I have a decent gaming PC, Xbox One X, and a Switch.
Should I get a PS4? I don't see any exclusives that I care about.
Sell me on a PS4, Sup Forums.
I have a decent gaming PC, Xbox One X, and a Switch.
Should I get a PS4? I don't see any exclusives that I care about.
Sell me on a PS4, Sup Forums.
I don't feel comfortable giving my name out on this website.
>I don't see any exclusives that I care about.
so don't get one? what do you want us to say?
>I don't see any exclusives that I care about.
Then probably not. Why buy something for no reason? It's not like they're going anywhere.
I want Sonyroaches to get MAD.
Stomach too small
thighs too fat
breats too large
body too exposed
>Stomach too small
Stop being gay.
>body too exposed
the_donald confirmed
Cease your fagness
shut the fuck up boco
Yes sir...
Look at this fag
>body too exposed
allah bless you, brother
good man
i want to fuck morrigan
And none of them good.
but posting a photo of yourself is acceptable?
Who doesn't.
(You) earned this.
A lot of those aren't even out.
And really, sports games?
Sports games are fun. Get rekt numale soyboy scum
I like your instagram
Post morrigan
>Sports games are fun.
I unironically enjoy baseball games. Madden is a slog though
>90% of the games on that list aren't out
What did you mean by that?
you're a cool guy
this is the most aggressive homosexuality I've ever seen.
Yes they are.
Their exclusive market is for weaboos.
You want to up your game in terms of neet animu niggers then I implore you to buy it.