Why do people hype this fucker? he's far from being the best GTA V character

Why do people hype this fucker? he's far from being the best GTA V character

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He's deranged just like me.

well who is the best character according to you ?


He's the only one with a sense of humour. Besides he is far more interesting than le my kids don't love me man and le humble nigger who wants to escape the ghetto

>"best character in the game"
>is Canadian
I don't know OP. Reminder that the majority of GTA V fans were 15 when the game came out.

He's the only nu-rockstar protag that don't complain every 5 minutes

Well...let's just say this guy is pretty much me in all aspects - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

lamar should be in franklin's place

>that don't complain every 5 minutes
muh brad
muh betrayal

Best boy.

Retard college nihilists who think they're automatically 130 IQ because they don't believe in some form of deity. Same self-awareness lacking pedestrians who think Rick and Morty is the epitome of comedy.

He appeals to the Rick and Morty crowd
They equate irreverence to comedy

Though I like Trevor, this nails it.

Albeit I didn't know Trevor was all that hyped.


Gta 6 when

>literally who no personality fuckboy

Michael > Trevor > Franklin > Anyone in the game > Franklin's friends (Lamar, his aunt, his druggie friend, etc)
Why do they need to portray the niggers as uncivilized people?

Trevor is based.

>Why do they need to portray the niggers as uncivilized people?
You really need to ask this?

Because big dog big balls

But they were alright in San Andreas. Why make them so savage now? Even Trevor with his stupid barbaric ways can be civilized when he wants to, I have no idea how they made Franklin's hood give me so many urges to switch to literally any other character.

He's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humour.

He's a psychopath with a heart of gold. Plus his character fits the batshit antics of GTA, I don't feel like just punching random people on the street and getting into random shoot outs with cops would be out of character for him.

My cousin Niko of course

Yeah Niko da best boy.

that and when he kills a couple are his best and only good moments on gta v

He has more character than the other two characters, even if he's effectively a cartoon character.

>San Andreas
Time frame. Nigs had actual culture in the 90s. V is a critique of modern times.

Claude Speed obviously

Do you want me to get my dick out again? XD

>mass murderer
>never uses racial slurs
>goes for low hanging fruit like feminism
>spic whines at him for helping border control
>immediately bitches out and goes into white guilt mode
>ordered to kill BP in vain attempt to appease him

Literally made for reddit.

Tommy Vercetti

damn i think lamar was a fag

He still sucks and those two are a really low bar to clear. Lamar would've been a way better player character, just jettison Franklin and have Denise be his aunt, Lamar demonstrates poor judgement working for Simeon, Michael takes pity when he realizes what a retard Lamar is and trains him to be competent because he shows potential as a good burglar and driver.

Thing is Ending C was meant to have Franklin die helping his buddies, which would then leave you playing as Lamar in his place. A lot of the stuff was left over.

oh shit, that would be nice, I felt like ending C was too cartoonish and rushed even for a GTA game.
What else did they left over?

He’s edgy as fuck and so random how could you not love him

I've slowly started to hate GTA V because of GTA Online. It was clear that they deliberately made a short game so they could put everything into their pay-to-win online scam. Fuck Rockstar.

My problem with GTA V is how much padding there is in the game, most of Trevor missions are full of padding.

I cant believe they havent introduced the North Yankton map.

only gta v characters I "like" are lamar and maybe michael's fbi handler guy (not the one you kill at the end)

agreed, that was my biggest issue with the game when I picked it up after not playing for a couple of years.
rockstar doesn't let you drop money, transfer money, or simply make it easy to make money without having to grind heists out because they want you to spend money on heavily over-priced shark cards.

I'm like 60% through the game and it's weird how the humour comes much more from specific lines rather than just the characters themselves being funny like in San Andreas.

Thinking back on it, I miss all the likeable and memorable characters from SA. GTAV has lamar who's inherently a funny (imo) character, maybe a few of the freaks, but the main story is just filled with assholes and everyone being mad all the time.

The game does some things very well, like the whole planning of heists and making the world feel real but when it does try to be goofy like SA, it doesn't do it well and leaves a tryhard writer taste in your mouth.

that's why I pirated. I read a fair amount of posts here and there and they all say essentially what you said.

I'm not paying for a campaign that was a second thought. I love the game right now, but I'll be done with it in about a week and I don't have to deal with any of the online bullshit.

Because he's the only character that felt right going on a shooting spree with. Also he was articulate enough to understand, unlike Franklin.

Michael was the only relatable character in that game and he was a unlikable sadsack piece of shit who's wife was fucking literally everyone else.

t. people who missed the conversation between trevor and micheal that basically reveals that trevor is just a hipster, just the best one

its pretty much explained that trevors appearance and attitude is carefully manufactured to be as "different" as possible, out of dislike of conformity. micheal lays it all out


What are you talking about. They couldve done the same thing with GTA SA but decided not to because the mannerisms of the characters would be similar to Michaels and or Trevors. Plus it tried to show that Franklin was different to them.

*plane noises*

>shit music plays in every GTAV video I see
Are at least talking stations any good?