Is this the most critically overrated game of all time?

Is this the most critically overrated game of all time?
I'm not ripping on it or anything, it was a great game. But when you look at all the reviews, claims that it's the greatest game of all time, the slew of perfect reviews, and it's pretty ridiculous.
In all honesty I wouldn't give it a shade above 8/10 due to the lack of lengthy combat-slog dungeons, a mediocre combat system and mostly horrible boss battles.

It's the bi-hourly retard thread.

What did he say that was unfair?
Are you a butthurt BoTW fanboy?

>Are you a butthurt BoTW fanboy?
Oh the irony....

It somehow managed to take away OoT's title of most overrated, which is a shame since at least OoT revolutionized 3D gaming, where BotW just subsists on borrowed concepts.
It's not a bad game per se, but there's nothing phenomenal about it.

I didn't really care it got GoTY. I like the game, and place no weight on game awards ceremonies.
Your deflection makes you seem upset, though. So I'll venture yes, OP rattled you.

You're looking for Skyrim or GTA V friendo.

Yeah, I'll never get over this humiliation.

>the most X of all time
No one has enough information to determine whether any X is the most Y example of all time or not.

But yes, it is extremely overrated, while being a pretty good game. I have never played a game with better exploration, but I also have never played (which doesn't mean there aren't any, but I have played quite a few games in my life and holy shit, does BbotW exceed at shittiness of the following) a game with a shittier combat or more disappointing underworld.

Skyrim's another good one but I don't think I've seen it lauded with the level of praise BoTW received, though it is overrated in other respects (gets a yearly remaster/rerelease).
GTA V might be the only one that's more overrated than BoTW, though. It wasn't even that good and got some perfect reviews. Not as much as BoTW but overrating is relative to quality, and it lacked in quality relative to BoTW.

mario odyssey came out in the same year so no.

Neither of those games are as overrated despite selling like quadruple the amount of copies.

BOTW really is the most overrated game, it's not even as good as the other two games honestly.

I don't know if it's an overrated Zelda game, but it's a pretty good Bomberman game


Odyssey was everything BoTW was cracked up to be.

>Skyrim is not overrated

Your mother is the most critically overrated game of all time. The bitch is broken.

> are as

If you hate it so much, why make a thread about it?

Ya no, BoTW is easily better than both Skyrim and GTA5. That being said ALL of these games are overrated, including Botw.

>I don't think I've seen it lauded with the level of praise BoTW received
Underage detected. You must have been a literal baby in 2011.

Nah, I don't like it, but SS is much worse and also got 10s out the ass

no matter what you feel BoTW is objectively GoTY.
You can not refute or rebuff, it is like death and taxes.
Maybe next time your favorite game will win.

Someone who was 12 when Skyrim released would be old enough to post here now

There's not as much as a game nor as much replayability. I don't even like TES and GTA5 bored me before I could finish it. And I actually liked BOTW but it has a LOT of glaring negatives which, given its reception, make it disgustingly overrated.

Hell, I can list more negatives for BOTW than both Skyrim and GTA5 combined.



the thing is though is that skyrim and gta v are dramatically worse games than botw but still rated in the same ballpark. the real question is why do you care what failed movie critics, jerk-off armchair designers, and soyboys of the game anyway? Did the 97 coerce you into buying a game you didn't like?

Hes saying the only way you could miss the 10/10 overrated "ZOMG BEST OPEN WORLD EVER" is if you were too young at the time to realize it. Skyrim was that generations Botw while being all around shittier than BoTtw.

>If you hate it so much

I said I thought it was a great game, though.

You seem upset.

Is this the most desperate and butthurt OP of all time?
I'm not ripping on him or anything, it was a serviceable post. But when you look at his criticisms, claims that it's overrated, the slew of regurtitated nitpicks, and it's pretty ridiculous.
In all honesty I wouldn't give it a direct reply due to the lack of his own criticisms, repeating nitpicks ad nauseam, a mediocre rhetoric and mostly horrible formatting.

