How will Sup Forums react when he absolutely destroys Odyssey?

How will Sup Forums react when he absolutely destroys Odyssey?

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Most of Sup Forums dislikes/is indifferent about Odyssey, so I guess just minor buttfluster


Literally nobody outside nu-males, journalists and Nintenbros cares about Odyssey.
The game did literally nothing outstanding compared to other games from 2017. It's mediocre as fuck.

His only criticism amounts to "duh moons are not challenging my superior skill". He completely misses the focal point — the game is literally a sight-seeing tourist trip. Not every photo you take will be at the top of Everest, learn to enjoy simpler, smaller moments.

>learn to enjoy simpler, smaller moments
We’re on Sup Forums, enjoyment doesn’t exist here.
Deadass go to reddit if you actually want a discussion, this is only good for shitposting

Pretty much this. He didn't get the point of the game, and all his complaints will be about how easy the levels are and then compare them to Galaxy's and 3D word's more linear challenging levels.

When will /ourguy/ come back and btfo of Anderson?

>the game is literally a sight-seeing tourist trip
Sounds exciting, thats what I play videogames for - sightseeing



So, beat Dark Side of the Moon? Beat any of the challenge levels? Begone, pseud.

Yeah that sounds fun to explore distant lands and unique sights.

What challenge levels?

Super Mario Odyssey isn't good because it isn't like Super Mario 64. That's what he will say.

If only that applied to Odyssey.

But he never played it
And anyway, the game is perfect

Matthew is dead, bury him.
The age of soyboys has come.

My guild is a harem

It does.

>it does, if you’ve never played other Mario games before.
Unique sights, such as a desert. Snow. New York City. All in beautiful 700p.

>Game can't be challenging if it's non linear

I watched some of his streams. He sometimes pick fights with his viewers over the sliest of things. It kinda ruined the image I had of him from his videos. I still enjoy his stuff though, he is VERY dedicated.

Joe Anderson and Mandalore Gaming are my most favorite video game dissectors. Joe Anderson keeps his political bullshit out of video games, which makes him tolerable.


I don't know who you're referring to nor do I care. I think Mario Odyssey is a great game and probably the best Mario game to date with galaxy 2 as a close second. I rate it 8.75/10.

Joseph Anderson, Ross, and Raycevick are my go to. Sometimes the GamingBrit, but I tend to disagree with him

Amazing shitpost.

I will clap.

But also its retarded because it is just as tech demo as BOTW yet he loved that

He shat on everything but the exploration.

He had a lot to say about BOTW. It wasn't like he loved it and ignored it's flaws


This is a joke right?

He looks like an actual fucking chipmunk.

>This receives 10/10s

Out fucking skilled

He obviously missed the first time, and kept going for a joke.

>getting mad cause somebody doesn't like a game you like

lol grow up

I watched some of his Xenoblade streams and he can be kinda funny at times, though he was pretty obviously just looking for things to shit at cause "lol anime", and "things take forever to die!" even though he was just terrible at it.
To be fair, the Dub is bascially Xenoblade Chronicles 2 abridged, can't really blame him for falling for the meme.

But holy shit is his audience ass, the entire chat was actual "you need a very high IQ to understand Rick an Morty" assfaggots.

It will be a 4 hour long video, and you will not remember a single thing from it

If he actually said what people quote him for saying about responsiveness, he can shit on games as much as he wants. His opinions are officially and irredeemably worthless.

Not wrong, mind you. Just worthless. Unreliable.

What did he say about responsiveness?

Shit on Odysee all you want, it probably has the most polished controlls and movement I've seen in a game.


He went on a tirade how a game being responsive is not a plus since every game apparently is.

t. didn't play it


I can see where he's coming from.

Be easy on him, having two hapa children rots your brain

So can I.

So is he autistic?

Literally who?

i think he's just saying that having responsive controls is a minumum standard so it doesn't matter unless the game doesn't have responsive controls

I long for the day where garbage posts like this are grounds for a ban.

Seriously what's up with this guy? I thought he quit his job to focus on the Youtube thing yet his videos take even longer than before.

and I long for the day when eceleb threads are actually banned

There are two points here. First, not every game is responsive, not every tenth even. Saying shit like that outs him as a faggot who never played anything but post-2007 AAA shit.
Second, while responsiveness is a baseline for game controls, there can be a discussion for any particular game as for whether the touchiness and responsiveness of controls suits the gameplay, i.e. long windups for strong moves in CUHRAZY so as to not overpower the player, or, on the contrary, changing directions in the air in platformers to better equip the player for enviromental challenges. Summing it all as "should be responsive, I don't understand" shows how much of a brainlet he is.

I don't disagree


nd not the good type
also his sister pussy is too good, he can't focus on the videos

That's pretty unfair to the games that have exceptionally good controls. I think there's a lot of subtle details that go into making a game feel good to play just because of how well it controls, and there are so many mainstream AAA games nowadays that fucking suck in this aspect that it isn't as much of a standard as we'd like to think.

