Sup Forums is Witcher 1,2, and 3 worth playing and getting into?

Sup Forums is Witcher 1,2, and 3 worth playing and getting into?

I honestly barely play any non-paradox games, but I heard they were based on old slavic folktales and have an atmosphere similar to Berserk, so thinking about buying them.

Its my birthday rn so my mom would pay for them, and they're on sale so it looks like there's no better time to buy, so should I get them?

The first is patrician tier
the others are meh

>is Witcher 1,2, and 3 worth playing and getting into?
yes, play with polish audio

first game have terrible combat but story and atmosphere push you further, ssecond part have more console gameplay but it's still hussle

>I heard they were based on old slavic folktales and have an atmosphere similar to Berserk
this is one of best things about this franchise, you won't get it from any other western or japanese game, but Berserk is not really what it can be compared to

>Its my birthday rn so my mom would pay for them
a fucking soyboy or underage, get the fuck out

Also you never buy game, first you pirate, play it, then consider buying, they dirt cheap by now anyway

>Its my birthday rn so my mom would pay for them
You have to be 18 to post here


I've never played a Witch game but I am currently reading the first book. I'm a fantasy snob but it's fucking great because of the slavic folktales stuff and the atmosphere you mentioned.

I'm probably going to pick up the second game soon. I don't have a current gen system to play the third and the second sounds good.

nah turning 20 and mommy is rich

yes, great trilogy, bare with the combat though

After years of playing Skyrim I recently picked up TW3, and I felt like a Plato's apprentice released from his cave. Easily one of the best games I ever played. Polish audio with English subtitles is the way to go.

A random thought struck me today while cooking the dinner: not counting certain moment in TW3 main game, there is absolutely no real reason to play TW1 or 2 and still get the 100% experience. But if you never player 1 & 2, then you can fuck up pretty bad a lot of side-quests in TW3, not knowing who is who and what the fuck is going on, simply by not participating in one of them and starting a really nasty chain reaction dragging all the way to getting one of the worst endings possible.
So I say - at least read synopsis of TW1 and rush through TW2 (it's short) to familiarise yourself with game-only characters (they get a lot less fluff in TW3 than those picked from books) and you are perfect.
Also, books are a meme. If you REALLY need to read some of them, stick to short stories ONLY. And the English translation of them fucking kills all the fun anyway.

t. Pole.

>Contrarian: The Post
I'm gonna bet you weren't even ten years old when TW1 came out. Or that you never really played it.

My mother is still asking me on yearly basis about what I want for birthday. My own daughter is 4 years old and I live half a country away from my parents.
But I guess it must suck being you, with parents pretending you don't exist anymore once you moved out (or they kicked you out).

Seconding the audio-subtitles choice.
Geralt's voice in English dubbing just fucking sucks, literally Generic Raspy Badass Voice #621, while... Rosenek? Rozenek? is fucking perfect with this shit. Completely changes the perception of Geralt by giving him different voice actor.

Witcher 1 is a decent PC RPG

Witcher 2 is basically a consolised action RPG. Not bad, but it hasn't aged well.

Witcher 3 is one of the best open world games ever made, and has set the bar so high it will be a long time before anything matches it.

>it's fucking great because of the slavic folktales stuff and the atmosphere
Enjoy all of it being removed between Blood of Elves and Time of Contempt
By Baptism of Fire it starts reading like a transcripts from someone's shit-tier D&D tabletop campaign. The less is said about final two books (or the ending of the saga, really), the better.

The only good thing about the books is Sword of Destiny. All the best stories are in it, aside maybe Lesser Evil (which is in The Last Wish). The saga proper is just meh.

The problem with the language is only Geralt is better in polish, the rest I prefer in english.

Depends entirely on how much time you've got on your hands. TW3 takes a while. And then there are DLC expansions for it, especially Blood and Wine (which is a fantastic game all by itself).
Good news for you, fellow Para-player. There is a "story mode" difficulty that makes combat considerably easier and faster, allowing to just focus on, well, the story.


