What happened to side scrolling beat ‘em ups?
>pic related, the best Beat ‘em up of all time.
What happened to side scrolling beat ‘em ups?
>pic related, the best Beat ‘em up of all time.
most people realized that needlessly mashing the same two buttons to handle the same two generic enemies for twenty minutes wasn't any fun
They evolved into the likes of DMC and Bayonetta.
t. Someone who never 1CCed a beat-'em-up.
Pretty much this.
dragon's crown soon on ps4
Holy motherfucking filters
They turned into 3D beat em ups. Have you not realized that's what Platinium makes?
Not only that but he hasn't even noticed the attacks and enemies are different. You could suck at the game and still notice that. You'd have to be mentally retarde for it to escape you.
I wish there was a sidescroller that was very combo heavy kinda like a fighting game
I wish more 3D beat-'em-ups had co-op. Imagine Metal Gear Rising 2 with Raiden joining forces with Jetstream Sam.
>that filter
Anarchy Reigns makes me so sad. It had its issues but I'm glad I got to play it when it was alive and huge battle royales were possible.
Double Dragon Neon was sweeeet
mother russia bleeds released not long ago
Sengoku 3
They'd have to completly axe 90% of the cutscenes, basically 100% of the exploring, and all the filler (the puzzles, the platforming). Otherwise it would be ackward and slow with two people.
2D beat em ups basically were nothing but action. Players couldn't become seperatled on different screens. You didn't have to wait for your friend to finish watching the cutscene you skipped or for him to solve the puzzle/do the jumpin sequence/the sneaking sequence.
They like doing big set piece gimmicks in 3D beat em ups which would be horrible in two player. It would have to be nothing but a straight line of enemy filled rooms and MAYBE a few QTE (they love having those)
I used to be ambivalent towards to Double Dragon Neon, but learned to appreciate after playing the original creators' own attempt at making a Double Dragon IV. Shit looks like a cheapass fangame.
with the Punisher.
I loved anarchy reigns, it was so crazy even though it was kinda shallow and had a shit netcode.
Also Blizzard blatantly ripped of my main Durga.
And this is exactly the issue.
Modern beatemups dont have credits.
The game design of the game is shallow and repetitive if you remove the limited life's and credits.
And no modern developer dares make one that forces you to beat it in one sitting on limited lifes.
The fact you are trying to make your credit last as long as possible or managing the limited life's you have on consoles is the goal of these games wo it they get boring fast.
I was playing Fight'n Rage and it wasn't so bad.
>no online co-op
Wulverblade is pretty great
Try out Fight'N Rage on Steam.
Old beat em ups were deeper than the modern ones presciously because you had limited lives and faced rock-hard difficulty. You were forced to master every technique and tactic. Every move has a use and if you don't play properly you'll get your teeth knocked out.
3D beat em ups have more moves and attacks sure but they are just there to look flashy. Defense play is trivilized by a dodge button. Old beat em ups did not have dodge moves or when they did they were not 'do this command to not take damage'. 3D beat em ups work because they look pretty.
>indie garbage
The enemies in there look passive as fuck.
It's a combo video. Enemies always look passive when they're being juggled in the air. During actual gameplay the enemies are plenty aggressive, especially some of the late-game enemies.
Any good gameplay video of a beat 'em up will make the enemies look like pushovers. Try watching someone that isn't great at the game.
Interesting interview with Final Fight's Akira Nishitani.
Here's one that's more "average".
Granted, there are shittons of posts in the forums complaining that the game is too hard for some reason, I think it's balanced pretty well.
Anyone game where you die at least once is going to get some complaints at being hard. People complain about Cuphead being hard and think Hallow Knight is a challenge.
Slow, passive enemies. Reminds me of the enemies from watered down console ports of arcade beat em ups. Except even more so because your character is far more agile which makes it even worst. Nice visuals but it looks casual as fuck. Probably intended to be that way.
I didn't even see an enemy attack on the first screen.
Wow bro, you're such a hardcore gamer XD For games like Cuphead and Hollow Knight to be easy for you that must mean that your gamer skills are epic my dude!
