How did this happen?! Sony was supposed to go bust sometime between 2006 and 2017!

How did this happen?! Sony was supposed to go bust sometime between 2006 and 2017!

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Speaking of which, what are some games where the good guy triumphs despite the odds?

All the casuals moved to Sony when MS and Nintendo shat the bed.

The vast majority of Sonyboys only play CoD and Sportsball.

shadow of the colossus
ni no kuni

Where did you get that info from?
Sup Forumstard memes?

Remember all those shitposts saying Sony couldn't afford to make a PS4?

remember all those shitposts saying Wii U and Xbox one would outsell PS4?

Rise in semiconductor sales and a good quarter for IP&S

To be fair, Sony as a company is doing horribly overall. And Nintendo is the richest company in Japan.

>To be fair, Sony as a company is doing horribly overall.
They just had a record quarter, you're a retard

a-any day'll see, you'll fucking see....SONY IS DEAD


What's funny about their record quarter is that they barely made any actual money during that period despite record sales because of poor planning, previous debts and bad sectors that are still unprofitable.

>To be fair, Sony as a company is doing horribly overall.
They're the fourth richest company, retard. Nintendo is no. 1 though.

Am I the only one who have always prefer Sony consoles over the others? I mean I've been there since PS1 but the others seem inferior.

How the fuck did nintendo beat sony?

Nah, there’s just not many of us. For some reason manchildren reaaaalllyy love Mario and Zelda and can’t get over it.

>get shown that Sony made tons of money last quarter
>all of their sectors made a profit except for cellphones

>t-they are still bleeding money
armchair economists should just eat a bullet

They invested in the latest new drink preferred by Millenials

Amiibos, the Switch, and selling video games.

>Nintendo is no. 1 though.
*In Japan
*and SIE only

You're trying too hard, especially when the meme has already been established with the Nintendo brand

Most of them desu

Yeah their video game section is the only thing keeping them afloat.


>*In Japan
Goes without saying.
>*and SIE only

looks like it worked you, though.

>faggots tried to push so(n)y meme
>they get blown out with pictures of nintendo fans

>he thinks record sales will bail his shitty dumpster fire out next generation considering playstation is all that carries their shit.

They keep their money in the piggy bank.

If Sony would've liquidated their assets they would be the richest.

Ashtually, Sony makes most of its profits from their life insurance division.

I read somewhere that their insurance brand is the most profitable with PS being second

I'm studying Finance and Economics in college at the moment but it's boring the head off me. What should I transfer into instead? I'm too dumb and bad with manual work type stuff for Engineering.

Why the fuck hasn't Sony done that, it's obvious it's best for them to be a game company and their other divisions are shit, so it would logically make sense.


Well then, didn't know that, it was trash for a decade, maybe they fixed that shit at least.


iirc they got rid of their pc divisions and down size their tv division. I wouldn't be surprised if they will try to sell their films decision to Disney.

>sell their films decision

Tough division to make

Didn't say they were bleeding money, implied they could have done much better with better management, a problem the company has had since the early 90s before they even had a PlayStation brand. Sup Forums is so easily triggered it might as well be reddit.

did MGS4 save Sony?

>I wouldn't be surprised if they will try to sell their films decision to Disney.
Given they collect most royalties of Spiderman movies other people make and their Jumanji movie is on track to profit more than TLJ, not really

No. Nero did.

Didn't Sony make more money off just PSN than all of Nintendo did last quarter?

Who said that?
At most people said Sony would leak money out of every orifice but Playstation and be in trouble next gen.
Which is still probable.

>mfw it's all FGO

I felt the same for PS1 and 2, but Sony lost it with PS3, and the PS4 feels a little better but shit.

I just bought a Switch last month, and it's the most fun I've had with a console since the PS2. No wonder Nintendo is winning so hard right now.

>Which is still probable.
No it's not you fear mongering retard. Stop spout shit you don't know. Playstation isn't even Sony's most profitable division.

How is Sony related to fgo?

>I just bought a Switch last month

google sony fgo

>bought a Switch last month, and it's the most fun I've had with a console

How is Nintendo winning if they're getting beat by PS4 every single way possible?

>I just bought a Switch last month

did you made the soyitch face when you opened it?

I hate all the consoles and PC this gen. Almost everything is shit and boring. Witcher 3 was literally the only game I liked this entire gen.

