Are you ready for the esports? Mains?

Are you ready for the esports? Mains?

Still waiting for Tifa...

Maining Squall

Rest of the team is irrelevant

I'm probably gonna main cloud. I also don't know how I feel with the whole rock paper scissor combat either :(

I only played the first one but Zidane, Bartz, and Terra were my shit

Thanks for reminding me this comes out this month

Pls no eatsports

No problem dude. Compared to the other two games that come out this month there are going to be significantly more people on them. But I plan on getting dissidi, dbfz, and monhun

Tidus, probably.

This is literally the only fighting game I couldn't pick a main instantly. Played the first two a lot, but gravitated towards different characters.

Probably going to go with Sephiroth, WoL and Cloud/Jecht in the end, maining Sephy.

Will main cloud. Will sub squall probably.

I remember when the first game came out I played every characters a couple times but got cloud to level 100 asap. I then played as jecht, and gabranth.

Maining WoL

No Gabranth, no buy.

This, what the fuck. How can you not have the coolest looking villian (hero) in the series?

I will be waiting for the upgraded version in a year.

Squall, Noctis, and maybe Ramza.

>cloud not in the middle
>lightning is
>am triggered

The Dissidia arcade version that this is a port of is literally just a watered down multiplayer version of Dissidia 012.

I was hoping when they brought it to the PS4 they would add back the missing moves and features, and add some depth back to the battle system, but they're just keeping the same barebones system.

Did they explain why Gabranth isn't in? Does it have to do with him being literally Chaos, who's missing from this one?


no way this game goes e-sports.

It seems likw how they did it, is up to 10 each game has 1 good, and 1 evil character. 11 onward they only have 1 from each game. Pretty obvious an upgraded version will come a year later, adding 5 to 10 more characters mainly from the later games, and fan favorites from earlier.

WoL and Kain will probably be my mains.

Got my main right here.

Zidane master race.

>implying it matters when this shit game will die in 2 weeks

>no sora

Tidus and Shantotto. Probably Ramza as well.

Now you've said it I'm actually surprised they haven't put him in. must be a disney issue.

Despite Kingdom Hearts being relatively successful, Disney does not want to acknowledge its existence.

I couldnt tell you why Square doesnt want to do anything with the original characters though.

Do people play Xenoverse in esports? no? then they won't play this pile of shit.

Kuja or Noctis probably. Pretty sure I am going to be the only Kuja, every person I have seen that has played as him has said he is terrible.

>this again
Literally only one thing as been removed and you don't even know or care what that is, several other things have been added and anything people act like has been removed has been replaced with equal or greater parts. Please make me laugh and tell me what you think is missing or makes it watered down.
You're thinking of Garland from FFI, who's in the game. Gabranth is the FFXII armour guy, who probably just missed the boat and will likely be DLC soon. The main reason he got in from the original one was probably more due to circumstances than anything.

Oh boy cant wait for every game to be some combination of Cloud, Squall, Lightning, Sephiroth, Tidus, and Jecht

I think Cuphead should be higer

I hope Kuja doesnt suck, I mained the hell out of him in Duodecim.

Y'shtola's my favorite to play so far and I don't think that'll change when I have the time to try out everyone. Exdeath's my nigga too so I'll probably put in the effort to get good with him as well.

From my understanding he just has the speed of a ranged character, but all his attacks are short range melee with awful hitboxes. I hope people are just exaggerating though.

I also really like his alternate costume.

In the first game they had the main protagonist and their main rival from I to X and two bonus characters each from XI and XII who they had to keep the sides equal with, so it became Shantotto and Gabranth. When Dissidia Arcade came out at the very beginning they only had the main heroes from I to XIV so that's why they added Vaan instead, then started working their way back up. They didn't want to keep too strict to the heroes and villains dynamic so Kain Ramza and Ace got in but the villains are a big deal so they started adding all the others.

I wouldn't say he seems that bad, he's pretty fast and mobile and for an Assassin he's got more range than most, but his Ex Skill is all about slowly getting stronger and stronger as long as you don't get killed so he could be a bit hard to use, once he gets going though he'd be hard to stop.

this is as much as a fighting game as smash is

So, what you are saying is it is going to be at Evo? The fighting game tournament? Sounds good.

this is not a fighting game

>mfw they casualized it even harder than the fucking duodecim garbage


Will my boy Ace be in the base game?

I'm going to buy this but its kinda disappointing looking at the roster. I want to see some new villains and we get crap like Ramza and Ace that no one cares about. Where is Seymour? Why do we still have Jecht? Gabranth and Vayne? Where is the FF11 and FF14 villains? I bet DLC will be garbage like Tifa and Laguna or w/e his name was. Seriously all games should have main character and main villain before we start adding these shit side characters.