>Slow, passive enemies. Reminds me of the enemies from watered down console ports of arcade beat em ups.
Even on arcade beat 'em ups the enemy behavior seems about right. The major threat doesn't come from the basic types, it's always the uncommon and late-game enemies that would wreck your shit.
I want to say nearly EVERY arcade game does that to ease you into things.
It's almost like there's a difficulty curve or something.
>The triple doberman right before the last boss
Someone was clearly not thinking right when they designed that
You can always get your hands on a knife right before them to aggro one at a time.
This game looks super sweet thanks user. That girl in that game made me remind of a snes beat em up with a pink clothed ninja now I want to find that too.
and there we go with casual retards. Yes, games where you have unlimited continues and constant check-points like cup-head or games where you have a massive, ever restoring supply of heal ups are easy.
But sometimes you die....which makes the game hardcore. It's so hard you even die!
In Final Fight once you get to the second screen (the one with the bill bulls in the warehouse) they start having enemy formations that will fuck your shit up if you aren't playing right. Arcade beat em ups got serious incredibly fast.
But like I said it's a double flaw. Not only are the enemies in those videos very passive but your character is very agile. When you have an agile character in a bet em up in order for the difficulty to not dip the enemies must get even more fierce or at least throw a lot more at the player.
That game you have the slow ass passive enemies from the console ports of beat em ups....but even slower. And ontop of that the character is much more agile than any characters in a console beat em up are.
Well from looking at the game 40 minuets in I'd say there isnt'. I didnt see the enemies attack much more at 40 minutes than at 5 minutes. Maybe there is a curve and it goes from sleep inducing to 'you need to kind of be attentive'
>That girl in that game made me remind of a snes beat em up with a pink clothed ninja now I want to find that too.
The Ninja Warriors?
damn user thanks I was just googling it.
Also if you guys want super deep beat em up try knights of valour 2 plus its really popular among Chinese people to the point of pseudo competitive kof 97 and that game are always on top on fighting game room on douyu
Why did we not get any vertical beat 'em ups?
What are your examples of good beat 'em ups? I'm curious.
>That filter
Fucking nasty.
Second off, no idea. I'd love to make one however I can't program and no clue where to start.
and its really fun, too; just got it during the Xmas sale. its just what i wanted to play, been dying for a good/new beat em up lately
Closest you'll ever get is Vanillawares game after the next game does well or flops
>what is Ikari Warriors 3
I have noticed in shoot em ups and beat em ups people never talk about what is bad or good its just another game for people to conquer since they are short
but try
bare knuckle 2
Sengoku 3
dino mustafa
captain commando
baseball batman ninja. I forgot full name
finalfight 2
Peter pan beat em up. I forgot name but google will easily give you
dungeon and dragon beat em up
I am still waiting for Dragon Crow for PC
Final Fight
Metamorphic Force (this is actually also a great introduction to arcade beat em ups since it's move list is fairly short and the game isn't too tough. Non-JP version is unplayable)
Violent Storm
Captain Commondo
Sengoku 3
Alien vs Predator
Golden Axe 2: Revenge of Death Adder
Golden Axe 1 (not actually very good but it's probably the easiest intro ever. Anyoen can 1cc it without much effort)
Capcom DnD beat em ups
Battle Circuit
Most console beat em ups suck. They are either water downed compared to the arcade games or too gimmicky
Streets of Rage 2&3
Sonic Blastman 2 (actually pretty mediocre but the move list is very impressive)
Batman for the SNES
Viewitiful Joe 1&2
The Red Star (sort of...it' kind of a mixture of all 2D action games at once)
>Devs just added an update where you get a special costume for each character by 1CCing
Shit, I just went from "ehh maybe" to "fuck it I'll buy." Cheers user.
I don't see a mention of Guardians/Denjin Makai 2. Go play it, please, it's really good.
I only reccomended beat em ups I was actually familiar with. That isn't to say the one's I mentioned aren't good.
I played about 30 sec of Guardians and was really impressive with the move-list.