Why did Yooka-Laylee get so much negativity just for being a callback to the late 90s era 3d platformers? This was the first indie 3D platformer released that was well known. I thought people would be happy that 3D platformers are back, but no! Does the negativity imply that people really don't like late 90's platformers like Spyro, Banjo-Kazooie, etc. and its just nostalgia talking? Please I'm very stressed out because I love those games so much and Yooka-Laylee reminds me so much of the old days and I'm severely stressed out by its negativity. I know Sup Forums might not be the best place to post this since trolls and all, but on Reddit I immediately get downvoted and no one sees my post. But this is serious and I'm asking for help
Do people actually hate PS1/N64 era 3d mascot platformers?
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>Why did Yooka-Laylee get so much negativity just for being a callback to the late 90s era 3d platformers?
because, unlike the games it was drawing inspiration from, it had shit level design with large, mostly empty, worlds.
Ok thats one opinion, what else do you guys think?
it doesn't even matter as odyssey did just about everything right and has been both a huge critical and commercial success.
But thats not a callback to the late 90s. All I'm asking is if people hate late 90s platformers because they didn't like Yooka-Laylee
The music wasn't as good, the implementation of controls was not thought out well, the characters were done well, but was never the reason people liked the banjo-kazooie games.
From the start Mario 64 was designed from the ground up based on controls, then used a hub world to access a bunch of mostly open levels that were not traditionally linear until the later levels that added to the frustration.
Yooka-Laylee doesn't even have the interesting dialogue that Banjo added to the tight controls. The coins used in Mario was used to incentivise attacking enemies and give direction.
The notes in banjo did this and the jingos were the easter eggs to find, Yooka-Laylee replaced the jingos with the coins basically and don't use anything to clearly show the layout for the levels.
>tl;dr Yooka-laylee failed on basic level design that made the Mario 64 clones good
Even Odyssey is good because of level design, it's core to the basic.
The problem with Yooka-Laylee is that it was marketed as a spiritual successor made by the original development team yet ended up paling in comparison to what it was inspired by, made by 4 of the people who worked on the first game alongside a number of people who worked on unrelated projects.
The result was a fucking mess of ideas that didn't work with each other. The levels are bigger than ever with less collectibles, NPCs, and challenge variety. I'm sick of people insisting Yooka-Laylee was "literally" Banjo 3 or that if you enjoyed the Banjo series, you'll "love" Yooka-Laylee. It's basically a mediocre fangame.
>do people hate 90s platformes now? ;-:
people hate shit games
yooka laylee was shit
everyone loves a hat in time and odyssey which are what yooka laylee failed to be
No ones answering my question: Do people actually hate PS1/N64 3d mascot platformers?
Because it was made by hacks pretending they made Banjo Kazooie
But those weren't a callback to 90s platformers! Those were just modern 3d platformers! Which is why I assume that people don't like the 90s platformers anymore!
>inspired by 90s platformers
>literally a 90s platformer
>heavy callbacks to a 90s platformer
>all well-received
No, you retard.
Why are you incapable of accepting that YL was mediocre?
I feel like A hat in Time was more of a Gamecube/PS2 era platformer and Odyssey is just a modern 3d platformer. Neither are inspired by the 90s as much as Yooka was
There's a difference between being mediocre and absolute shit like most people acted as if the game were.
Because they built on the games they were successors to instead of using them as a crutch.
I thought YL was fine, it didn't blow my socks off or revitalize the genre or anything but it was worth a playthrough, took me about 23 hours to 100%.
I'd say BK>AHiT>BT=YL, though that's not to say BT or YL are bad games, I think they're both games worth playing.
It was worse than DK64 when it pretended to be as good as banjo kazooie
A hat in time did everything better
I'd actually consider Odyssey an excellent collectathon, it has tons of platforming, transformations, inter-world connectivity, non-platforming related collectables, backtracking with new powers, and lots of secrets.
I'm enjoying it a lot so far, feels like a banjo game with better platforming but worse boss fights.
Ok so that one guy said that A Hat in Time and Mario Odyssey ARE in fact inspired by 90s 3d platformers AND that people don't hate the late 90s style platformers. Anyone else agree?
Collect-a-thons were just ways to pad content into the limited abilities of the consoles at the time. They're inherently dated and the reason that any attempts to re-create this feeling will fall flat almost certainly.
Maybe because they're trying to sell games only on nostalgia. No matter how much you say you like something, you really don't. There is a reason no one is playing the games of their youth. Where are streams with hundreds of thousands of people watching Mario Party 2 or Mario Kart 64?
Yooka-Laylee was so bad, but I didn't quite realize it until after I played Odyssey and A Hat in Time.
It's slow, boring, cumbersome, and extremely unpolished. Hell, even A Hat in Time felt very unpolished when next to Odyssey, but it had actual charm to it which makes it great. YL is soulless.
But its not fair! There's so many 2D NES style indie games like Shovel Knight, but as soon as someone decides to make a 3D game, which is MY childhood, everybody hates it! Now your saying that those types of games are inherently dated and should NEVER come back! How do you think I feel? I know AHiT did good but those don't feel the same! I've been waiting for this all my life and everyone fucking hates it! Its not fair.
