So what makes people like a hat in time, but dislike yoka laylee?

so what makes people like a hat in time, but dislike yoka laylee?

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Shadman and memes. The latter is an easy target for newfags who wish they were around for tortanic.

This is one of his best works, there's literally nothing wrong with it, if you hate this you don't belong in this place.

The Mafia Town ones were better desu.
Actual HiT discussion: What was your favorite Purple Time Rift? I liked Dead Bird Studios, there was some creative platforming solutions.

As soon as I was dropped in the first level I was hooked, it really felt like a vibrant world that makes you want to explore around, compare to YL levels that feels so sterile, also loli.

The only bad thing about the game is no pantsu, she really didn't need those baggy pants under her coart.

reported for announcing report, get fucked.

What the fuck is up with that panty anatomy, Shad? Fucking hack!

he was so close at breaking his mold.
he just had to go back to his sameface.

>It really felt like a vibrant world
No it didn't. It felt like a mish mash of shit all forced together on a tiny island.

Pedophile detected

Better than emptiness.

reddit detected

If you put le cute little grill in your game it will automatically have rabid fans.

Only the Casino is perceived as empty because of how big it is, and even that has shit loads of things to explore.

Loser detected