Do you plan on resubbing once BfA releases?
How would you rank Legion amongst the other expansions?
Are the allied races being released in 7.3.5 enough to keep you playing before BfA comes out?
Do you plan on resubbing once BfA releases?
How would you rank Legion amongst the other expansions?
Are the allied races being released in 7.3.5 enough to keep you playing before BfA comes out?
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying I'm not subbed
Legion is EASILY a top three expansion, and Antorus is super fun.
Plan on maining my Hpal
Also void elves are the best new race, along with dark iron dwarves. Help me decide between warrior dwarf or mage void elf
Mah nignog, void elfs gun be gud nigga.
No I plan on resubbing once Classic releases.
>Void elves get a worgen style out of combat transformation back to their original forms
Best race.
>muh classic
Nostalgia is cancer
Void Elf Shadow Priest is the only acceptable choice
Actually I might do that, since I've always wanted to try Holy. I've tried leveling a priest like five times though and shadow just doesn't feel good to me
>void elf
This game is fucking stupid.
This is pretty gud
t. Hordelet
You know they toned down how muscular Void Elves are in the latest build, right?
dark light fire snowflake elf when?
>Do you plan on resubbing once BfA releases?
I'm already subbed
>How would you rank Legion amongst the other expansions?
>Are the allied races being released in 7.3.5 enough to keep you playing before BfA comes out?
I really like the idea, but dislike that they're gated behind reputation. I only started Legion a month ago but I play casually, so reputation is taking me forever to grind.
10 years ago.
>Do you plan on resubbing once BfA releases?
Subbed since 2008
>How would you rank Legion amongst the other expansions?
Cataclysm > legion > pandaria > wotlk > wod > bc > vanilla
>Are the allied races being released in 7.3.5 enough to keep you playing before BfA comes out?
Not what I'm waiting bfa for. They are also expansion-exclusive so I'll only be interested in achievements anyway. I'm just waiting to play another year of a great mmo, hopefully with improvements, as always.
What a nice post. I think the game is still super fun to come back to, and the Argus campaign was actually memorable and the lore isn't total horseshit for once. Real excited to scale back down to horde v alliance as the focus tho. I guess I'll get called a shill or w/e but I'm having a lot of fun
I haven't played since cata, I'll probably play classic though.
>Cataclysm > legion > pandaria > wotlk > wod > bc > vanilla
how's the current game?
i played a couple months of legion here and there, last time i played was just as argus opened up
have we fought sargeras yet? who are the big bads in the new raid and what even is the new raid
how do you 1 up killing kil'jaeden
>dumb memes and nostalgia: the thread
Of course no one here actually cares about discussing the gameplay mechanics of the abortion that is retail WoW.
Battle for Azeroth looks like a fillertastic piece of shit. The additional races are the only good aspect of it.
I'll resub when they get rid of the retarded faction barrier and let me pvp and raid crossfaction. This whole expac was just another dumb excuse to keep it there.
>I haven't read the thread: the post
Why are you even here
>imagine being THIS upset that people enjoy a game
It's fun, raiding is as strong as it's ever been and the dps is actually pretty balanced. The rotations are simplified to a degree but honestly it makes most specs more fun to play imo. There's more endgame content than I think ever before, so there's never a drought of things to do. The endboss is Argus
>Cataclysm > legion > pandaria > wotlk > wod > bc > vanilla
Rate every expansion from best to worst, two times. One rating which one had best PvP, and one for PvE.
Popsicles who say x is a minigame or x is casual need not apply.
>Cataclysm > legion > pandaria > wotlk > wod > bc > vanilla
argus, is that like the planet argus' world soul?
What Class did you main in Legion, Sup Forums? I main'd disc/holy to top hps meters.
I had wotlk as my first expansion but I didn't list it first because I rated expansions objectively not just based on nostalgia
You may want to contact a psychologist if I hurt your feelings so much as to make you post some shitty reaction images for 3 times.
So...anyone here wanna send me some game time? Just like 30 days. I'll suck your dick.
