

they said the same shit about the 3ds hack and a lot of people got banned last year

>Gary O-P-A
>team xecuter
that's a name I've not heard in a long time

>How do we prevent this?
Multiple drone strikes, maybe nuke if the hackers are brown people.

People have been saying it's a hardmod. If it is then it's not a big deal. Hardmods are niche.

Wasn't that because retards pulled shit like going online with a leaked/pirated game that wasn't officially released yet or something like that?

When people hope their shit like this, they're either talking it their ass or trying to get attention to their Patreon.

>mfw xbox is such a dead platform even the hackers change sides


>soldering to mobile hardware
should be fun

>a lot of people got banned last year
dumb faggots got INTERNET BANNED because they where using pre release copies of Pokémon Ultra Sun/Moon and PLAYED ONLINE.

I mean, there is very little you can do if you are brainlet.

>most popular system
We don't, the wii u barely got hacked because no one cared
This always happens to the most popular platforms.

Does Spring 2018 means Jan, Feb, March or March, April, May?

This desu. Even reviewers got banned if they couldn't follow the simple instructions of not playing online.

Are there any hackerbros out there? Should just ddos the fuck out of there site if they have one whenever there "Definitve Hack for the Switch"

We can not let these faggots do the big N wrong when the companys done so much for us this past year

That was only the first banwave. The second banwave had nothing to do with Pokemon and people still don't know what triggered it.

March, April and May. Jan and Feb are still Winter.

By not using it. Also they said the same thing about the 3DS.

>How do we prevent this?
Why would you want to prevent this, you fucking retard?
This is literally the only thing that could drive sales up on this dead piece of shit!

what a legitimate post and totally not a transparent as fuck falseflag, no siree

Fuck, I messed that post up. Meant to say
DDOS the fuck out of there site if they have one whenever there "Definitve Hack for the Switch" is released

I'd presume it's not bullshit, given that Xecuter are reliable and have it on their site. That being said, it likely takes advantage of that major backdoor issue the Tegra processor has, along with the bootroom and permissions bullshit that was discussed in the hacking convention a few days ago.

Nintendo could probably fix this with a hardware revision, but it's going to be a giant mess if this device does as they claim it does. Given that it's Xecuter, I doubt they're lying too.

fuck off you ddos it yourself faggot kid

>This is literally the only thing that could drive sales up on this dead piece of shit!
Not hime, but the devs deciding whether it's worthy to port their shit to Switch or not, won't be happy about it.


I'm a poorfag with $0
I do not have the equipment or knowledge to ddos you fucking soylet

Guy behind this was also behind gateway and some other shit
The claims are legit. But expect either hardmod or some proprietary cartridge or dongle.
I hope to see more news in the future.

>I'm a poorfag with $0
What? How do you afford electricity or internet? Or whatever device your posting from?

profits are primarily made on software, not hardware.

kill yourself you subhuman Nintendicksucker mentally ill slave. I'm being 100% serious you unwanted shitbirth brainfuck MUHN NINTENDO nintendicksucker permavirgin manchild.
holy fuck, your mother weeps at night to ever give birth to such a dysfunctional freak of nature such as yourself.

By not building a console out of an already hacked one like the fucking shield, maybe?

>taking the bait

Spring starts end of march.

My mom me evicted from our apartment
Family had to split up to move in with other family, so now I'm at my grandmas
Using her computer right now
>My credit score was raped from the eviction
My cousins on vacation for 2 weeks and I'm gonna be working for him and his company when he gets back
Feels bad to leech off grandma, but can't really help it and she likes me being here
18 btw

So the best thing to do is probably just buy a second tablet part of the Switch with no dock or controller, and never connect it to the internet. Then you have one system with online that will never get banned and another than you can play games on for free without online. The $230 price for a tablet only on eBay is a rip-off though, considering the dock and the controller cost $170. It's probably better to buy a new Switch and sell the joy-cons and dock on eBay.

Mom got me*
Holy fuck I'm tired

You know you can reply by clicking on the numbers, right?

>wanting to give away (you)s to shitposters

That was the first wave of bans
Second and all the other ones people didn't know why that was happening.

they figured out what triggered the other banwave, as of a certain latest firmware some nintendo games send your activity log data to nintendo. your activity log will show all your homebrew applications and if Nintendo sees that they ban you

Oh no, it's a JTAG exploit except you'll have to solder on even smaller boards and you still won't be able to play online.
Nintendo is doomed, just like the 360 was.

It's "unfixable" because the exploit was found in a previous OS version.
>You need OS 3.0
>Can only download it if you attempt to play Pokken Tournament DX and you haven't updated beyond the OS 2 versions
>If you want to play some games like Odyssey, it will force you to download the most recent OS version
Have fun waiting for homebrew unless you buy a Switch and Pokken on the day it finally happens.
>Nintendo could probably fix this with a hardware revision
There is no way they can stop this even if they change the firmware update inside newly produced Pokken DX carts to OS 5 because there are copies of it containing OS 3.0 out in the wild which is all homebrewers need. At least that's what Xecuter are claiming.

I would do this in a heart beat if that means I can get homebrew applications like the Wii.