All assassins have the same dash speed, and Kuja can gain a lot of altitude quickly with his back ground attack while conserving both his jumps which combined with his ability to reposition during some of his attacks gives him pretty damn good mobility. He's got excellent vertical reach in both directions in the air and is neutrals are reasonably fast and have decent rang. I'd say the biggest problems with Kuja are that he takes so long to get going and if you get KOed at any point, you're basically never gonna get into trance again and that he isn't very versatile. I don't know about his other two HP attacks, but the two available in the beta are pretty shit though, which doesn't help.

Explain how if you actually can.

>still no ex modes
>firion blood weapons are not red he just gets a retarded red aura
>one hp move allowed to be used during a match because of the team focus
>team play being the focus

Tell me when they add ex modes and allow multiple hp moves and focus on 1 on 1 combat 3v3 always sucks dick

Fuck off, Jecht was a much better choice when they made the first Dissidia and he still is.

i hate how competitively-centric the game has become.
i miss the psp ones

so play the PSP ones?

This for a game that used to be about fan service a lot of the cool stuff is gone ex skills are shit compared to ex modes

Wow you again.
Ex Skills replace and are either the same or better than Ex Modes. Everyone gets to choose between different looking weapons. Many characters have multiple HP attacks available or ones that change, and you have more brave attacks and a team to compensate. The team play works great and adds something previously missing to the game that they tried and failed to properly cover with assists, the 1v1 situations that happen during it are much more fun because of that, and they even have a 1v1 option for babies anyway.
You can always just play them. SE are pretty stupid trying to chase the full on western esports sponsored by Cup Noodle bubble with the game though, rather than just making the game and supporting/hosting tournaments.
You're making shit up now because the one little thing you liked changed a little bit. There's just as much if not more fanservice stuff. Squall can draw. Cloud straight up does his summon animation from the original game when he summons.

>No one cares about Ramza

Fuck you, I’ve wanted him since the first game

Oh, you're right. If Garland is in, that's alright. Gabranth, albeit cool and interesting, was always a gimmick character.

wouldnt mind using Y'shtola in her new outfit and Lightning in her Equilibrium outfit.

Most EX modes were fucking lame and the cool transformations like Zidane, Kuja and Terra are still there. Like that other guy said, things like Squall's draw and junction as well as his trigger being an actual mechanic rather than a passive effect and Cloud's summon animation are much cooler fanservice than their uninspired "equip the character's ultimate weapon" EX modes.

How are ex skills better you shill as I said firion does not even have blood weapons anymore he just glows. Ex modes are a much better fit then skills because so far skills are dull and uninteresting

Also team play is the worst aspect because unless you are a tournament player you will be playing with ransoms and either crush the enemy because your playing with your friends or get fucked because the ransoms you get paired with are ass

It’s why most arena fighters focus on two v two any more and the game gets fucked by the one player getting ganged up on

>that won’t happen here

It happened in gundam vs to the point three v three is a joke and if you think this fame is more balanced then that game you are in for a rude awakening

It was a cool as hell gimmick though, but in a sense it's been adopted by Ramza since he can charge up and use Scream to buff his moveset, so if he got in he'd likely do something a little differently.

How many of you played Dissidia on PSP?

Best memories playing it?

>All these 1v1 babbies crying because they now have to work with others

Its alright kids you would be trash at 1v1 as well.

>3 v 3

Played both for a fuckton of time. Had a huge blast, they are my favorite two games on the system.

Best memory is me ripping off the analog stick from the PSP out of anger during one of the more bullshit fights (Chaos probably).

Warrior of light and onion knight and firion have HORRIBLE ex skills and as someone who only played ff1-5 and never liked the little of 7 I played I do not give a shit if cloud got his classic summon animation

but lightning is cool

Yeah he was confirmed ages ago

I literally spent over 1000 hours playing between the 2 games. I had maxed out everyone and had all the armor weapons and accessories. My best memories are fighting against my friends and trying out tons of builds. It was great. Im so fucking salty that this new one is basically a completely different game. All i wanted was duodecim with online and new characters.

But the villains had great EX modes. Emperor got his true form. Jecht got his aeon form. I think almost all of them changed visually.

who said anything about its 3v3 only?
it can be customized

We don't have gabranth.
I played the Shit out of it. Hard to think it came out 10 years ago.

How hard was it to maxed out everyone?

