Steam Awards

It's up.

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they're shit
nobody cares
let me guess TF2 in all categories

You don't care, little bitch soyboy

>cuphead wins twice
based chad, literally unstoppable

>Nier automata lost both categories it was in

got a foil, aw yeh girl

only one of the games I voted for won, I call shenanigans

Good. Fuck animes

>lost to tomb raider

The evil within win is bullshit
I dont even see how it fit the description of the category, it literally got you exactly what you thought you'd get

>Tomb Raider won Soul of Vitruvius

Gothic 2 didn't win, people on steam are shits

>Tomb Raider
How? No one even played that game.

>not crypt of the necrodancer as best ost.
Plebian taste.

>Not for 2017
Who fucking cares then.

>Best Soundtrack
>Cup Head
Opinion Disregarded

This is bullshit. 2B is cuter than lara

fuck all these reddit winners

>Labor of Love
Good joke.

>Warframe beats out TF2 for Labor of Love award

what the fuck

Complete shit as expected.

look it's someone who never played the game

At least Stardew Valley won.

How in the world does 2B lose to nuLara?

How did Undertale not win best soundtrack?
And HOW did Cuphead win it?

>publically voted awards contest is shitty
whhaAAAATTT *monocle pops out of eye*

>Tomb Raider
>I am Bread
Steam community is full of retards.

shoulda been on sale

I voted everything for cuphead and evil within 2,

devs deserve the publicity

Because after the candidates are selected, the vote literally becomes "games the normies have heard of" in every category.

>Witcher 1 got it
Gothicc shills btfo

Some people have a sexual fetish for ironically bad jazz music.

People just voting for their favourite games rather than ones that are best at said categories.

tomb raider wins WEEBS BTFOOOOOOO

cryptodancerbro is literally hanging himself right now.

This is so transparently bought. Who the fuck liked Just Cause 3

>None of my votes won

Lara > generic anime weeb slut
kys weeb

Yes. The characters are very realistic.

Ah yes the HARDCORE PC gaming community

>Automata lost both of its categories to shitty normiebait games
idc about losing the character design vote but
>best soundtrack to Cuphead
what the fuck happened
i dont even have a reaction image to express the anger i'm experiencing in this moment

>Team Fortress 2 lost
>Hotline Miami 2 lost
>Nier Automata lost
This was the shittiest game awards by far, even the categories were retarded.

Wasn't there a custom category or was that a fever dream

>nerfs shit they considered "working as intended" after the cash-buying rush ends
>can't create good new content nor fix the current one
>DE is an one trick pony team, Warframe is alive not because they love it, but because it is their only successful original title
Good joke, user.

Soundtrack was the custom category
Super boring, I know

Kindly eat shit, sir nigger

>overrated shit game did not win anything

dark souls is for casuals

who are you quoting tho

It should have won both categories. NA has the most beautiful characters of any game ever made by far, and the only candidate that comes even close to it in music is Undermeme.

>Witcher 1

>Tomb Raider beating Nier Automato in the waifu category

This. Nier has its flaws but to give best soundtrack to cuphead is utterly retarded. I would have understood if it went to tumblrtale, even though nier's was better, but cuphead soundtrack is nowhere near those two. Guess it shows that these awards are just normies voting for their favourite games instead of even considering the categories

i dont understand those categories

>CS:GO won haunts my dreams
Fucking bullshit

That is the problem. Soul of virtuvous is not a waifu category.

we pretending to like automato's lame ass soundtrack now?

>Witcher beating Huniepop

Fuck off shill.

Nothing like a fun little event like this to make me hate every Steam user.

>Bayonetta lost to nuLara
Into trash it goes

>best soundtrack
>ye old toonie loons Memphis slim fandango beats entire Japanese production studio created for the Nier franchise thathas songs you could listen to in public and not even have to wear a fedora for it

Bayonetta looks like shit though, she's like ten feet tall.

Nobody would listen to a single nier song in public

>lame ass soundtrack
Imagine being this braindead

I do

>Release POE
>It's fucking useless doing it because it outside the main game

>songs you could listen to in public and not even have to wear a fedora for it
nice finally a soundtrack that is on par with normie shit like nicki minaj and ed sheeran

i don't have to be embarrassed abotu vidya music anymore ;_;

>garbage anime soundtrack
>glorious 40-60's soundtrack

Like 90% of people who voted for Cuphead in any category did it because they wanted to give it publicity.

yeah but no price drop, I remember when the games that would win this "achievements" got a higher sale I still bought it though

Don't be fucking retarded, Cuphead's music is AIDS for ears and completely unlistenable. Only good thing anyone can say about that shit is that it "fits the theme", meaning it's ironically dated the same way everything else in the game is. You'd never listen to it for a fucking second outside the game.

Automata has maybe 3 or 4 awesome tracks with the rest being mediocre. Cuphead music is great from start to finish

>Mania didn't win the “Even Better Than I Expected” category
Not unexpected but that still sucks, Cuphead was my second choice anyway.

Manlet detected

What the fuck are you talking about?

Cuphead has been plastered all over normie media since it was released, what more publicity does it need

Cuphead doesn't have a single track that's even a 3 out of 10. All of its music is utter shit.

How the fuck did M&B lose to TW? People voting because it has 'Witcher' in the title?

link the best nier automata track and i will try to listen to it without falling asleep to your weeb ass synthwave garbage

3-4 tracks you'd listen to for hours on end even outside of the game and the rest being good enough is still better than some "period-accurate" earrape shit you wouldn't ever consider even looking up on youtube

>manlet afraid of tall girls

Also the soundtrack from the first Nier is superior to Automata's.

i've played both and it's a close call but i think about the witcher more than i do M&B

All of this shit is people voting for the only game out of five they remember hearing about.

>Bitcher 1 wins No Apologies
>Poorfag valve mems wins Defies Description
>CS NO wins Haunts My Dreams
What a fucking shitshow, steam users need to be gassed

>all these butthurt nier fags

Me either, I guess that is why most of these candidates/winners makes no sense to me.
I got my cards and sold them to buy some vidya, at least I got something out of it.

I will fucking kill your game.

Titan quest is the oldest game there and they just released and expansion for it
but then again, all categories have been won by those couple games that normalfags play

there are film soundtracks that are better than nier's ost and i still wouldn't listen to film soundtracks in public

"being able to listen it in public" is such a retarded metric that only a dumbass nier fan would use

At least aco didn't win anything

>nu Lara is better looking than 2B and bayo
>a fucking slice of bread is one of the choices

What is this shit?


I have no idea how Civ 6 got nominated over Civ 5.

>meme awards 2017
I didn't even watch it

Like what the fuck is this shit? How the fuck does complete garbage like this win anything? I can't even remember what this shit sounds like after shutting it down, and every second it's on I want to shut it down. ONLY good thing you can say about this is that it fits the theme of the game. That's it. It's awful. The entire genre of this type of music is utterly unlistenable.

>he thinks thats garbage

wow Sup Forums kids are sad

I purposely voted against it in every category it was up for vote in. Should have been on sale