So since Logan Paul has made Aokigahara (Japan's Suicide Forest) popular in discussion, let's have a Fatal Frame V thread. Any chance if it coming to Switch? Will we see Fatal Frame VI soon?
So since Logan Paul has made Aokigahara (Japan's Suicide Forest) popular in discussion...
We can only hope.
Not even cute girls can make me play Fatal Frame. I'm too much of a baby.
Based Logan Paul.
I would like an actual fucking physical copy on the Switch since NA got fucked with digital only. Also put the bikinis back in.
wtf i love fatal frame now
What was the fucking point of censoring the bikini costumes if the game was gonna be released as an M game anyway? Is Nintendo THAT afraid of SJWs or are they THAT triggered by fanservice that they have to treat their fanbase like children?
The games aren't that scary really, series feels more like an action mystery than a horrior game.
I bet we could have kept them if the game had been released nowadays since they changed the localization process and western nintendo got put on a tighter leash. Too late now though. Series was probably deemed a failure that didn't sell even though they went out of their way to make sure it failed.
This one is creepy but you gotta be strong. It's a pretty straightforward arcade style game.
It's stupid to censor, but I find it odd you guys don't think it's insulting that putting a cartoon in a bikini for you to drool over is going to be a selling point for you. Like you're too dumb to like the horror you need them to tangle a carrot in front of your boners to guide your stupid ass.
Anybody have any webms of the girls in bikinis? I need them for research purposes.
Not him, but I found the first two games to be pretty chilling. Granted, I haven't played them in years, but I remember stuff that I'm sure would still freak me out today.
That said, V isn't really that scary at all.
With Fatal Frame, Xenoblade X, and #FE, I think from a business standpoint NoA was more afraid of alienating people who thought they were supposed to be family friendly. The people doing the localizations just took the opportunity make changes to things they found offensive though which obviously they couldn't all agree on because the censorship is all over the place with these games. So I think if they were doing it strictly to censor, then the censorship would be a lot worse.
I did buy the game despite the censorship. It's great. I'm just annoyed that Nintendo continues to treat its fans like children.
Logan Paul is actually an obnoxious faggot and his video is proof that he's a sociopathic and narcissistic piece of shit. But if it gets more people to play Fatal Frame V then all's well that ends well.
Fuck you for trying to associate this good game in any way with some eceleb fuck, I hope you choke to death on his dick
OP here. I was making a joke you stupid faggot. Now shut up and discuss the game.
Honestly his reaction seemed like that of a normal human.
The little joke he made was fine too, no joke is ever too soon, just like the parrot from Aladin would say
I agree with you in a philosophical sense. It is kind of ironic that in treating them like children they remove the part teenagers would like
I am this dumb and stupid. Well-noticed.
But recently there hasn't been much censorship. I mean there's name changes and whatnot in XC2, but the sexual stuff is left in tact which I assume is what most people here care.
Is there a working uncensor mod for this game? A patch I can apply to the US version to get the bikinis? I have a legit digital copy of the game and I really wanna uncensor it.
It wasn't his reaction that was offensive. People did get angry over that, but that's not the point.
It was the fact that he exploited someone's tragic end for dem youtube clicks and boy where there a shit ton of them. He said he wouldn't monetize the video at the beginning, but apparently that was false.
Do you really care tho?
If its anything like the EU only release of FF2(Project Zero) for the Wii then there's probably a code that let's you bring them back in(I never did figure out how to get that code working in Project Zero).
As a person who did in fact commit the selfish act of attempted suicide. I do
It's not gonna change your life, no point in getting worked up about it
You know speaking of this forest, that got me thinking there has to be some degenerate fuck sick enough that he
>goes to the forest
>find some cute girls that recently hang herself
>pulled her down
>stripped her naked
>fuck the now cold corpse
>recorded it
>uploaded it on the internet
And the now the video would be Ring: the porno version that haunt any one jacking off to it to drown in a sea of their own cum
The fact that you even thought of this is a bit unnerving, user.
they were excited and thought seeing a dead jap was the funniest thing ever
normal americans
You have some sick imagination user...
I wouldn't say I'm worked up over it. I'm just saying his mistake wasn't giggling at the severity of the situation.