>He didn't like Red Baron Polish VA
>He didn't like Vernon Roche
>He didn't like Roach
>He didn't like Ciri
But yeah, other than those four and Jacek Rozenek doing Geralt, the rest is meh most of the time, bad in certain cases. Part of what makes Triss so insufferable is Kunikowska's voice.
But nothing beats the two guys in the same inn in Velen, standing literally next to each other, talking in the same voice in Polish dubbing. What the actual fuck?! So many patches later and it's still there.

Get all three, the whole series is a good experience.

They don't play out the same though, and each game has its ups and downs, but the core game play is not common and that is what makes them great.

What you can expect though
>TW1: great character and plot interaction, graphics and combat was never good though
>TW2: top tier art direction and voice acting, plot is a downgrade and the combat is meh but the atmoshpere makes up for it
>TW3: generic plot/character design/art direction/combat, but the game is quite large in everything and thanks to the expansions you cant really skip this game

My playthroughs took 50>20>120 hours, 10/10 would do it again.

Happy birthday, user. Give me your Steam, I'll buy it for ya.

>His mom doesn't buy him presents anymore, just because he crossed some arbitrary age barrier
How the fuck you think most women turn at certain point into grannies that keep on giving their grandkids weird presents if not by doing this first?

30 hours into witcher 1 rn. The combat is not very engaging and you spend way to long just running around, the swamp makes me want to die, and i'm having trouble picking up the game now because i've been in the swamp for waaaaay to long.
I've still been enjoying the game though, characters are fun and interesting, the world has a nice charm, and dice poker is very comfy.

I don't understand "the witcher 1 has bad combat" meme. Its actually fun

>generic plot/character design/art direction/combat
I think you meant TW2. And I'm serious here.

>shamelessly letting your mother buy you videogames as an adult

It literally starts getting better really quick once you are done with the swamp.
Swamp is kinda-sorta normie filter. If you have enough patience to endure it, then the real game and real fun begins and you will understand why people have so many praises for TW1, despite it aging like milk.

Whats wrong with the witcher 1 you kurwa fuck?

Nobody mentioned videogames, user. At least I didn't.
Last birthday, she gave me a t-shirt with funny/embarassing print on it. I'm 31. And moved out 7 years ago.

I love the swamp part and you are telling me it gets better wow

Gaunter O'dim in ensligh

Not him, but pretty much everything until you are finally done with the swamp is a fucking nightmare to grind down. The game doesn't even start properly until you leave that fucking place.
Also, the "three style" combat system, especially the group mode, didn't really worked with me. I eventually get used to the weird controls and general combat mechanics, but never to the "no, user, you are not doing damage, because you have wrong fighting style picked for this group fight". That shit was retarded.

I never played HoS, the very set-up for it with Olgierd's introduction convinced me to skip it entirely. So despite having the GotY edition, I consciously ignored HoS existence.
Also, from what I've heard, it's just a retelling of Twardowski in Witcher setting, making me even less interested. I've got too fond memories of base game and B&W to tarnish it with douche cossack-wannabe asshole and his "issues".

I loved the first game when I played it for the first time, but I agree with every single thing you say.

HoS is one of (if not the best) expansions out there, it is a ''modern'' retelling of Twardowski, still u should play. It has a more focus and better story than the main game.
are amazing well written characters.

I can't believe how you don't like the swamp. The drowners and those things that spit poison its fun as fuck running around like a retard exploring the place. I just killed the sentinel tbqh this was annoying "oh the dude was 1 cm outside the center of the triangle get fucked"
>Also, the "three style" combat system, especially the group mode, didn't really worked with me.
I love the styles, the fact that every type of monster has a way to be kill makes it more exciting and fun. I agree group style is kinda broken many times a packs of drowners surrounded me and i didn't do damage to them for some reason until i tried again a few more times

I don't understand the Shani hype never did, she was so fucking forced into TW1 it wasn't even funny, especially since she was used to play Triss' role, while Triss was playing Yen's roll -
who wrote that shit?!, so it was another reason to steer away from it.
You are not going to convince me, user. From the same paranoid fear I never touched the second season of True Detective, being genuinely afraid it will fuck up my reception of the first one and/or never live up to the bar set up by it.
Plus, B&W was better than main game. At least for me. Don't get me wrong, the main game was great... and B&W topped it, by being this type of story you would actually expect to have with Geralt around.

