What is your favorite TF2 class?

What is your favorite TF2 class?

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the one where metokur is actually 5'9" but makes fun of people for being manlets


>find an oddball online and make fun of them in a hour long blog so you and your audience of 14 year olds can tell themselves that they're very rational and intelligent and better than everyone else in a world gone mad
>if anyone criticizes this pathetic deluded low hanging fruit mentality they just get called triggered and the fanbase becomes more and more closed off and idiotic in their bubble of imagined superiority

Mister Metokur

lol shut the fuck up Destiny



I like playing every class except for sniper and spy. Scout, Demoknight, and Medic are my favorites though.


Every time he gets the chance, particularly with Destiny, but he's actually an absolute turbomanlet at 5'3", so he deserves it.

And apparently he triggered your manlet ass.

Dude's an internet troll: he exists to fuck around and become a real life smug anime reaction pic
Maybe the only way to defeat him is laugh at him, even when he's serious
Like, how come nobody ever bothered to study him?

yes metokur does need one

fuck off jim and finish your damn videos

He can't trigger me if he's shorter. Literally impossible.

He's literally the opposite of what you just said. All he does is laugh at speds, how is that any different to 99% of this websites population? Not to mention his strong disdain for people who act like what you said.


This, but replace Demo with Pyro. I honestly feel bad playing Pyro after Jungle Inferno made him completely broken but then I see myself regularly topscoring by a 20+ point margin in pubs and that makes it a bit better.

This. His channel is for retards and failures who are desperate to convince themselves that they're not so bad after all.
Well sorry to tell you this guys but you're still a fucking loser even if someone out there is fapping to weird shit.

Dude also has been in the internet for years, to become some sort of historian or something
He may act like a retard at times, but at the same time, he MAY BE a bit important

how long do you have to be on the internet to be considered a historian and important? you sound like a metokur dick sucker

>Destiny stream just consists of Metokur calling Destiny a pedophile and then running away

>Laughing at retards somehow makes me a loser

Sure is video games in here.

I don't think anyone thinks their sexual fetishes or the lack of them makes them intelligent.

Except cucks of course.

Great thread OP! Pretend you are talking about games with some uninspiring question while posting a image of a e-celeb triggering a e-celeb discussion because we all know Sup Forums is too autistic to let shit like this pass so they will bite the bait and do exactly what OP wants, like what is already happening in this thread.

Do people even try with these kind of threads anymore?

Do.... do they fuck in the end?

Do people even try at all with Sup Forums anymore?


>fanbase becomes more and more closed off
caring about his fanbase.
don't come back here shoeonhead

>Do people even try with these kind of threads anymore?
>These threads
It's pretty obvious at this stage all of Sup Forums is low quality bait and shitposting.

I like Internet Insanity
Never watched anything else from him

Take a wild guess.

Metadata. ZIZG-001

5'9 is literally average height. Deal with it uggo

Reading comprehension, bruh.


metokur says what he says she to rile people up. he probably doesn't even have any real strong beliefs in anything. he's a troll, an effective one too.

5'8 here.

You can't escape...join us.

>he's ok with being average
Typical manlet

>he really thinks that

>The dragon becomes me

>5'9 is literally average height
take away the beaners and asians and you're left with at least 6'0" being the average height in the US

i seriously wonder why 6'2" is the average height in the netherlands, or in any white country, hmm...

i want Metokur and Styx to join forces and save vidya podcasting
it will never happen tho

No I refuse! I refuse!

I'm pretty sure you don't have to be a loser to find humor in the lifestyles that people live. You Astral gendered demi-faggot with holistic tendencies.

Deviants is kino

>average height
This is, unironically, the only coping mechanism manlets have.
You were just born with bad genes, man. Just take it like a man.

Sup Lanky Kong, spider-girl ass weirdo. Looking like all tall ass spaghetti monster and shit.

We better watchout, Abe Lincoln over here escaped from the SCP containment breach, sucking dick with his serpentine ass frame like he watched Aeon Flux and was like yeah, I want to be a snek slave.

Giraffe looking ass bitch. Sucking dick with that deep neck of his. Careful you don't hit your head giving head, Sarah string bean.

If you were a weapon, your ass would be a pole arm all built wrong. Jughead mother fucker.

I've seen Somolian track and field runners shorter than you. Goofy son of a bitch. Your Goofy. That's your new Sup Forums name, Goofy Kong.

Put a trip code on it. It's yours. G-O-O-F-Y.

> HE

>Every thread on Sup Forums

there must be moar

Slavic countries are almost entirely white and they still have average height under 180 cm

Sorry you can't handle the BASED 5'9 average height master race. I'm going to live longer than you, statistically speaking, and have better muscle power

this nigga changes his opinions from video to video, he is basically shitpost: the youtuber and it's great

Imagine being so triggered that you literally go "b-but he's what he makes fun of me for being!"

The guy even made a Deviant's episode on one of his own kinks. The guy doesn't give a shit, he just likes to laugh at retards like you.

I didn't make more yet, which can be safely posted on Christian boards at least. Give me a theme or a title and I will see what I can do.

>tfw Metokur's face was revealed with a filter in one of his old videos
>He actually does look a bit like Scout

We need to get back to muh dik posting. There I can compete. ;)

I need to know. Do they make that shit because it sells, because they THINK it sells, or just for laughs?

i like the one video where he bullied some pedo kid into attempting suicide

it's not

shitty ecelebs tend to gravitate to shit games though

I prefer talmudic spy.

>defending child rapists and mass murdering furries from based Jim
you absolute fag

Which one was that?


i would seriously neck myself if i was under 5'10" like jim

anything with Okita Onri my dood but if you need to make moare dont worry about it

>Shoe is engaged

Im too much of an oldfag to give a shit about gen z ecelebs
who the fuck is this guy and why are you retards bumping the thread?

When in the fuck did he mention his height?


Heavy on attack payload specifically. There is something incredibly sastifying about gunning down the enemy team as you push the objective.




You guys think the altright will assassinate him?

if you call yourself an oldfag, you're aren't one, fag

sup cuckstiny

You gonna cry again, Destiny?

Jim's been around for a long time just under a billion different names.

I don't know dumb burger units.
>175.3 cm


>tfw Destiny convince his friend to kill himself, and brags about wanting to murder a kid and his father
>Destiny also preaches incest and defends "clinical" pedo porn
>Destiny has a child, and among the people he streams with has a kill count

This. Underage dicksuckers will be upset but in time they'll hopefully realise this is true instead of deluding themselves further.

Hey guys, I'm here to lecture you about morals. I am a paragon of virtue.



Nah he's already been destroyed. So much so that he never put this video on his channel

for women maybe

>literally defending a turbo manlet

unironically the Heavy

Ive been here since 3AB storytimes his rage comics, nigger. i never saw this dumb motherfuckers posted around until recently. He's from reddit?

So which fetish of your's did he make fun of?

>pedo kid

>pedo kid
user, I...

Has he made fun of fats yet? Inflation doesn't count, that's different.

I don't blame him. Being 5'3", he's had a harder life than literally anyone else in the US, except for the unfortunate males shorter than him.

>2nd video
Oh shit, I didn't know they were the same person.

>just because someone is from reddit he cant be posted on Sup Forums
look at this faggot

It's literally women height.

One of his older videos dude.

Only a dilluted frog poster calls that destroyed. Have you not seen the Jontron video and how completely destroyed Jon got? Or Brittney (or whatever that weird looking chick's name is)

And to No, because altright has no ability to actually do anything. They'd like to but they literally can't.

Women here are around 178 cm. Burgers are actually shorter than this. You can't make this shit up