This is how you know BotWfags are a bunch of newfags who never discussed Zelda. Thing about it is, that Zelda just so happens to be a series that people have a lot of strong opinions about. I know you're used to everyone forgetting that a game even exists after two weeks, but people aren't just going to stop talking about a Zelda game after an arbitrary amount of time.

Yeah, but I'm talking like 7 years old max. The hype for Skyrim and the praise it received in the year after its release was fucking insane, and only a baby who wasn't really paying attention would say otherwise.

I've been playing video games since the Atari days. I'm an old fuck. I own every major console from the past 30 years. I can quite confidently say that Breath Of The Wild is an absolute masterpiece of Game Design and one of the finest games I've played in years, Games like BotW only come around once a decade, and they leave a massive footprint in the gaming landscape. I've seen this time and time again, BotW's legacy is assured and it will celebrated and discussed for years to come. And quite rightly too. Nothing is going to change that.

>Hell, I can list more negatives for BOTW than both Skyrim and GTA5 combined.

Doubtful man. Its not a perfect game but its marginally better than GTA5 and Skyrim or even normies wouldnt gobble it up this hard.

The only game here that has any real replayability and its Skyrim which still suffers huge from a lack of any meaningful choices you could make that would increase replayability. You could make different builds i guess but then again if you play long enough your character will be good at everything. Id argue BoTW has actually the most replayability since it offers master mode difficulty which does change how you approach everything.

Skyrim and BoTW share some flaws with one-another. I think BoTW's world-building and Skyrim actually caring to piece together some rudimentary story trade off.

It was probably Top 5, in fairness. I don't think it'd be legit GoTY on anything but a horrible year though.
You sound insecure and mad, by the way.

>I think BoTW's world-building and Skyrim actually caring to piece together some rudimentary story trade off.

Ya i can agree with this. I like Zeldas memories, but it would have been better to have a more intimately crafted story to go with its intimately crafted world.

I didn't say that for fun. I actually could but that would be a mundane argument to have with you

Master Mode just encourages skipping 99% of combat situations too, dunno how that adds to replayability.

Don't be stupid. Despite the overwhelming acclaim, most worthwhile reviews mentioned the points where the game lacks. It just so happens in the mind of the reviewers it was not enough to detract significantly from the experience.

Maybe you just read the scores and thought everyboudy claimed the game to be literaly perfect, or maybe you're just shitposting.

Nintendo can't make which pleases everyone. What a fucking shocker.

Some people legitimately don't like BotW, thats fine. You don't have to like everything. But most of the hate leveled at BotW is simply due to it being a Nintendo game. I'm not accusing YOU of being like this, I'm just stating the obvious fact that Sup Forums is populated with clueless children who become enraged that rival system they don't own is doing well. It makes it worse that non-Nintendo owner constantly have to be reminded of how important Nintendo are to the industry, how creative and innovative they are and how their games are routinely championed as genre-defining classics. It isn't easy for them, I understand that. But their hatred always manifests itself in desperate shitposting. Christ, there's still daily threads of denial about Super Mario and Ocarina Of Time for fuck's sake.

>Master Mode just encourages skipping 99% of combat situations too

Only at the start. It adds replayability by changing how you approach things in the game. Turns more into stealth and hit and run then the gameplay equivalent smashing your head against a brick wall till it breaks. Im not saying this adds a ton of replayability, but more than GTA or Skyrim atleast.

If a game lacks in such fundamental areas as poor combat and base gameplay can it truly be considered a 10/10, though?

>Maybe you just read the scores and thought everyboudy claimed the game to be literaly perfect,

But why would they not claim it's not literally perfect but then give it a literally perfect review?
Are you saying, by indirect admission, they overrated it?

Shut up faggot, you're not even making sense at this point.

>poor combat

I mean, its not super in depth but its not poor.

> base gameplay

Ya no the core base gameplay is fantastic. You arent one of those people that though dungeons are part of the base gameplay are you?