I think I read something like this in a manga once.
After Junko Furuta, I have no hope for the Japs to not be degenerate fucks.
>I think I read something like this in a manga once.
Which one nigga
Post ghosts
I just remembered it was BTOOM. There's a part where some edgy kid kills a woman and rapes her dead corpse or something. It's only a few panels long and the manga itself is fucking terrible. I would not recommend it.
There are bizarre, awful, cases like that around the world, user.
I would fug
No. He and his buddies laughed about finding a corpse of a guy who hung himself. It was fucked up.
dumb question, did you guys make fuck up mistakes when you were 22? im not defending logan paul but wtf do people expect for a guy in his early 20s
> if the game was gonna be released as an M game anyway
>he still thinks censorship occurs because of rating
It's almost never the case. Censorship occurs because companies are afraid of bad PR and/or because some internal staff are pushing their own agenda. That's it.
Rating boards are extremely lenient and for many games the jump from T to M barely means a loss in sales anyway. So it's purely an image issue, always been, will always be.
Picture related is rated M, USK12 in Germany, PEGI 16 for the rest of Europe and 15 in Korea. Rating agencies do not give a shit unless there's proper nudity and/or unless the whole game revolves on that. If .1% of the content is something sexy, it's all right to them.
To not be a fucking sociopath and make a YouTube video of himself laughing at the corpse of a guy who hung himself.
girls dont kill themselves in aokigahara
>visible areola
When the fuck is DoA getting this. Sick as shit of NuDoa with their continous same face barbie dolls.
>No physical release in America
Reason why I never bought it
id say underaged get out but i guess people born in 2000 can post here now.
still, you're an idiot
has there been any word on what 2ch thinks about this logan paul shit? do they hate him for shaming their country/etc
>games where you play as a women that gets grabbed by monsters
I've always heard of these games but never got to play them
How does the ps2 ones emulate? Bug free?
Do you never fight the tall woman or did i just somehow miss it? Creepy bitch kept appearing out of nowhere, i thought there'd be a sort of payoff
As far as I know, the first game emulates fine.
There are compatibility lists out there, y'know.
Not sure. I do know that a major suicide prevention group in Japan is outraged though.
Wait what. Is that what the guy did? I have no idea who he is
Wish there were more horror game set in rural Japan.
There could be.
But its such a alien world to them, that they only visit cities via train, and hotsprings far out.
Japan is the most urban nation in the world, in a scary way.
Someone please censor this.
Female japanese ghosts always look either fuck or hugable.
She's an optional enemy if you do a little exploring in chapter 7 I think
Can you emulate this in CEMU yet?
For the longest time the first one would freeze on the final boss and you couldn't finish the game. I don't know about 2 or 3.
It's funny but I actually think the fatal frame 3d models were the beta test for Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 models.
Does Fatal Frame have any future in the west?
>tfw will never fugg or hug a nice JP ghost qt
it's been on and off. Feels like every odd numbered build moves 1 step forward, while every even numbered built breaks everything.
POST Ayane
Possibly since the Switch is selling well.
Never. DoA is discontinued.
>Sick as shit of NuDoa with their continous same face barbie dolls.
I'd take one set in the city, too.
what game is this?
Its one of those things that will sell a little, and a little, and a little more.
Like mediocre sales
Mostly because Western horror is cornered by a different horror genre trying to copy Five Knights at Freddy, and Youtube Screaming at Amnesia & stuff.
This. Holocaust is much more crueler than some murder in Nipon land.
Well damn. I'll have to remember that next time i play
What the fuck, they filmed an actual corpse like it was normal? Is the video still online somewhere i wonder
Why does Nintendo hate Fatal Frame so much? Between having to hack my Wii to play 4 then the censorship fiasco and no physical release for V it's pretty ridiculous
>tfw she sees your dick
I wish it would come to the fucking Switch.
I'm don't want to buy a Wii U for one game.
Reminder that only soyboys think Logan Paul did something wrong.
Seems like they'd do pretty well on PC.
>tfw you bought a physical EU copy of fatal frame 5 and dont even plan on ever getting a soy boy u
Not as long as it's stuck on the Nintendo consoles.
Please fuck off back to /r9k/.