Is this horde-let or horde-delet
Your post truly is wonderful
BM Hunter because I'm a brainlet. I bought one of these bad boys tho and ventured into classes with more difficult rotations. Now I switch between Enhancement Shammy and Feral Druid
Just contact the support and say "I want to try out the game but I'm not really sure whether I want to pay for 30 days of it" and there's a 90% chance they'll just give you a month for free. Luckily blizzard support is the best support in the entire industry.
thank you
Can confirm this works
Legion has been my favorite expac since WotLK. I love legendarys and hate them at the same time. something appeals to me about gear that can change your playstyle. however the rng and grind is ridiculous. Usually takes 2 weeks per leggo doing everything possible. It's so dumb. Legion has also been the worst expac iv'e played for alts. Iv'e gone through the argus quest chain 8 times and i'm ready to die. I really don't know how BFA will function without artifacts now, some traits are game changing and vital, they would have to rework the talent system or do something to overhaul the game to allow these passives, just removing them seems stupid.
>WoD better than BC and Vanilla
What the fuck, it is literally the worst expansion with the least amount of content.
They're reworking them into talents
I will play a new mmo from Blizzard, if they ever make one. WoW is bloated to shit and feels completely dead throughout.
its fun
>pay $40 + $15/mo to be a different color of elf
Arms warrior, up to FR nerf.
Then I decided to level up all other classes to 110 (excluding priest), so I can freely decide which alt to play once BfA drops, though I'm probably continuing to main Arms.
I'm still not sure about priests, I'd never play heal so only shadow, which wouldn't make sense I guess, considering priest has 2 healing specs.
Is only shadow worth the hassle of leveling a priest?
t. khadgar
I get all the mixed feelings about WoW, but lets be honest.
There's not many games out there you can bear to put so many hours into.
WoW has and will always be the game i get the most satisfaction putting months, and years into.
CSGO is fun, OW is fun, Dota based games are fun, but nowhere near the satisfaction i get from WoW.
I do need long breaks from that shit, but when i do return to WoW, i often catch myself playing that every day for months.
Grinding, working, transmogging, AH'ing, it really is the only videogame i really care about.
Played around 10-20 MMORPG's, but they fucking suck.
WoW will always have my heart, even though they fuck it up sometimes, i always return.
And fuck it, i enjoy it still.
>he doesn't play for free via WoW tokens
I find it hard to explain, but I think it has something to do with the fact that the game is nothing but satisfying, there's no huge frustrations that come along with playing it. There's a plethora of things to do, so if something gets boring you can go do something else. It doesn't demand your full attention, so you can listen to podcasts or music and enjoy two things at once. It's just nice.
I'm still sort off chasing that nostalgic feeling i got from vanilla, i do get the feeling that it's too late for that.
But it's still possible to find that neatly gridded social aspect of the game, that caught my eyes when i was younger.
Can't wait to boot up vanilla with my old faggot friends, to do the race one more time.
I think good times are ahead, also troublesome, but damn, WoW is the only game that has left such a mark on me.
Fucking WoW.
I hope they do something to make PvP more interesting, like solo queue ladders etc. Maybe more reasons to do regular BG's. Brawls are fun, but i'd rather see old BG style stuff with better objectives and smart reward systems.
Also disable racials in rated PvP, just make them into a talent tier or something, let people be whatever they want without losing out.
Wopsies, meant to reply to you
The chances of a resub are decently high. I wouldn't mind hitting whatever the new max level is.
I still have about 10 months worth of tokens put away I could use.
Shadow is very fun. Difficult to manage movement while staying in voidform, but it feels really rewarding when you get a handle on things. I played shadow pretty exclusively in legion and only dabbled in healing to get into queues for old content faster since I'm a pretty shit healer. (Disc is a pretty fun playstyle though)
This late into the xpac though, I wouldn't bother with a shadow priest. They have some retarded stat priority (16k haste minimum) and if you don't get the legendary belt + Sephuz you might as well not bother. I'd try it out for BfA when it comes out if the playstyle stays even remotely the same though.
Is there anything to be excited about this expansion? aren't they making it actually shitty since most people will just gravitate to vanilla WoW?
