>meanwhile at Sup Forums highschool math class....
Meanwhile at Sup Forums highschool math class
Okay class, If i have one A-press and perform a half A-press, how many A-presses have i performed?
One and a half
*nudges user*
*points at another user up front*
Bruh, look at this dood.
>TFW some kid actually did this to me in 5th.
>TFW teacher put me in detention.
God I loved bullying the fuck out of him in middle school
*silently looks at phone all class*
What did he mean by this? Thoughts? Apologize to him Sup Forums. Explain yourselves. Well? Who was in the wrong here? Defend this. A deal’s a deal, user! What's his name again? What the fuck was his problem? Refute this. Prove him wrong. Perfect X doesn't exi- . Protip: you can't. Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much? Sup Forums BTFO. Would you? Is he "our" guy? He did nothing wrong! Will you buy his game? Buy his game. Convince me to NOT buy this game. Find a flaw. Bing bing wahoo! Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that it was shit? I'm glad we can all agree on this. How did we go from this...to THIS? JUST. Hold me, Sup Forumsros. WAKE ME UP. How do we fix this? No way, fag. Redpill me on X. Confess. What was his endgame? Was it kino? What am I in for? What are some games that let me do this? Name 1 (ONE) game that does this. What went wrong? Why is this allowed? Will this save the gaming industry? BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY. Can we get one of these threads going? I will post this everyday until E3. LOL. Keep it vidya. What’s the best X, and why is it Y? Really makes you think. WE. So this...is the power...of X...woah. I just played X, what did I think of it? *BRAAAP*. Here's your controller bro! DIE BARNEYFAG. I want to ____ X! Look at this Nep! NEVER EVER! Kys. THICC
*blocks your path*
Oh no no no no no no
*breathes in*
>tfw too intelligent to X
>hey user turn on your mic!
[Ranking of Dark Souls games]
haha. I'm at a loss. HE. How's that youtube gaming channel, Sup Forumsros?
What the fuck were they thinking? Claim you're waifu! I HURT MYSELF TODAY
>people fell for the X meme
Headsets thread. Tired gamer thread. Are videogames art? CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES. When will you outgrow videogames? Sex or videogames? What games allow me to play as X? It’s not fair! Is this loss? Is this a Jojo reference?
>this is your ___ for tonight
>this is ____ say something nice to them
"Yo teach, why you walking so funny today?"
>There are actually people who think communism works
Two, you round up the A-presses. You can't just say it's half.
>That 30 year old short black man in the back of the class
>commie shirt
Everything checks out
Sorry dears, but arithmetic class is two doors down. Now can we get someone who actually belongs in this class to answer?
I fucking hate math, why fucking teach people who dont go into advance math jobs or shit in school fuck you reee
This class is the Dark Souls of classes.
50%, i either get it correct or i don't. Simple.
>answer alters how the question is interpreted
Is the answer to this question no?
Look at the top of his head
That's the joke.
Look at his lipsss
Ok class if put Xbone X fps and add PS4 Pro fps and i divide it by the amount of good games on the Switch, how many frames do i have?
They'll never know if they like math if they never have to try
You're only mad because it was revealed to you you had no shot at a cushy math-heavy job
You'd have preferred to never tried math
You could have dropped out. Really if they dumb down public schools any further they really will become day cares
You have all been baite'd
Can I go to the nurse's office to get a larger dose?
well you definitely got the age group right
there is no correct answer
25X4=100 thus you have a 25% chance of picking one random question and getting it right if you only had 2 questions then it would be 50%
>tfw i teach high school history
feels good man
How can you stand high schoolers?
History seems like the easiest shit to teach.
d-does anyone here play video games?
You make them think you're a cool dude that understands them, not an old fart who tells them to turn a page whilst he browses Facebook
by being a good history teacher, it usually takes the first few weeks, but after people know the general structure of the class period and how I act and handle class, they tend to like me at least i hope they do
depends, teaching u.s. history is terribly boring, while world history is loads of fun, it all depends on what administration has you do
i'd be in the back on my phone for the entire class
There is not even an actual question so there can't be a correct answer either.
Hey fellow Social Studies teacher. I am from NY and these teaching requirements can kiss my ass.
user, stop making memes and pay attention!
i do hope Sup Forums isn't retarded as the answer is fairly obvious
I feel you, even here in WY the creep is real
>Smart phones during class
Underage shitters
obv bottom one, there will be so much people train will stop
top can go infinitely
>eating lunch alone
the bottom one, at first glance
The top one of course, the bottom just ends up with me saving 1/12 of a person
Now user, can you solve this problem?
it's maths you stupid bender yank
*bottom one
Any tips for a future chemistry teacher?
The picture already does
Shave your head
Math is for casuals
*silently faps while looking at teacher*
Im going to save that. While I can verbally explain that, maybe it would help if people could see it.
two plus two is four minus one thats three quick maths
ask lots of questions, to your students and fellow teachers whenever you think it's necessary.
Destroy bottom.
Yeah, this is the type of useless trick question bullshit I remember from school.
I needed to update my list, thanks!
>This really rustled my jimmies
>epic ruseman
>back to gaia/reddit/9fag/tumblr
>Which Neptunia would you fuck?
>My sides are moving on their own!
>pls go
>go to bed X
>top lel
>I keep throwing money at my screen but nothing's happening!
>You. I like you.
>my nigga
>are you gay or something?
>Sup Forums is gay!
>this is my fetish
>hardcore gamer
>Sup Forums culture
>shiggy diggy
>I just bought [game]. What can I expect?
>[game] general, I guess.
>Why do you post a blank wall?
>Sup Forums hates games!
>Sup Forums is one person
>I want to be a little girl
>Cute girls doing cute things
>Filename thread
>John Ravioli
> :3
> ~~~~
>I want to get into MGS. Which game do I play first?
>Gentleman, how do we fix [game or company]?
>Dear sirs
>[game] thread? [game] thread.
>[game] general? [game] general.
>What was his problem?
there's more
So what's the question?
Here, brainlets
>its 50% implies that you either get it right or wrong, simple as that.
>its 25% because one of them by definition has to be the correct answer.
>its 0% because there is no correct answer since its open to interpretation.
This is why I hated math.
>it's a bong is frustrated that British English is no longer relevant on the world stage episode
B-brittania r-rules the waves!
>commie shirt
>smart phone
I think that drawing isnt correct, because if 1 pulls the lever, then both green and white die.
if both pull it, then only green and white die.
the families cant die if they both press the lever. obviously for the sake of the question though, can green and white hear or see eachother? if not, then it doesnt matter, flip a coin or something, and wait.
>made in the people's republic of china
so this is what happens when Reddit infests, huh?
Alright, class.
How much bigger is 4K compared to HD?
>Sup Forums highschool
Not enough short buses to hold all of Sup Forums.
Improve it
i tried teaching, but gave up and went back to my IT jobs
highschoolers absolutely despise manlet teachers. middle schoolers are the worst, though.
t. Guy getting laughed at
>I always tell lies.
Are they lieing or telling the truth?
Also, if I have a 20 sided die, and say "It will land on 1", by your logic, they would be right 50% of the time.
(Also, dont try to solve the monty hall problem with this sort of logic.)
>highschoolers absolutely despise manlet teachers
shame they do, luckily at 6'0 I am just tall enough to garner respect, but not too tall to where it looks weird
"Okay listen up class, where gonna have a guest speaker for the next half hour. His name is Todd Howard and he is here to talk about about the importance of sky....rim? Mr Howard I though you where here to talk about about climate change?"
Trying to be an elementary school teacher here. I think I might do okay. Kids seem to really like me for whatever reason.