So Sup Forums, are you a Demoflat or a Rebooblican?

So Sup Forums, are you a Demoflat or a Rebooblican?
Disgaea thread

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Demoflat now and forever.

>Not Republiflat and Demofat

I want to marry and impregnate Seraphina

Can't I love both? As long as her chest isn't caved in or her cowbags aren't the size of a bean bag chair, I love them all. Big breasts, small breasts, wide hips, not so wide hips, a phat ass or bare minimum BFP, I can appreciate them all.

>her cowbags aren't the size of a bean bag chair
Are you gay, son?


hope you come from royalty

I want to fuck Usalia.

me too

>She will never sit on my face
What's even the point of living?

Post your favorite generic?


Do you think the female warrior has any idea how fucking lewd she is?

Rebooblican but born a demoflat


I'm a centrist.

Oppaio gozaimasu

Go away pol

Armor knights are so good in disgaea 5 holy shit

their blocking skill saved my ass so many times.

Demoflat for sure

I overlooked them in 3 but fell in love with using them in 4.

Do prinnies count


Of course, dood!


>Democrats are paedos

No, but I can make her lewder

>caring about tits

Ass is the only real choice.

>D5 finally on sale on PS4
Oh boy

I wish I knew


I'm going to fap to her hard nipple just to spite you. Then her ass

>Removing spats for any reason

Regardless if they're useful or not in the given game, I always make one as soon as I can.


I bet you supported Roy Moore lol

Classical Flateral

They also got better in 5

is the asagi books translated somewhere?

>mfw almost no Disgaea 5 doujins

You just did. Great taste user

Should I get this Disgaea game? My friend showed me it, but I'm still unsure whether to get it or not.

I find her too much fun to not use, even in 1. Those spell followups from basic attacks can do some pretty good damage if you put in the work to get her some INT boosting innocents.
I absolutely love those elemental swordskills she got.

You can cum all over her tits and ass if you want to, but that tight brown squeeze of her anus hole as it gulps you down and your thrusts only cushioned by her bubbly butt will always be the best.

I would try out the demo first and see if you like it

Just pirate/emulate 2 to see if you like it then go from there

Yes. 2 on Steam has great mouse support, but be warned. Once you've played it with a mouse it's almost impossible to go back to controller.

Good idea, I'll do that.

Always my favorite, but I like everyone almost equally

The best characters in Disgaea all have big fat honkers.

Except for that bunny bitch with the squeezable thighs. But I was told not to play any game in the series past 2 since they apparently suck.

Sucks she doesn't many much porn, and most of it is pretty awful.


That's Disgaea in a nutshell. Only Etna and maybe Rozalin get any art for the most part.

Gross and degenerate.

Is 5 worth getting on switch?

If you don't have it already for the PS4 then its worth it.

Isnt it $15 on PSN right now

Totally. You're sticking your dick in a hole where shit comes out and nothing is suppose to enter.

Absolutely. You are not serving any purpose except to feed sick desires and probably cause her no small bit of paint. There is no reproductive act being carried out so insanely degenerate.

Of course the tight wet grip of a forbidden rose accompanies by the gentle cries of pain and pleasure as your dick plunges into her silky hole is the most pleasurable feeling man can achieve.

I'm an ass man up to a point. Small, average, and even slightly large breasts don't do anything for my dick whatsoever.

But when we start hitting about 32DD and bigger, a lightswitch flips and I turn into a horny dog.

I haven't check but if it is then go for that. Switch version comes with all the DLC but for $15, you can get the base game and likely all the DLC for cheaper, assuming you even want the DLC.


3 sucked, 4 was ehhhh but passable, 5 is a poor man's 2 but not awful.

they are broken to the point they are the only generic you don't just need, but must have in your team.

galahad shield is more powerful than most SS+ skills.
And if you want you can give her a bow ans see her not only tank but counter enemies to death

I'm not from alabama

The one I created in 5 turned into a freak that had better stats than any other character while using sub-standard equipment. I still don't know how it happened

>D5 season pass is $25
Man fuck NIS.

>Switch version is $60
Fuck NIS

She has very good attack aptitudes and growth. She's pretty damn good in every game for that.

Disgaea 6 when?

At the end of the console generation


They are in talks of developing it this year.

>Stella will never be in another game

There was no reason they couldn't have added her in DD2 or in 5.

Yeah, but this one takes it to ridiculous levels. All I did was reincarnate her twice and now she's an unbeatable juggernaut. She still has a devil ring on because there's no need to give her decent equipment anymore

Rebooblican, of course.

She isto op

Upgrade her anyway to really watch her tear through things.

Replaying D5 on the switch. DLC makes an immense difference in terms of speed.

Rebooblican. It's the party that has best girl.

She'll be added in D2 Vita.

It's not fair.

The one that didn't get in 5 despite monsters being better than ever. I MISS MY BEASTMASTER

I'm more of a feetcist desu

She has a pretty cute idle animation

Big fat bat tats. Or any big fat tats really.

Artist: Haga Yui |
Full image uncensored:

But this is my first run. I'm trying to not break the game too hard here

Thanks senpai

I hear it's pretty easy to do if you can make curry

As far as story goes, 5 had a really strong start and a decent ending, but the middle was weak. As far as gameplay goes, 5 is the best one so far and has the longest, most fleshed out post-game.

You don't even have to do that, she's looking for a breeding slave to repopulate her netherworld. And you know what they say about bunnies.

Demoflats need to be converted to Rebooblicans


Managed to fish this out of my hard drive and updated the album to actually be in the proper order this time:

>Disgaea thread on Sup Forums
My Christmas has come.

thanks a lot, you made my day.
Asagi forever until she gets her game. i have some hope for D6 with her as protag and all party members are Asagi

She's also my favorite. Her not being in 5 was a big dissapointment.

on the flip side, Pic related filled the gap for me as new favorite. Really liked the Free item evility.