Man if botw is a 8/10 then games like bloodborne are a 6/10 and the witcher3 4/10.

I'd say no incentive to engage in combat detracts from the game a lot
Fuck that's why I hated Sticker Star, fighting wastes resources for no gain.
A 10/10 is by definition considered perfect.

Bioshock Infinite is pretty close, but yeah as of now Breath of the Wild is the most overrated game of all time. That says nothing about the game's actual quality, just how fucking ridiculous hype machines can get.

No it isn't.

Do you think 5/5 means PERFECT too?

>But most of the hate leveled at BotW is simply due to it being a Nintendo game
Is there a single fact to back this up or are you just making a bold assertion to paint what is literally the most well received game of the past 5 years, possibly the last 10 years, as some sort of victim?

I'm inclined to imagine you've never played GTA, let alone TES. Those games let you interact with NPCs which produces infinite more replayability than BOTW. NPCs add a layer of dynamism to the story or whatever you end up doing while playing these games. BOTW simply has enemies and Master Mode logically discourages interaction with those enemies. It just exasperates the tedium of the combat system, not many people find it fun at all.

>Sup Forums tries to have a sensible discussion
>makes one jumbled post with a cat reaction image and gives up

No the combat is definitely poor. It's a game that pays very little mind to how you tackle enemies outside of spamming runes or flurrying the shit out of them.
It's not "not super in-depth". It has an abject lack of depth.

>Ya no the core base gameplay is fantastic

Maybe my statement about that was a little egregious, but I also think claiming it's fantastic is egregious, too.
It definitely got the job done and the physics engine was commendable but that's all that can be said of it.

>all of the interesting parts of the map can just be boiled down to shrines
Who thought this was a good idea?


>list of pointless shit

Many of these things are absolute padding or can be tackled in much of the same manner.
Or, just things to stand and look at.
Who takes the time to write this?

This isn't about BotW being a 10/10 game or being GOTY or whatever. It runs deeper than that.

This is all about the humiliation this board suffered at the hands of Nintendo. After nearly a year-long hate campaign of shit posting, cherry picking screenshots and flat out spreading lies, Sup Forums attempted everything in it's power to belittle the game and Nintendo's new console.

They desperately wanted the Switch to fail.

You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

Mario Odyssey was just as critically appraised but the saltyness from that game cuts nowhere near as deep into Sup Forums's psyche like BotW.

They'll never get over it and that's why they've spent the past ELEVEN FUCKING MONTHS trying to rationalise the whole affair in their minds.

the probability that it's a better game than the shit you play is very high. Low replay value for me though.

>They desperately wanted the Switch to fail.

OP here, I really didn't. I love it and am happy BoTW helped it.

>You could audibly hear their jaws drop in absolute fucking horror when BotW turned out to be one of the best games of all time, single-handedly turned the Switch into a massive overnight success and proved once again that Nintendo were at the cutting edge of game design.

BoTW is not one of the best games of all time unless you're a reviewer, and I'd be much more inclined to say Odyssey did more for the Switch as it sold far in excess the copies that BoTW did.
Basically you're a fucking retard.

Odyssey deserves the praise unlike BotW

now this is autism

I think it is. The reason I think most reviews gave it 10/10 is because of the many details this game have like ennemy AI, interaction with the overworld, physics etc. But apart from that, the world is kind of empty but that is no longer reflected in the reviews...And dont say Im butthurt about the game being succesfull, Im a Zelda fan but my favorite Zelda game is Majoras Mask.

A bald assertion isn't an argument. I've already refuted your representation based arguments. Give me something else.

This is a list of things mostly that you can go around, see and look at, but don't really include many unique interactions with the world.
>the long intracite enemy camps built over water or some other hazard
This cunt can't even spell intricate and thinks a location chocked full of enemies you approach all in the same fashion as every other enemy in the game is noteworthy, purely because the placement is pretty?

