what's with soyboys being drawn consistently to nintendo
What's with soyboys being drawn consistently to nintendo
This meme reeks of Sup Forumstards
t. triggered Nintendork
They are autistic and Nintendo aims for that audiance because they are easy to manipulate.
Seriously, why the fuck do they make this face?
Oh look, it's the new buzzword used by insecure little men who can only feel good about themselves by attempting to belittle anybody they can get their tiny little hands on.
How's it feel to be part of the herd?
Actual SJW males are drawn to Sony/PC because Nintendo isn't inclusive enough.
They whine that Princesses still need to be rescued, etc.
>not the gif
Originally the meme was for shits and giggle.It was co-opted by so(n)yfaggots to troll shield.
>l...lol gotcha
>memes with built in defense mechanisms
>if you think this meme is gay then that means you ARE this meme
this is the meme-culture that reddit has sowed here on our image board
I bet all of you are the soyest of the boys IRL
They never grew out of nintendo's games. The soy prevents them from turning into men.
i would have said numale or weirdy beardy but soyboy is the most popular term
i cropped it from this
>mfw switch + PC
Anybody saved it, the thread got deleted before I could do so
there's a gif of soytendo face?
I really really like this meme
look at this poor soyboy being triggered over a word
Frequently I think of Sup Forums running a train on my girlfriend and her getting impregnated by the seed of the NEET degenerate who came inside a woman for the first time.
>all white males
>the most popular term
So, you can't think for yourself then? Gotcha.
I can't get enough of this soy boy meme. I hope this becomes the next fedora
There are literally facebook pages for soyboy posting already
Soyboy is a vastly inferior insult to cuck. Cuck is at least fun to say.
Then fuck off soyboy, leave Sup Forums and go back to mynintendonews.