I can't wait to hear what the writer of The Bounty Hunter's Revenge has to say about Mario Odyssey

He is extremely contrarian. What makes him good though is that he finds errors or something that isn't perfect, and tells you in detail why it it's bad. But you have to remember, that there is no such thing as a perfect game. He's is like Sup Forums if Sup Forums was smart enough to be articulate and very thorough about why a game sucks. You watch his videos less for his review of a game and more for his opinion. I wouldn't suggest watching his videos as reviews, they are heavy on spoilers, covering every inch.

His videos are so good and detailed though, that if you watch them, you can pretend to have played the game and not even long time veterans would be able to spot you.

whatever, I like his videos but his opinions are sometimes really retarded

You forgot your trip, Joseph

After his two hour video showing all the "you got a moon animations" I don't give a shit. This guy is autism incarnate.
>the animations is too long!
Alright, what the solution? No animation, diminishing the importance of the moons?

The man does a good job. In this era of streaming, screaming, annoying attention whore. I love informative hour long videos, covering every inch of a game. It's good viewing material for a game you are slightly interested it but won't play or for viewing while you eat.

the fact that he was complaining that theres a 5 second animation when you get a moon should be a good indicator of how shitty the video is going to be

Wait wtf, how is that real? That is 100% the guy from that appleseed movie. Plagiarism much?

That reminds me of someone. A man with four chins, an alien for a wife and an irrational hate for chest opening. It was long ago, in the Age of Shits. Do you remember? No, how could you, how could you...

Yeah, I don't get what you're saying. Was this some complaint over Zelda chest opening?

>looks like a typical soy boy cuck
>hates Zelda and Mario
>loves Uncharted and Last of Us
Hmmm.....rly makes u think huh.....

people will complain about others talkatooing his complaints even though they're the most basic and self-obvious flaws in the game

the one I'm really looking forward to is his souls lore video, that's gonna make for some fun times here





Majora's Mask, Link to the past, and Mario Galaxy are some of his favourite games of all time.

nu-Sup Forums

The only thing this fag can destroy is his credibility and Jim Sterling's abstinence from gay sex.


They are like those people you used to see in those paper magazine about the new Atari games, pops, but they have them in moving pictures now

Anderson already btfo'd himself.

Actually, the animation was 4 (four) seconds long. 2 (two) is the acceptable amount of seconds and everything beyond that is shit and gay.

Maybe you would know if you stayed in the loop newfag.

>Joseph "I'm in an open relationship with my wife" Anderson
Yeah sorry mate but I don't listen to literal cucks.

Is it true that nu-Sup Forums plays f2p games and watches youtubers instead of actually playing core video games?

>internet people

Gonna need a source on this. Don't be a faggot who says "oh, he just mentioned it in a livestream".

>playing core video games?
Like what, Microsoft Flight Simulator?

Don't care, all I'm waiting for is his Witcher videos.

wheres his video complaining about galaxy then, seeing how the animation is 25 seconds long then (ignoring the fact that you have to re-enter the stage)

>it's like Dark Souls
What did he mean by this?

Same guy again but you also have to understand my mind set, as I believe it will better explain why I love detailed and informative videos, about video games. I'm 32 and before I could even be aware of self thought or retain memories, there was a controller already in my hands. Pictured here is my current batch of games I'm working on, that doesn't include my console games or my GoG games. I post this list to show you that I love video games, and that I love a lot of different genres of video games. From Fighting, to RTS, to VNs, to yearly Sports titles, to FPS to point and click.

In my time on earth, I have played and completed over 800+ games easily. When I attempt to watch a streamer, any streamer, it is infuriating to see someone suck at video games or not understand basic and simply controls, because they aren't used to that genre. Plus, all that time you spend watching streaming attention whores, could be time put into beating a game. Joe Anderson isn't the first to do what he does, but his videos are the most informative and entertaining out there.

Gonna have to ask him. I'm guessing he's ok with it because there are less of them.

I know this is said often, but you really should get the fuck back to plebbit

I've been here since that site existed, my man. Some times I even see my past copy pastas in the banners too, so you are just going to have to learn to live with me.

He said they were royalty free art. Apparently it was either write cheap ebooks or starve. And he managed to not die, so there's that.

>but his videos are the most informative and entertaining out there.

No, you were not. It seems that you're not only a pathetic fedoratipper but also a pathological liar. Just a fucking garbage human being.

This. Why didn't he do this for every time you enter a shrine in Breath of the Wild?
>inb4 you can skip the animation in that game
You can't skip the loading screens though. I think he'd have an aneurysm if he did that with a game like MGS 4.

I feel like a guy such as you should be aware enough to realize that Joseph Anderson is merely a poor man's Matthewmatosis. Watching JA's videos feels pointless knowing that Matthew could make a video about the same game and offer much more valuable insight to it.

I'm pretty sure he did, could've been someone else though.

>Just a fucking garbage human being.

Believe what you want if it will put soothing balm on that butthurt,kid.

I used to watch him but he is too lazy and made the mistake of putting himself into a tight spot by taking up youtube video creation as a career choice. When you make your fun little side hobby your job, it stops being a fun little side hobby and becomes a boring obligation.

He did.