But everybody loved Odyssey and a Hat in Time? Yooka Laylee focused too much on being LIKE a 90s platform instead of being a fun game first and foremost. It's fanservice gone wrong.
>Now your saying that those types of games are inherently dated and should NEVER come back
OP, quit your stupid autistic roleplaying.
2D NES indie games = Everyone loves and they keep making more!
3D PS1 indie games = This is outdated and shit! They don't belong in this era
Banjo Kazooie is one of the most overrated games ever, it spawned a whole generation of furfaggots.
I'm 25 and my childhood fav games were the Banjo games, YL captured the same feeling a bit but overall it was an experience I can only describe as "empty," the world didn't feel alive to me like the BK/BT ones do to this day. A hat in time's second chapter felt the most alive in that game so I enjoyed it a lot, Odyssey so far seems to just be great in every regard.
There was another old-school platform game released this year. But unlike Yooka-Laylee this one was ACTUALLY GOOD.
Because it was an easy target for tortanic newfags and Sup Forums to go apeshit.
Yeah because it's based off early 00s Gamecube era games. NOT the late 90s PS1 games like Banjo, Crash and Spyro. Does that mean people hate the 90s style of 3D platformers?
yes op, everyone hates n64/ps1 era platformers
that's why the crash remakes sold like absolute shit and literally everyone hated them and your childhood is dead and you should kill yourself
>Hat in Time
This is the best joke of this year. A shameless nostalgia grab that took five years to make 1/10th of a game.
YL was dead the second it jumped aboard the sjw train, indies dont have the funding to push that trash
Do you have brain damage or something? Yooka Laylee being poorly received tells you nothing about people's like or dislike of 90s platformers. One game doing bad is not a trend. Get a grip OP
Please dont bring that shit up, I'm solely talking about the hate towards the game itself, not the drama around the developers.
yeah, the jontron shit made me not want to spend my money on yooka laylee to be honest.
I mean fuck, I already have so many games to play, why would I spend my money on nu-male fags who pander to tumblr whales? Just look at wolfenstein and other games who did the same thing lmao.
It just wasnt very good. Uninspired character and level design.
It was like the creators just threw a bunch of shit together and went yeah people will lie that. Just look at those two fucks. A bat and a chameleon. Its trying too hard.
Just make new sly racoon games.
They reused the same npcs and enemies in every world the npcs do not even fit that worlds setting
Also the worlds were empty and all your moves were on a cool down rather then item amount
>Yooka-Laylee copies more of the bad from the 90s collectathon era than the good
People praise Mario 64, Kazooie, and Crash to this day. Yooka-Laylee was just attempting to ride the coattails of the past without improving on anything.
I backed the game and told myself for years that the characters looked good but always knew deep down that they were ugly and shit. Could only finally admit it when I dropped the game after two hours.
They have the same character designer, but it just seemed like everyone on this project lost their touch. Everything felt like crap. Even David Wise's music on the mine cart parts didn't seem very memorable, even though he's a fucking legend with every other song in any other game.
The game was just cursed to be mediocre in every way.
That's a major part of it tho. The game was just mediocre and the sjw drama refined distaste into dislike. Plus jontron has a pretty massive fanbase, like it or not.
In defense of minecarts in general, they can be fucking awesome still. Tropical Freeze minecart levels were great. They were zoomed out, featured moving obstacles, and went into 3D segments just fine. It was a modern twist and it was fun.
Yooka-Laylee's problem is that it seems to be the absolute bare minimum effort to include minecarts. Here's a minecart track in a level that would never have a minecart, like a fucking casino. Also, it just floats, and there's stupid nonsensical shit in your way, and the camera is ass too.
I don't dislike minecart levels. What bothers me is that they threw them in because "Hey, that's what Rare used to do!"
One could argue that Tooie had the Canary Mary race which "technically" had a minecart, but come on. That's not even close to handling the same.
So after reading some of these comments I can assume that the 90s 3D platformers aren't hated on. A couple people hated on them in the comments, but more people said they like it.
>Here's a minecart track in a level that would never have a minecart, like a fucking casino
>mfw they couldn't even bother to reskin the tracks
You may see a difference to mediocre and absolute shit, but in art it's better to be Tommy Wiseau THE ROOM than it is to be than the Fantastic Four.
The difference of crap and mediocre, is no one aims to be mediocre. Crap is where everything starts.
So you either give a great example of where to start, or you give a great example of where to go to. Mediocre is just sustaining the norm.
No one loved Banjo-Kazooie because it sustained the norm. Trust me, it was new and different. It was like Crash bandicoot meets Mario 64. It had humor and personality.
Yooka-Laylee almost roasts itself for being boring half the time, the other half it's roasting itself for being just like every other game.
They didn't even do the rap right
Thank god someone can still do it, though youtu.be
I seriously just want Retro's next game to be another DK. The games are different from the original trilogy, but just the fact that it's a good 2D platformer and is visually pleasing to the eye while so many other 2.5D games look like garbage means they're doing Donkey Kong justice.