Well, Arthas, I made it, despite your directions...
Well, Arthas, I made it, despite your directions
Void Elves>Nightborne
A daring synthesis
Ah glad you could male it Uther. I hope you are ready for some good purging !
Go on...
You may be the Sneed but I'm still your superior as a Chuck
Stratholme isn't on fire, that's just... aurora borealis!
Ahh, High Paladin Uther, glad you could make it. I hope you're prepared for some totally normal light spreading!
uther doesnt purge that was garithos
This better be good, if so i will salute you
Watch your tone with me, arthas. You may be the cook, but I'm still your superior as a supernintendo.
unironically agree
Oh no. The attack has already begun! The plague was never meant to kill my people... It was meant to turn them into the undead!
This better be good.
I thought you said we were purging clams?
>Sup Forums suddenly likes simpsons
what happened?
But what if... I were to go in with what little men I have left and purge the entire city? Heheheh, delightfully divine, Arthas!
This is pretty brilliant
>Sup Forums likes the old simpsons
There you go buddy
Have I? Superintendent Uther, by my right of succession and sovereignty of my hams, I hereby relieve you from your clams and suspend you from service.
D'oh, no. I said purged hamlets.
Arthas, the town is on fire!
No Jaina it's just the Northrend lights.
Northrend lights at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the Stratholme localized entirely within your purge?
can I see it?
Arthas! The house is on fire!
I'm fucking dying
No, Jaina. It's just the northern lights.
>Sneed's Shredder
>Formerly Chuck's Chucker
You call the Scourged purged hamlets?
Yes, and you call them enemies of Lordareon despite the fact that they are obviously our friends and family.
Arthas! The citizens are on fire!
I thought we were having scourged ghouls.
Oh, no, I said, "scourged fools." That's what I call my subjects.
You call your subjects scourged fools?
Yes, it's a regional dialect.
Uh-huh. What region?
Uh, upstate Lordaeron.
Really. Well, I'm from Hillsbrad and I've never heard anyone use the phrase, "scourged fools."
Oh, not in Hillsbrad, no; it's an Andorhol expression.
I see.
You know, these subjects are quite similar to the ones they have at Starcraft.
Look at that, I'm the first non Bronze Dragon to travel backwards through time!
Oh, no, patented human subjects. Old Blizzard recipe.
What episode of American Dad is this from?
Yes, and you call them scourged fools despite the fact that they are obviously yet to be infected.
Couldn't Arthas dude just explain to the others that he was merely trying to contain the plague and that there was no other option?
t. never played the warcraft past wc2
That he did but Uther and Jaina told him to fuck himself nonetheless. Though the way he tried to explain that was kinda off.
he was getting corrupted
He tried, and Uther mustered there had to be another way, and then Arthas went full "We're gonna purge this shithole wether you like it or not" and fired Uther so most of Uther's men decided to leave with him
He wanted to kill all the citizens, even the non-infected; and Uther and Jaina wanted to... I dunno... sit around on their thumbs. I guess wait and see who turned into a ghoul.
What classes are you making your allied races, Sup Forums? I'm doing:
Void Elf Mage
Dark Iron Warrior
Lightforged Priest
I want to make a Hightauren druid but can't be bothered to level up a horde character and then go through the long process of getting exalted with Highmountain
>he plays retail
I'm waiting for classic.
Legion is fun anonymous poster
I'm looking forward to that as well, but I still think it's a long ways off
do you think its worth playing now or waiting for 7.3.5? Leveling wise
That depends on how quickly you want to level. If you want to breeze through 1-90, now is the time to level. 7.3.5 is going to nerf heirloom experience gain, so leveling will be slower. On the upside, you'll be able to pick and choose which zones you wish to quest through since they're making all zones before Draenor scale will the player
*scale with
>Nightborne MM Hunter
>Void Elf Shadow Priest
>Lightforged Ret Pally
Highmountain Tauren doesn't interest me at all desu.
>Heheheh, delightfully divine, Arthas!
my sides. stop you're killing me
Jaina: Arhas! Andorhal is on fire!
Arthas: No, Jaina, it's just the northern lights.
Void Elf Priest and Dark Iron Monk.
Arthas! The Kingdom is on fire!
No father, I'm just succeeding you.