Shittiest, ugliest UI in gaming history

Shittiest, ugliest UI in gaming history

Prove me wrong

3 was even worse in that aspect.

90s cRPG and adventure games say hello

Proven wrong.

>Prove me wrong
I can't


>playing pancake version of Fallout 4

Hold my beer


I like it.

Thankfully you can customize it decently enough.

I ain't saying it's good, but there's worse out there if you look for it.

Yeah I was gonna post Battleborn. It’s probably the easy-mode for “name history’s most terrible UIs”, but damn if it isn’t just demonstrably garbage.

Never played that game but I kind of like the UI based on that image alone


Skyrim was pretty bad. Minimalist modern UI doesn't look good in an Elder Scrolls game.

Not even bad. When you realise you're piloting a mech, you cant ask for much more.

Maybe some of the worst.

Its not particularly good but its far from bad.


That's just a cluttered mess, the F4 UI is objectively unaesthetic and ugly.

t. shiteater

SSI Goldbox games have the shittiest, ugliest UIs in gaming history

>let me activate every status condition i can

What's so bad about it then?

How is that bad UI?
It is so simplistic, not intrusive. You have a compass, health and ammo count, all in the bottom and with a small size

Danke doktor

icons are too big
health bar in the middle of the screen taking up way too much space
bars to the left that look out of place
massive border of "WOWZERS TECH STUFF"

It's not proper eurojank without a terrible but charming early 2000's UI.

That's literally fine though. It shows everything you need to know in a coherent manner without looking hideous. You can turn most of that off too if you want

He’s right tho and they give you the option to tone it down once you are familiar with the controls

OP says shitty and ugly not bad

Cleanest, most smooth UI in gaming history

Prove me wrong

titanfall 2 apologises please go

>He meant shitty not bad


I can't.

X's is fine. Only issue i had with it was the font size.

Stylish flashy overdesigned =/= cleanest and smooth

>a "AAA" company produced that

It looks like shit lmao

Battleborn. Easy

>it can't be clean and smooth if it's also stylish and flashy

It's a meme to hate on TW3. Literally every aspect of the HUD is customizable in TW3.

It looks like it was made in 5 minutes in paint. It's like they were getting ready to go gold and someone said "Oh SHIT, we forgot a UI".

>icons are too big
Are you some kind of faggot or something ?

>mfw bethesdrones were saying that the HUD is probably just a placeholder when the game was revealed in the E3

>pretty much your average fps HUD
is that a bait or youre just retarded?

>wanting a huge icon telling your something is ready when it already puts a huge "YOUR CORE IS READY" message on screen

its retarded

>Not Witcher 1

this is the best UI in the gaming history. Prove me wrong

I can't, you're right



>Prove me wrong
Can't be done.

All games should have a "toggle HUD" key bind.

You win. I legitimately loved Dead Space and how the HUD had an in-universe explanation.

Agreed, unintrusive, simple but gets all the necessary information across and is completely lore friendly to the world.
RIP in peace Dead Space franchise.

Every fucking JRPG who has a futuristic style UI that clashes horribly with the theme of the game


The only thing that doesn't really make sense the in-game lore wise is that the oxygen and health warnings are on your back where you can't see them.

>Those times someone asks "this is stupid, how is the user supposed to see his own health?"

I don't know, everyone has them since they all work together in space having oxygen and vitals showing to everyone alerts everyone nearby whenever they are in danger, so if an accident happens people would be alerted instantly, makes sense to me.
Besides people have their own personal huds displayed to them on top of that outward one.

Perhaps the same info is displayed inside Isaac's helmet.

Your health bar and statis charge displayed on your back doesn't make any sense either since you can't see them from first person perspective.


guess the game

>semen remaining
>fingerless glove meter

why were we so much funnier

looks like a literal child made it

I thought they were "for coworkers to see"

Breath of the wild

Isaac has a helmet with a digital display along with a hologram projector on his chest dumbo


Wonder if Ghostbusters 2009 took inspiration.

Today it would be chock full of soy memes, kek, blacked and whatever kids at reddit are going gaga over

that's nothing compared to it's competitor battelborn.

haha look at his head XD

there's literally only like three things on that hud are you kidding me

It's pretty damn good. Too bad most other games couldn't do this.

Dead Space is too spoopy for me but this UI is straight up kino.

Never played Persona and that looks like garbage bro.

>no zarya ult/pharah ult point blank
Ruined opportunity.

What the FUCK

looks pretty shit. why is there 2 languages on the screen?

It's so fucking ugly

>hand clipping through sleeve


There are plenty of mods you can download to fix it user! They're only 1000 Bethesda bucks on the creation club!

there isnt much of an excuse there
they just couldnt fix it

why the smug emoticon? you're literally right. ui so bad the game is unplayable by anyone except turboautists.

>tfw we will never have the Dead Space 3 we deserve


>AAA 2017. game

>I'm right because I turned on literally every optional menu screen

Everything is so fucking orange. Hate how that game looks.

What's wrong with minimalist ui? the less ui there is the better.

>Sup Forums, a bunch of neet neck beards and unemployed freaks, claim they know what makes good UI just because they play vidya
Top kek

Overwatch is a cluttered mess

I agree, Fallout 4 has one of the best UI in gaming

>sofa dog is watching you fap