Fucking this. Sup Forums got BTFO out in the most spectacular and hilarious way possible. They can't get over it. There must be some mistake. Nintendo must have paid for the reviews! Hence, we've had nearly a year of denial.

Dude the "interaction" you get with NPCS is on the same level as Botw. You talk to one bitch and she never has anything new to say. Its interactive ONCE and never again. In GTA you can swear and yell at regular people, neat but that doesnt hold the game on its own.

Again i disagree with your master mode statement. Just cause its not for you doesnt mean it doesnt work for everyone else i talked to.

>No the combat is definitely poor.

Nah its not, its passable. Its marginally better than say Witcher 3's or Skyrims combat. Its also better than 90% of Zelda combat in general par TP.

>but I also think claiming it's fantastic is egregious

Nah dude it is fantastic, or it wouldnt be this popular. Its overrated, but definitely fantastic in its own right. Nothing get this popular with both Sup Forums and normies without doing something very right.

No, its about me playing the game, being underwhelmed by it, and being slightly annoyed at having to discuss it with sycophants such as yourself who cite gaming """"""journalists"""""" as justifications for you opinions instead of presenting any real arguments, all while flaunting a ridiculous victim complex.

BoTW is absolutely one of the best games of all time.

>presenting any real arguments,

haters never have any proper criticism to give the game, its all mindless buzzwords cause most of you fags havent even played it let alone own a Switch and it couldnt be more obvious.

11 months of assfucking.
Will this be the game that surpasses OoT's salt level?

Literally every Zelda game before BotW is more overrated than BotW.

>Dude the "interaction" you get with NPCS is on the same level as Botw.
Not going to bother humoring you, you're just shitposting now or actually haven't played those games.

>Its marginally better than say Witcher 3's or Skyrims combat.
You also appear to be shitposting to someone else you forgot to reply to.

I wouldn't even call it the best game on the Wii U

t. reviewer

I wouldnt bother discussing it here on Nintendoga/v/ OP because Botw shitposter shills are pathetic insecure autists who need their game to be Goty to justify their soyboy iPad. They are not even Zelda fans because they clearly outline multiple times how "cinematic" and linear the series is as if it were a bad thing. I have never seen the insecurity to be this bad for any main Zelda game on Sup Forums. People shitted on TP and SS on release and most of the Zelda fans just accepted it a.k.a the meme Zelda cycle but not this game. Because if you dont suck Link's trap Gerudo cock or fellate over muh open world cancer and muh shallow side quests and shrines that pad over the terrible main quest which is what most Zelda fans care about, you're just le seething mad le 11 months le le le.

The journalists that posted day 1 reviews that 2 weeks to play the game and write a review. I think some opinions on this game soured as people went past the 2 week mark.

>Upset that a he'd give 8/10 gets a 10/10

Sure, I mean, I wouldn't stand for such a thing either. It's an outrage!

>Nah its not, its passable. Its marginally better than say Witcher 3's or Skyrims combat. Its also better than 90% of Zelda combat in general par TP.

I don't think Witcher or Skyrim even had good combat but BoTW doesn't touch either as they at least have a few tangential tidbits, such as the upgrading/meaningful interchangeability of weaponry, or a diversity of styles going for them.
BoTW was a one-trick pony that castrated your effectiveness if you attempted to apply any other tricks.
That trick was also terribly easy to master and presented no ancillary mechanics.

Out of curiosity, what WOULD you call the best game on Wii U?

Because I'd say Nintendo Land, Mario Kart 8, or Knytt Underground, but I know those are very undesirable opinions.

I thought it was pretty good. Still play it a lot.

stop it, go on, stop and go on pls

Personally I thought 3DW was the best Wii U game with Pikmin 3 as a close 2nd

>play Skyrim
>talk to NPC
>exhaust all 3 lines of dialogue

Much interaction.

You seriously have to be braindead or a blind hater whose never played Botw to actually think "smash left click forever" is a better combat system than Botw. I mean, the combat systems arent even the reason you play Witcher or Skyrim and here you are defending them proving you havent even played BoTW.