I mean, I know how people are adicted to the game, but come on the artifact grind was the worst shit ever, I bet they're gonna recycle the model with some new crap and enslave you to it as well, I really can't support that kind of progression.
stop shilling this WOD-tier filler garbage expac
STFU and stay grown up dude, enjoy spending time being a slave to money, while i masturbate to void elfs, and fuck around in my little cozy world.
>i purposefully came into a thread full of things etc etc
fuck off
>This late into the xpac though, I wouldn't bother with a shadow priest
Thought so. I exclusively played warlock as my alt, but the current lame playstyle of Destro and getting shafted with leggos (sephuz + norgannon as first 2) got me thinking about shadow.
Guess I'll give'em a shot once nightborne become available.
This song reminds me of this wierd Swedish vampire psychonaut i met at a festival once.
"Haha stoopid user, I play the game for free! All I have to do is play nothing else every single day and grind gold/play pretend stocks and I can play as much as I want!"
I havent played in three years, logged on today and i have no idea where to go or what to do, I only have WoD.
Gå i seng
You go to bed
How much does it cost for an HC Antorus boost?
yeah ill resub first month of a new expansion is usually pretty fun and i have enough token to buy the game and some months of gametime from free gold garrisons
id rate legion worse than wod just because the class design is so fucking terrible
all the content in the world dont matter if every class plays bad
i dont care at all about allied races ill wait till bfa
>still lapping up actiblizz turds at a monthly fee
How long are they gonna milk this streamlined pile of shit?
Just move on instead of giving these hacks money for a game that's watered down more and more every few years.
I've stopped playing after Dragon Soul hiatus, resubbed for 3 months of late mop and only came back for a week of late wod
umm excuse me horse but theres more content now than ever before
Or log in to your phone for 5 minutes a day while you poop to generate the gold for a couple months and some extra blizzbucks in 30 days.
As someone who loves alts Legion is by far the goddamn worst expansion ever. It's a fucking nightmare.
Also how the FUCK do I level a disc priest in dungeons, they seem fucking incapable of doing anything at low level.
Or into baseline, like Loaded Dice for Outlaw Rogues.
you can get enough gold for tokens just by doing gold table missions on 3 alts every day for 5 mins
That's horseshit and you know it
>garrisons, welfare leggos, phone login for gold and everything being a streamlined shell doesn't make the game shit because each exp gives us more filler "content"
>finally got Draenor flying
I'm ready to level a Warrior come 7.3.5.
3 alts is 6000 gold a day (actually something like every 10 hours), that's a little more than enough for a WoW token over the course of a month
>it's a "content doesn't count as content because I don't like it" episode
These and the "waah why is the community so shit and anti-social, wait what do you mean 'do you initiate conversations?'" are the fucking worst in WoW threads.
I'd say the daily intake on 3 toons that have Argus level followers is about 15-20k between gold missions and bloods into mats - meaning you have enough for a token roughly every 10 days.
Then you take into account dumping profession materials gathered while just doing content, not farming or grinding, and that amount goes up.
But I've straight up quit the game all of Nov. / Dec. while traveling and 5-10 minutes a day on the phone app still got me 4 tokens in those 2 months of not playing.
I don't think that would work, I already own the game, I was subscribed for 30 days once.
>let's just ignore everything except the last argument and pretend the game isn't garbage
They'll give you 7 days, it's totally a thing. I've done it on accounts that have played for years and just been down for a few months. "I want to see what the new patch is like"
Whos the nigga on the bottom left?
Varian as Lo'gosh.
Nice, I did the same since I was lucky enough to get like 8 Medallions of the Legion on my alts during Winter Veil dailies.
I'm dumb, I meant bottom right. Also, did Lo'gosh recognize Anduin as his son or did he just consider him his other personalities' kid?
>Playing retail
>Instead of XIV
Full fucking pleb.
bottom right is Varimathras
Hey what if the final dungeon was some big, green and black castle full of demons?
You mean Raid?
Varimathras in the Burning Throne raid.
>playing slow, easy weebshit
I already told myself to never resub again after World of Draenor.
Fuck this game.