Because I prefer the whole story more than the combat, user. That's why I consider swamp a grinder

>Not liking the combat
Come on dude it ain't that bad, its original and fun

Is Witcher 2 better than Skyrim?

What is the combat like? Generic rock paper scissors mechanic #293?

Really? I actually didn't like the B&W main story, it's a bad version of ''the lesser evil'', the game fails in make u care about Dettlaff, his threat at the end makes no sense lol
The whole Orianna thing was pretty cool
Regis is awesome as well, one of my fav characters

I still think u should try HoS, it's the best Witcher 3 content has to offer.

>yes, play with polish audio

Batman Arkham + Assasins Creed
>1 strong attack button
>1 medium attack button

that's it
it's not original but gets the job done
it has more depth when u try potions/decoctions/oil

Why are you explaining witcher 2&3 combat when they're talking about witcher 1?

>Generic rock paper scissors mechanic
Well kind of. You have three combat styles and your supposed to use the right style for the right type of enemy but if you're cool you just use group style for everything and time your clicks for mad combos.

>1 strong attack button
>1 medium attack button

Literally Dark Souls.

You click and an enemy once, geralt does a set of moves when his swords turns yellow you click again to continue the combo, sometimes you need to dodge or use different styles for different enemies you can use spells sort to say to help in combat, depending what you are against you need to use your silver sword or stell sword if you don't you get fuck

Thats witcher 2

user, why do you think I picked TW1 when it came out, considering that I'm a Pole? Was it because I wanted to play a hack-n-slash, or was it because it had "WIEDŹMIN" on the cover?
I couldn't care less for combat and how unique it was. Especially if for me it was clunky as fuck and openly broken once you invested just a handful of points into the right things, that are pretty much telegraphed from the get go as right things to invest into. Then you just click in right moment to slay everything, assuming nothing bugs out. BOOOOORING.
It's kind of how I love Arcanum, but absolutely hate combat in it. And combat is what final quarter of the game consists of almost entirely.

Don't want to break it for you, but you are not supposed to feel anything for Dettlaff. Aside maybe feeling fucking pissed for him killing one of the most based background characters from the book, but that requires reading the saga.
Come to think about it, I guess I like B&W precisely because I loved Toussaint bits in saga, as those were the only good bits out of the whole five books.

>user, why do you think I picked TW1 when it came out, considering that I'm a Pole? Was it because I wanted to play a hack-n-slash, or was it because it had "WIEDŹMIN" on the cover?
Fucking this.
Most people picked Witcher games in Poland, because they are literally fan-fix of the shit-tier ending of the books. And that's even how both TW1 and 3 were marketed.

You are a huge pleb.

Not him, but B&W wins simply by adding completely new map and a lot of sidequests and stuff to do around, while HoS feels like threading water, as you've been in those places already and everything is picked clean.
I've finished vanilla game three times since premiere. I've lost count how many times I've played through B&W, but at least 8. HoS? Played once, forget it exists, aside the Not!Arab enchanter.

He's a Pollack, so it's a given

>literally dark souls
Except for plunging, backstep, roll, r1+forward, r2+forward, onehanded/twohanded and offhand movesets

Play #3. Just do it. Trust me.

>shit-tier ending of the books.
How do they end?
The story is what keep the game going, true, otherwise its a very lame game about some weird nigga doing acrobatics with and sword killing monsters. My point is that the combat isn't as shit as everybody says everywhere you go you see people treating this game combat as it where morrowind 2 (not very bad combat neither)