5. Persona 5
3. Cuphead
2. A Hat in Time
1. Resident Evil VII

5. Agents of Mayhem
4. Mass Effect Andromeda
3. Destiny 2
2. Ghost Recon Wildlands
1. Star Wars Battlefront II

5. The Surge
4. Outlast II
3. Dead Rising 4 FBP
2. Sonic Forces
1. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

Other urls found in this thread:


How many threads will it take until you fuck right off?

this isn't giant bomb?
get this shit off Sup Forums... ok?

>No Sonic Mania

>more Drumpf jokes than good games

s m h

>nooo my weirdly orange president deserves respect!
You have to go back.

you should thank Sup Forums for allowing you to post here.

You have to go back.


sonic mania is literally just a fan game that you have to pay for, fuck off with it

Shit taste, and how the fuck isn't Andromeda one of the worst?

>the Surge

>A meme in time and reaident amnesia
>over legitimately good games like BotW and P5

Now I remember why this board stopped sucking his cock.

Trump jokes are like Bane Posting: It was funny once, then after a while it turned into beating a dead horse.

dropped this fag when he bitched about dark souls being too hard

Baneposting is mocking a shitty movie that everyone agrees is shitty. Trumpposting is mocking a shitty president that happens to have diehard rabid autists who feel the need to defend him from any and all criticism and jokes 24/7.

>Worst: Outlast 2
>Best: Resident Evil 7

But it's the same game...?

But only one had this magnificent cunt

Because that's why there is "Blandest" for past 3 years - it picks games like Andromeda and throw them there.
Essentially, "Blandest" is for overhyped trash.

This limey likes RE out of everything? It literally has every single thing he hates filled up into one game.

Then again I haven’t watched him in years once it became clear he was a giant faggot, so maybe he rolled all that back or found new things to whine about.

... which he never did
Sup, newfag

To bad they don't have the balls to mock Trump for actual bad things he does, just "weird hair" and "scandals"

>I haven't played both games

For you.

Yahtzee was never a great critic, but overtime his limitations have become more pronounced.

>>Samus Returns was too hard! And why weren't there cutscenes? The only story is a set-up at the beginning.
>Dude, Cuphead so hard! Who cares that the story is only a set-up?!

I'm playing Outlast 2 right now.
When can I supllex the crazy cultists?

I'm sure they will when he actually does something.

I usually look forward to his end of the year list. The Ajit Pai joke caught me off guard
Mogworld=Will Save for Food>Jam

Dark Souls is literally his favourite game and he never stops jerking it. It's kind of annoying how enamoured he is with it, actually.

At the risk of defending an e-celeb on the shithole known as Sup Forums, Samus is an established character with enough plot-filled games that it's sort of expected to at least have SOMETHING there, whereas with Cuphead it's not really the point.

And there's a difference between punishing and challenging difficulty and difficulty that takes a steaming shit on you for daring to want to play a video game.

I genuinely couldn't tell which game this was, until I saw the enemies weren't black blobs

Fucking this. People seriously think that piece of shit romhack is GOTY, literally all shills. Glad to see this "game" is becoming a laughingstock on Sup Forums like it deserved to.

To do bad things, you need to do anything at all in the first place

Do you get your impressions of night talk shows from Sup Forums and Gamergate? They talk about his hypocrisy, terrible policies, how he golfed in his first year more than any president, his nepotism, using the government to make personal profits, collusions with Russia.

RE7 was the best game of 2017.
He's totally right.

Why would A Hat in Time be up there but not SMO?

>I have to the be angry at something but I don't know what so I'll pick at random: The Post.


>bombing Syria
>Hey Iran don't hurt those peaceful protesters, hehehe
>Jerusalem is the jewish capital of Israel, look at these dumb christcucks actually clapping for this
>no Raise, no wall

>Samus is an established character with enough plot-filled games that it's sort of expected to at least have SOMETHING there

And the game gives you that through body language and unlockable lore. Just because it doesn't spoonfeed you like Yahtzee wants doesn't mean it was a bad game.

>And there's a difference between punishing and challenging difficulty and difficulty that takes a steaming shit on you for daring to want to play a video game.

SR had more nuance to it's challenges and Boss fights than Cuphead did. Yahtzee was just too dumb to figure out to try a new weapon on the grey guys blocking his path.

And Forces is literally just a Lost World ROM hack that you have to pay twice as much for, and for half the content. Fan made or not, Mania is still better than anything Sonic Team's shat out in the past ten years. The biggest problem it has is rehashed Zones (which Sonic Team forced on the devs and are heavily remixed anyway) and maybe some of the bosses, but they're such a small part of the game it hardly detracts from the experience. 20 bucks is literally the perfect price for it.