>it likely takes advantage of that major backdoor issue the Tegra processor ha
I pray to babby jeezuz that it's this. Because if it is they won't even be able to close that exploit through a hardware revision as they would need to change the architecture of the tegra chip alltogether. Which they will not, because Nintendo are the cheapest jewpigkikes on this planet and chose the old ass tegra over the new one that was far superior to its predecessor because it saved them a single buck.

>Playing through Wii U exclusives right now for free
>Gonna get a Switch, keep that shit in a box until it's fully moddable and play all the exclusives

Feels so good

>People say it's a hardmod
Ehh I'd rather wait for a softmod.

More like they couldn't

>wanting to play online on the Nintendo Soylentglitch


the fuck?

you have no idea what you are talking about, kiddo.

This would only enforce the online DRM more.

I have no interest in paying to pirate. There's be an exploit at some point, it's just a waiting game. See Gateway. people paid for that shit and like a year or so later we had shit like RXtools.

Genuine question; Why should one prevent this?


This. They showed that the Tegra in the console is off the shelf product and found the fucking backdoor.

Developers will avoid it because Switch players will just pirate their games anyway. This hurts paying consumers, who get fewer games and delayed multiplats.

>hack 3DS
>can download games right from Nintendo
>no problems
>some idiots pirate a street broken game online
>get banned
>"Don't hack your 3DS guys! Nintendo knows!"

>over the new one that was far superior to its predecessor because it saved them a single buck
The new one has barely been out and it sure as hell wouldn't have saved us a buck, the Switch would have costed like 400-500 for us if it used the new one

You don't know how manufacturing works

This has never happened with a system before

>putting the post numbers in your post
It's the exact same thing newfag. Except you shitpost along with him.

>The new one has barely been out
Not an excuse, never was, never will be. Only cheap jewpigs argue like that.
>and it sure as hell wouldn't have saved us a buck
It would have for Nintendo
Are you Nintendo now, fuckface?
>You don't know how manufacturing works
Speak for yourself.

IIRC it happened to the PSP.

>Not an excuse, never was, never will be.
Of course it is, what did you want the Switch to come out this year?

>Are you Nintendo now, fuckface?
No but we're consumers and the chip would have jacked up the price of the system no doubt

>hack 3DS
>can download games right from Nintendo
Isn't this a big red flag?
I mean if you somehow access shit you didn't pay for Nintendo still has list of people that paid for their shit so they can just ban the rest.

How likely is this? Should we run and buy a Switch?

PSP still had tons of support

lmao you give Nintendo too much credit

Do you want free games for the next 5 years? Then yes.


Its 90% a hardware mod so if you don't like cracking open your system then forget it

>Wanting less games for a system you're pirating for
Nigga you dumb

Not him but
>literally can get unban with one 3ds
Not like the bans even matter, the 3DS is just crack wide open at this point.

>still has list of people that paid for their shit so they can just ban the rest.

From I read the problem is that they can't tell who is legit and who isn't. So banning someone will run the risk of banning a legitimate customer.

Just call it Soytch.

I don't mind welding a few things. I just hope whatever they'll sell will ship in europe and there will actually be a scene that will release those games
I just read this thing supposedly work on all firmware though so that's a good thing.

The Switch is cancer so I couldn't care less if devs stop supporting it.

>Hardware mod

oh sweety

Wow, aren't you a petty faggot

Good luck getting rid of those 10+ million sales lol

>innocent fangames get C&D'd
>shit like this just walks

Jesus Christ that's a lot of ass. God bless.

Fuck off Phil

Plenty of places will "chip" the system for you.

>10 million
Thats all?

is that that fucking guy from GDQ
if it were an actual woman publically whoring themselves out they wouldn't be allowed to host interviews but I guess trannies are immune

It's for the good of videogames as a whole, not petty in the least.
And now suddenly it doesn't matter because 10 millions peoples got the cancerous thing? Hahaha and you get mad too.
Hilarious. Remember that they were much more than 10 million PSPs sold when it was hacked and that didn't stop devs from ending their support.

Because intellectual property is protected by copyright where as technology is protected by patents.


Thats all?

that's how 3ds hacks first started, eventually it'll get to the point of how easy it is now for 3ds

>It's for the good of videogames as a whole
Less video games is good for videogames as a whole? Nigger are you dumb? lol
>nd that didn't stop devs from ending their support.
I don't get this meme, PSP still got plenty of support. You're just being an autist

the first was gateway and required 4.x and no hard modding at all

Didn't gateway also brick your system if you used anything else?

no, only if you used Chinese knock offs

>Less video games
Thanks for proving your complete lack of knowledge of the industry.
>PSP still got plenty of support
It definitely slowed down the support considerably. Which is why some of the console's best games didn't even get localizations. More ignorance and history rewriting from you.

Why contain it?

I guess this is the new shill thread that's gonna be posted every 6 hours for the next few weeks.

>How do we prevent this?
why would i prevent free games

>Thanks for proving your complete lack of knowledge of the industry.
Nigger you literally admitted that you want the Switch to get less games. That won't help the industry in the slightest

>PSP support slowed down
Like 7 years after release lol

Fix? This means more sales