>Everyone else is playing games
>So*yboys stuck on Sup Forums posting memes
Sounds about right

You did not say that at all holy shit lol

This is how

MS Shat the bed and Nintendo released a tablet console.

That's what happened.

>Everyone else is playing games while Sonyfags only posts memes
>says this as he's also posting memes
the ironing

The Wii and 3DS gave them a legal license to print their own money.

>Shadow of the collossus
>Good guy triumphs
Pick one

Sony televisions made a turn around over 2017 thanks to the Samsung scandals. Right now the TV market is stuck between Sony and LG.

You're welcome, Sonylets.

Certainly not a game where a mega conglomerate posts 181 percent profit.

>mfw FGO literally raping the fuck out of Pokémon Go and that shitty Fire Emblem daily shilled on Sup Forums



Sony's consoles have always been sort of a letdown, but their devices and televisions are damn good. I still have the same set of headphones I got 10 years ago. Bravia is also a pretty based TV.

I think it's weird how people prefer FGO over Granblue despite that Granblue is better in every possible way.

As it should be.

Fate has better sluts

>Granblue is better in every possible way.
pffffffhahahahahaha this is what brainlets actually think

>Am I the only one who have always prefer Sony consoles over the others?
no there are hordes of you, blinded by nostalgia and #4theplayers

>no there are hordes of you, blinded by nostalgia
that could be said about any other though

Tencent is dominating the gaming industry.

nice argument, clown

does Sony even make anything besides PS4 and headphones anymore?


Oh my, the gaming division sure is bringing in some amazing profits again, it would be a shame if something happened to that money.

Sony's not going anywhere:

Sony Video & Sound Products.
Sony Visual Products.
Sony Imaging Products & Solutions.
Sony Olympus Medical Solutions.
Sony Global Manufacturing & Operations.
Sony Semiconductor Solutions.
Sony Semiconductor Manufacturing.
Sony LSI Design.
Sony Business Solutions.
Sony Energy Devices.
Sony Financial Holdings.
Sony Life Insurance. (Only in Japan)
Sony Assurance.
Sony Bank.
Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Sony PCL.
Sony Facility Management.
Sony Mobile Communications.
Sony Music Entertainment.
Sony Creative Products.
Sony Computer Science Laboratories.
Sony Interactive Ent.
Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group.
Sony Pictures Home Ent.
Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Sony PlayStation.
SIE Japan Studio
Naughty Dog
Santa Monica Studio.
Guerrilla Games.
Sucker Punch Productions.
Sony's not going anywhere.
What does Microsoft have?
Xbox, windows, Bing, zune... oh never mind, windows phones... scratch that.

nothing gachashit can’t fix

T. Nigger


But pretty much every movie they released last year has been a moderate success with some exceptions like BR, and Jumanji seems to be a hit so far

you're a retard and probably suck cocks

Damn, 7th gen was brutal for Sony but they bounced back as kings.

Has Sup Forums really gotten to the point where you can't even mention the Switch without "DUDE SOY LMAO" shitposters spamming the thread?

>bleed money for years
>Playstation is profitable but ultimately doesn't keep them from losing money in other other sectors
>Strike gold with a shitty gatcha

and like 2 of those are profitable

there's a reason gigantic conglomerates are a thing of the past

>tfw Sony saved us from Disney

How new are you exactly? Do you honestly believe memes are constant and not interchangeable? This image for example, has been edited with a Mario hat. Nothing here is "established". In a year you're going to see even more Soyboy images associated with Sony, and even PC. Nothing ever stays the same.

>there's a reason gigantic conglomerates are a thing of the past
Isn't it funny how you browse Sup Forums and think that maybe there's a smart guy on the other side and then you read this?

Why people say they are losing money with no source for the claims?

You do realize that neither FGO or Playstation as their image sensors are right now, right?

>sony pictures
>makes the only true kino released in 2017

>gigantic conglomerates are a thing of the past

Nigger do you know how many companies Amazon has bought? They're even going to acquire Target later this year. Small businesses and companies only associated with one type of industry are a thing of the past.

Why you no have knowledge of stock market?!

Remember how Sup Forums went on about how the 3DS was going to be a failure when it came out? Remember how Sup Forums thought that EA's stocks dropping in 2012 meant that EA was doomed?

>This image

Know how I can tell you're from reddit?

Because they were. Sony's credit to reduced to junk status like a year before the PS4 was announced and everyone was on Sup Forums was saying PS4 NEVER EVER