I played the first one a lot more than Duodecim, I liked most of the new characters but hated assists, my best memories are probably of doing Jecht combos since they were so satisfying

Well it can take quite a bit since at least in the og and duodecim they all can go to level 100

Onion Knight still has the thing that makes his EX mode cool, nothing lost there. Warrior of Light's EX skill is cool, fits conceptually with his playstyle and the idea of an archetypal hero and his EX mode was always fucking lame so nothing of value lost there either. Firion's blood weapons always looked tacky as fuck so who cares if they changed the effect into an aura instead?

No Tifa, no buys

i wonder how long they gonna hold gabranth back.
hope they show him soon after the console release

Takes a long time. The fastest method is mainly to just grind against lv 100 exdeath and kite his ai. Then you gotta grind ap off of chaos to unlock all the abilities.

Because unlike most of the old ones they're actually far more interesting, varied and thematically appropriate. Warrior of Light's is one of the coolest implementations of a tank style skill in an action game I've seen, and Onion Knight's ties into his whole new changing moveset in a really cool way.
Making up vague assumptions of how matches can or can't go is not a very convincing argument for anything, and neither is relying solely on how you think the game might go when you pick the circumstances you don't like and ignore others just so you can keep hating on it.
Played both games an obscene amount of time, too hard to pick out memories between all the time I spent on the first game's demo, doing runs in the Duel Colosseum, that one time where I did an Ex Burst while dead.


Kuja was the character I had the worst opinion of when I tried him in the beta, I found his bravery attacks ok but what the fuck are those HP attacks?

My main is firion, in dissidia duodecim there was the final boss which was chaos which was hard as shit.

I was able to beast him with his amazing counter which can break litteraly anyone in 1 shot. Top that off with his fast attacks and range and I literally was unstoppable online. In my eyes he was the best character.

Honorable mention was kefka with his juke and trap gameplay. I guess for a third I would either pick golbez or emperor.

Whens prishe? I need my spunky brown elf girl with the tight bod who punches people.

Emperor's looked cool but in function it was just a copy of Firion's which was the case of a lot of them, cool appearance and not much else, and while Jecht's looked and worked cool it was a little weird having him be a tiny Aeon. There's a strong chance of anything visual being costumes or weapons anyway though, many are already in.
The main mode is 3v3, but private lobbies have options for 1v1, 2v2 and 2v1.
There were a lot of easy tricks to get everyone to level 100 that didn't take very long at all. Mastering all their abilities on the other hand, even with the tricks for that would take way longer.

Fighting Feral Chaos with the 5-man team for the first time. Getting to knock down this super bad dude with over 100k HP with all of my favorite characters was a pure thrill.

>pick two of the better Ex Skills and one that works essentially the same if not better
>"they're not directly catering to me in this exact way so it doesn't exist!"

>horrendous UI
>shitty techno-remix ost
>no character levelling
>no ability customization

Valkyrie armour best armour

I don't know if they will add him because how the new ex thing works but idk there is hope

>The UI was fine before and has been redesigned to be even clearer.
>There are several songs and remixes of all kinds of genres and most sound good to great, plus they have all the original versions and soundtrack from the first two Dissidia games as well
>Yes there is, leveling unlocks HP attacks and other stuff
>Yes there is, you choose HP attacks and Ex Skills, as well as a summon before the match that gives a special buff before and after summoning on top of having it's own attack sequence when summoned
Also none of this even has anything to do with any supposed casualization. Don't post Red Dwarf if you're going to be an idiot.

Does 1v1 mode let you have more than one hp attack or is it still watered down shallow trash?

We can only hope it has a dedicated mode that has the old formula with equipment and customizable skills and summons. Imagine them putting that much work into it though. They more than likely didn't do that.

>the UI was fine before
>despite obscuring over 20% of the on-screen action which in a fighter could be the difference between victory of defeat
Oh yeah, absolutely nothing wrong there. Moron.
>thinking that the duodecim version of J-E-N-O-V-A is good
Horrendous taste.
>choosing a loadout before each fight rather than being able to individually customize your character of choice with offensive/defensive abilities which suit your preferred playstyle
Literally the definition of casualization. If you're going to talk shit then at least pretend to know what you're talking about.

>you can literally use ONE (1) hp attack

It's the same as the standard game but with 4 less people. It's a containment mode for people who can't deal with anything actually new but are content to cry about things they don't understand being slightly different.

>no character is a one man army in order to promote team play
>waaaah, it's shit!

Maximum damage control

Who do you think the 6 characters are? And what weapons they will get?


Hey, with some Crystal Chronicles reps in Opera Omnia, what are the chances Layle or Yuri/Chelinka could come to Dissidia?

Just play Vaan and enjoy your TWO (2) HP attacks. :^)

don't hold your breath

>team play

is it a fighting game or a MOBA you fucking autist nobody wants that gay team shit as the main mode