skin

>Nintendo fans depicted as soy guzzling, balding numales

>cuck conners

like a human being.

what the fuck man, don't make fun of the seriously disabled kid


Soyboys officially BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

This was funny on the first day

Why do so(n)yboys love this meme so much?

I usually pause the torrent.

>this board
>playing games


aww, the wittle sonygroid baby is upset he has no games, how quaint.

Shouldn't you be autistically shitposting in a BOTW thread?


I think this meme is painfully unfunny and I don't own a Nintendo switch. This soy boy shit just feels like nu-male 2.0 and reeks of Sup Forums shit, which is inherently unfunny, since those retards are Sup Forums 2.0


Normal people don't own a cucktch, it's just as unpopular as the piipii-poo


>someone was mad enough to animate the meme

i close jdownloader or bittorrent then install the game then play it for like 20 mins then i uninstall it because its shit

well yes, if you got a Switch or a PC there is plenty of games to play. Tho some other console owners are not so fortunate


they haven't got any games worth playing

lots of free time

Everything has always had a political agenda. You were just too young to see it until now.

>tfw try to prevent autsitic smile when going up to the counter to get the game
>always fail

Get out of here, fat acceptance fag.

O U C H !


I'm just making an observation. Again, you're SEETHING from the truth being pointed out.

la creatura

Special boy gets me every time


Best post in the thread

The Switch doesn't have a Backlog problem at least


Nah. There wasn't conservative VS liberal bullshit back then other than in /new/

>low light not to show off his 56% flesh tone


not nearly brown enough.

I've yet to meet a PS4 owner that wasn't either a HS drop out or some shade of brown.

oh wow touché

I know I'm not white. Nice deflection.


its funny because the soy shit is a literal meme that Sup Forums took seriously, for fuck sake these guys are eating raw onions and drinking onion juice because they are so afraid of their own boogeyman of Low Testosterone

I've get to completely finish a Switch game, I have enough to keep me going for a few more months at least.

But ps4 has the biggest exclusive library right now so nice try digging up this fossil of a meme

I buy my own games


Drones getting desperate up in this bitch lmao

>Sup Forumstards shitposting among themselves
You faggots deserve each other

Pleasepost the 56% memes I love them so much

And it's made all the more ironic because beards and balding are two signs of elevated testosterone levels.

Its true

