Does Knuckles deserve a game all about him?

Does Knuckles deserve a game all about him?

Other urls found in this thread:

action is coming

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

VRchat, apparently

Fucking kill yourself

Get fucking hanged


Fucking die

Burn to death

Get hanged



Fucking die

Die and kys

Just die

He has one already, Knuckles Chaotix.

He has one. It's called VRchat


I never heard of it.

Get killed

Die in pain

He is just a guest in that.

It's his game user.

Fucking die

What the fuck is happening in this thread

what the fuck is happening

Bleed out

Not official.

Something's callin' me; I don't know what (Yeah)
Something's talkin' but I don't know who (Yeah)
Something's callin' me more and more
No one stops Knuckles' feet

Barney shitposter.

Official is not important.

It's the nutshack

Degenerates shilling, that’s what


Kill them


Get fucking killed

there should be a knuckles centered game with the art style of the old 2D sonic games in which there's a lot of exploration so his moveset makes sense. it would be wario land: knuckles edition basically.

objective would be to collect emerald shards, obviously

Fucking die

Real talk pumpkin hill was comfy as fuck but you gotta give wild canyon some props for being comfier


Yes, Knuckles control scheme is better for 3D than Sonic's. His gliding solves the issue of incorporating precision platforming to speed oriented level design.



Get killed

Can you share some decent humanized pony pron plz?

Fucking die

No, kys

I thought you were all seeing lee. You're slipping


I am powered by the devil.

Kill yourself and die you fucking fuck

The funny part of this to me is that I do watch Barney sometimes when I'm drunk. It's pretty entertaining.
Why are such a no fun allowed faggot?

Die in pain you fucking fuck

Get killed and die

Fucking die

Nah, you just need better controls than webm related.


What the fuck is up with this thread?

put me in the screencap

le epic barneyfag meme

Why would this get capped? This is par for the course for Barneyfag.
I think it's time you return your subreddit, newfriend.

Someone clearly broke barneyfag.

Barneyfag aside, Knuckles Chaotics could have been much more if it weren't for the gimmick of the game being infuriating and the level design being long and tedious.

How would you fix Sonic Forces?

One step at a time. Better Sonic Team gets by with a crutch than make another blunder. A Knuckles game would be good practice, and he can be the fall guy if it turns out bad, just like Chaotix.

>Barneyfag actually tired out/got bored

Still impressed someone can autistic ally source all these pics.

It's a script you faggot

Needs a Pony option for the oc

(OP) #
Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Fucking kys

It'd probably be better than 90% of sonic game (not that that's a challenge)

Fucking die

Literally get hanged

Fucking die in pain

Shadow was and always will be a better anti hero and choice for games than Knuckles, Knuckles was never cool since he was never as fast or cordinated as Sonic in gameplay in Sonic 3 and K and Sonic Mania.

Shadow has Sonic's skills and chaos powers, all which make him extremely versatile as a combat speedy gameplay type.

It’s not breaking if I’m right

Lee Goldson replying to himself again.


Fucking die

i wonder if barneyfag knows that they make these threads specifically for this reaction

>Lee Goldson replying to himself again.
I wish, but Lee's autism goes to unbreakable bounds.

>Vegeta is better than Piccolo
Eat nigger dicks

Literally die

Thats a chaotix game featuring knuckles...

They still need to fucking die

They need to die

No but Vector doe-

Oh it's one of these threads.

Kill them all

He had, on the 32x

But it wouldn't happen if you weren't such a faggot about it. That or people wouldn't notice and actually talk about the theme of the thread.
I wanna talk about mah boy knuckles without vrchat memers dammit.

This thread is not de way.

Bleed out

I like vector

That still doesn’t change the fact that they need to fucking die

You encourage they're actions you fucking retard

Fucking gas them