That said, I can understand it not being in someone's top five. It's great, but if you're not a Sonic fan there's not really enough new content to blow anyone way. I hope there's a Mania 2 and it gets to be 100% original content. And hopefully not attached to whatever shitheap Sonic Team plops out in 2-3 years.

He said "story is what makes a game great" than ignores the fact that Cuphead had an even less detailed story. His anti-Nintendo hangups got the best of him again.

>This limey likes RE out of everything? It literally has every single thing he hates filled up into one game.

T. Butthurt his game is now the laughingstock of Sup Forums

Pretty sure it's just you and a couple of other very butthurt autists pushing the "shitty ROM hack" meme. If anything, I admire your tenacity.

>Caring what some high school dropout thinks about games

Prove us wrong

they could had added this fucker to Marvel Vs capcom infinity instead of Nemesis.

I wanted this too.

>A Hat in Time over Super Mario Odyessy
Yeah, "okay".

>Yahtzee putting a JRPG in his top 5
Am I in bizarro land?

The SanFran game critic fags he gets his opinions from liked it, so it's okay for him to put it on the list.

I'd much sooner listen to a dropout than someone who wastes all their time on studying, working and being successful when it comes to games.

>put one Nintendo game in the best list at #4, almost put Odessey at #2

This guy still makes videos?

Nothing in that image is from Sonic 1.

>almost put Odessey at #2

That was a joke, user.

>hat in time not blandest

How’s that low-wage job treating you user (:

>Bane Posting
>Funny once

I'm neet :')

He really was the best.

Particularly when he dropped DeS after about 2 levels.

>Jerusalem is the jewish capital of Israel, look at these dumb christcucks actually clapping for this
This resulted in sandniggers of both stripes chimping out, so that's a good thing.

Difficulty which doesn't penalise you can't be called difficulty at all.
In terms of hours to beat to price ratio, Cuphead is one of the worst video games released recently. The quality of enjoyment isn't even that high either.

where is the vid?

God this reads like an actual shill. Especially the Russia part no real person actually believes.


>As of 21 October 2017, Croshaw remains the last and only paid employee of The Escapist.

What the fuck? I remember finding about Sup Forums on the Escapist forums about 11 years ago.

Thanks user

>Hat in Time made the list

This. Cuphead is like Super Meat Boy, only superfically challenging, but with no real consequences for losing and based more on pattern recognition than true difficulty.

I never really see threads for him on here, so I'm curious, what's v's general opinion on him?

What's the hours to price ratio for it?

Why do people still take this guy's opinions seriously?

Varied, with vocal haters. Like everything on this damn board.

I still like his videos and liked some of the games he's made in the past. Even if I don't always agree with him I actually end up enjoying a lot of his recommendations.

What's wrong with him?

Underage that have trouble thinking for themselves.

Funny sentences are funnier when spoken by a non-American accent

This seems like an OK list.

I kind of like Yahtzee's videos but that's for comedy. I hope no one takes him seriously as a critic. He's legitimately one of those people who plays games for the story and the graphics, not the gameplay. He's an extremely casual player, even compared to most video game reviewers.

>Cuphead is rising among Sup Forums's most hated games of 2017
Time to update the list
6. Sonic Forces
5. Lawbreakers
4. Cupdead
3. Mass Effect Andromeda
2. Star Wars Battlefront 2
1. Xenoblade 2

Does Super Meat Boy have consequences for losing beyond having to do the level again from the start, which is the same as what Cuphead does?

>playing a 2d platformer in 2018


Both are Reddit: the Game so no.

>Multiple members of his campaign have been indicted and found guilty of colluding with Russia
>His own son admitted to colluding with Russia
>"It's not a real thing!"
Ok mate.

How are either of them reddit?

See Sorry nobody with taste likes your shit game anymore Chad.

Because I hate that people like them.

Oh, I thought you/they were saying that Super Meat Boy has consequences for losing but Cuphead doesn't, but rereading the message I guess you/they were saying that neither does.

Still, not everything is reddit you paranoid schizophrenic.

Any day now

>4. Outlast II
Outlast 2 was that bad?

>I am sucha cotrarian guise

What does that have to do with Reddit?

The Surge was fucking dope

>Bane Posting
>funny once

>Dropped Yahtzee when his Black Ops II review was literally him crying about the fact you kill black and brown people and play as a FUCKING WHITE MALE

>Sup Forumsumblr still worships him and posts about him


Resident Evil VII being best is VR owners defending their purchase.

As someone who liked the first yes it was fucking awful.
Their is almost nothing good about it.
It is the definition of trial and error gameplay.

Its my GOTY and I don't own a VR.

Its mostly newfags who don't know that because they havent been around.

Remember Sup Forums, every day someone gets to browse this wonderful board for the first time! And everyday, someone gets 16.