Does Dark Souls 3 deserve the hate?
Does Dark Souls 3 deserve the hate?
Does Dark Souls 2?
Not really.
Hell no. Only DaS2 deserves the hate.
I haven't played 3 yet, but 2 is pretty fucking bad so I'm immediately skeptical of people who praise and shit on 3.
*praise 2 and shit on 3
Why did everything in dark souls 3 disappoint after playing Bloodborne though?
No, it really doesn't.
>DS1: Best journey/adventure
>DS2: Best variety/PvP/lore (arguably)
>DS3: Best music/most polished
It's a good series overall and people should get over themselves.
Nope. Easily best in the series but only with the DLC.
Because you have shit taste.
If the DLC is what's required to make the game good, then the devs completely fucked up and should be publicly shamed.
>Dark Souls
Great game
>Dark Souls 2
Fucking barely tangentially related, but a lot of fun to play, especially co op
>Dark Souls 3
It was... okay. Got boring immediately.
DS3 was just Miazaki´s berserk wank. He realized for a moment that Miura himself realized that his own manga is just dogshit shonen on par with naruto where MC just draws out some "dark hidden power" and smashes fucking anyone. Myiazaki being a typical autist probably threw a bitch fit at this thought and created his own "berserk". Thats the truth and fans will eat up any shit Myiazaki serves to them
No it just makes it the best. Without DLC DS1 is best. DS1 has the best base game in my opinion. Actually I think Bloodborne is best with DLC but DS3 is better with just base game. It's complicated when you bring in DLC.
I had a lot of fun with it and I'm doing another run right now. Sorry I'm not jaded enough to sound cool.
Kind of. It isn't good or anything but after two other shitty games nobody should care any more anyway by the third
Don't be too skeptical. 2 and 3 have a lot of opposite problems. They're two very different takes on the evolution of the series, so fans of either one are more likely to hate the other.
This is even true in the fact that 2 is the most replayable and long-lasting game in the series if you enjoy it, whereas 3 is the most linear in the series and has the least replay-ability.
If you're somebody who plays through a Souls game once with a sword and shield or 2 handed build, you might find 3 to be your favorite Souls game. You will view DS3 as your least favorite Souls game if you're somebody who likes to explore lots of build options, try out lots of different builds, play through the game several times on the same character and new characters, and enjoys PVP.
>DeS, DaS, DaS2
>Thoroughly explore areas, looking around for items to pick up and fighting off all the enemies
>By the time I hit Farron Keep I'm just sprinting past everything to try and get through the areas because I cannot be assed to fight anything or explore for items when there's nothing of value left to pick up aside from Estus items.
I agree with this
At least we can all agree that ds1 was the best
No, it really doesn’t, it was fine. People are just parroting e-celeb opinions because they didn’t actually play it.
>sword and shield
And by that you mean using a grass crest shield in your offhand just for the stamina regen, or blocking the occasional enemy when he happens to be all alone?
Otherwise you may as well just keep a crossbow in your offhand. Or maybe a Pyromancy Flame if you feel like dumping a bunch into Attunment
>At least we can all agree that ds1 was the best
No, the latest contrarian bullshit is to say DS2 was the best.
I was referring to that type of play-archetype; not to the actual using of a shield. I should have said sword-and-board type character to be more clear.
Just like how Episode III is the best Star Wars film.
Or maybe more people cropped up saying 2 was the best because 3 was released and people got a taste of a Souls sequel that took a very different path from 2.
It wasn't until I had run through Dark Souls 3 a handful of times until I realized 2 was my favorite in the series, and exactly why that was compared to the other games.
Or maybe you have shit taste since 3 existing doesn't erase 1.
I don't know, I haven't played it yet. Still waiting on the Game of the year edition so I can pay money for a full game.
I really hated the linearity of 3 and the lack of build variety. In the other games, you have several options of where you can go or what you can do until you get to the end. In 3 you get railroaded in pretty quickly and the only branches that end up opening up are "Do you want to do this area first or that area first? You're going to immediately have to go to the other one as soon as you're done." Except even then they'll fuck you over if you pick one of the two and kill off an NPC because you went too far into the next area. The areas in DeS and DaS2 may have been linear areas, but you always had a choice of which one you wanted to go and tackle, like a Megaman game. And it just really feels like a waste of time to try and experiment with builds that aren't "stunlock everything with a fast sword"
Nah, Im a 2 fanboy and still think 1 was simply the best
I don't. I don't even know why DaS1 is so widely loved. It's a good game and I've replayed it at least 10 times but jesus christ, playing through it the first time, I still remember what hell it was.
I guess the simple reason is DaS1 was so un-intuitive.
>The DLC was not good (other than the Artorias fight); the entire journey to Manus is awkward.
>Ceaseless discharge??? Blighttown? Can't see fucking shit.
>Bed of chaos? Hell, the whole area leading up to it is a fucking visual nightmare
>New Londo ruins. What the fuck is up with that?
And that's just the top of my head.
Nah. It's not as good as DaS1 but miles better than DaS2.
I find that 3 has the most replayability because there are no truly awful sections that make me actively want to not play when I reach them. The worst area in 3 is the swamp, and it's both shorter and far less annoying than something like Lost Izalith. You're right about the build options and NG+ being shitty, though.
Yeah it was a wild ride. I was 13 when I played it for the first time. I went in completely blind. I dont know why but I expected japanese skyrim. Imagine my young casual brain after I arrived to firelink and tried to figure what the fuck is going on. I died all the time. My progress was getting 5m further than the last time every two hours or so
With DLC:
BB > DS3 > DS1 > DeS > DS2
Without DLC:
DS1 > DS3 > BB > DeS > DS2
Is this the correct ranking?
Your statement just lends to the FACT that DaS3 was significantly easier and simpler than its predecessors. Nothing about the game was blatantly challenging other than nameless king.
>dogshit shonen on par with naruto
ummm yeah no sweetie
Difficulty has nothing to do with it and DS1 is significantly easier than DS3.
I'd put BB over DaS3 without. But other than that you're pretty spot on.
>DS1 is significantly easier than DS3
It's seriously the only Soulsborne game I didn't finish.
Played up until the Dragonslayer armor and then got too bored to continue. Can't even play the DLC since the main game is too boring to even finish.
>the entire journey to Manus is awkward.
DS3 isn't really difficult either but shield tanking and circle strafing will carry you through everything in the game except two specific boss fights. One of those boss fights is Capra Demon who is still piss easy albiet in a different way. The actually difficult part of DS1 begins and ends with Ornstein and Smough.
How is it not? I even explained why. MC is a tier mary sue.
>B-but it has rape and blod
Doesnt change the fact that characters are dogshit. No wonder Miura got bored of it
No. It is a severe stepdown from 1 however, so buttfrustrated 2 hipsters pile up on it.
rehashed shit
killed the franchise
Pretty spot on. Didn't really realize why I had a personal preference for 2.
No, but for some reason fighting most of the bosses got old a lit quicker than with the other games. Pontif, Prince Lothric, Dancer, Nameless King, and Soul of Cinder feel really similar to me for some reason and they make up the majority of the late-game.
The swamp is goat tho. Shame you have to turn pvp off in that zone to progress eventually.