The "diversity" in styles is negligible when the gameplay always comes down to the same fucking thing. You slam BoTw for being a one trick pony which i can agree with to some extent but then have the stupidity to praise Witcher 3s and Skyrims combat which is laughable for even RPG standards. Fuck out of here.

Arguments have been presented time and time again. One lengthy post I wrote explaining the game's merits became pasta and is still always met with salty denial.

You see, it's very easy to objectively explain WHY BotW is so good. But haters can't articulate their arguments beyond subjective personal taste. And then they get frustrated and hurl insults.

You don't HAVE to like everything. But stol pretending everyone else is wrong.

The combat is shit and I don't like walking in a straight line or climbing up a featureless cliffside for 20 minutes. It's fine if you like that but I don't.
The dungeons sucked ass, there's virtually no enemy variety, the story's next to nonexistent, the voice acting was awful, the only thing to discover are shrines, that stupid dragon was a fucking cocktease, the sidequests are mindless fetch quests, i dont remember any of the characters but the 100 year old loli.
Should I keep going?

>kill npc
>lengthy quests with npcs
>depth in magic
>different character specs

The combat isnt shit its passble. Skyrims combat is shit.




Name one reason why you shouldn't just avoid enemies when you can.
Over abundant crafting materials?

I didn't praise them at all. I literally stated at the front of the post that I didn't think either had good combat.
However I can at least understand that there were other fundamentals you could potentially incorporate into your play-style, which is an objective step-up from BoTW, which effectively boils you down to one, and massively neuters you if you attempt to stray from it.
Now, you could bring up the disparity of combat styles in Skyrim as a retort, there are clear superiors, so in a real sense that neuters you, too. But not to the same extent, and the choice is still there. That's what's important. Though Skyrim/Witcher are both lackluster in combat, that at LEAST bothered to present a somewhat reasonable choice, or float the whole thing with supportive mechanics.

>make hearty food and span slowmo
>win the game

OP is still shook after the pain train.
I'm literally shaking too.

>However I can at least understand that there were other fundamentals you could potentially incorporate into your play-style, which is an objective step-up from BoTW, which effectively boils you down to one, and massively neuters you if you attempt to stray from it.
Literally and objectively untrue, you massive shitstain.

It suffers from the same problem every open world sanbox game does.
That being said, those issues along with a questionable amount of bugs makes me wonder how it could possibly get a 10/10 score, especially since it has issues running on the WiiU and Switch

>>make hearty food and span slowmo
Sounds like you got rewarded for learning the game's mechanics. Well done you.

He probably is
I do like the game too, but found it lacking, the only real fun enemies where the lynels and guardians

>a questionable amount of bugs
The fuck am I even reading here? This is some desperate bullshit.

I'd give this game 7.5 or 8 out of 10. The first hours were 10/10 though.

No that'd have to be a GTA

>kill NPC

K i guess

>lengthy quests with NPCS

Botw has this

>Depth in magic

LOL in skyrim and witcher? They dont even has as much depth as Oblivion which has even less depth than morrowind. This is hardly a pro.

>different character specs

Nope, play the game long enough and your character can do everything. Biggest flaw of modern day RPGs.

BoTW, which effectively boils you down to one,

This is wrong tho. BoTW gives you so many different weapons and tools to approach things im starting to think you didnt play the game or only played the game one way and never experimented at all. If all you do is run and there and slash shit up ya it will get dry. Roll bombs down a cliff, try stealthily taking out the entire camp, float bombs, ranger them, sneak in and steal all their weapons so you can fight them unarmed. Theres a ton of different ways

>Skyrim as a retort, there are clear superiors, so in a real sense that neuters you, too. But not to the same extent, and the choice is still there. That's what's important

When those choices feel so negligible to the gameplay it doesnt feel important though so much so that these choices and styles feel like an afterthought.

>BotW fans are butthurt.

You can't make this up.