>Shill heavily for SJW causes
>Turns out you actually harass women all the time
>Shill heavily for SJW causes
>Turns out you actually harass women all the time
I wish I could give a single fuck
>All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, and video game culture. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post off-topic garbage.
Sorry hotpocket
t. nu-Sup Forums
They cant stop eating eachother now. The bloods in the water and they've baited themselves right in!
>Steve Butts
>>Turns out you actually "harass" women all the time
>no more details
>2 women accusing
So its bullshit and they wanted him gone, probably because he said "no" to them at some point
>Being ugly and still asking women out is now considered harassment
Women have succesfully created a societey where unnatractive males can't even approach them withou the fear of having their careers destroyed. This is the future you chose. Remember this.
It really begs a good question: Why is it that men who heavily shill for feminism and SJW causes turn out to either be pedophilies or sexual harassers? Is it some kind of coping mechanism or a front so they don't feel as guilty or what they do?
With all the shit that happened on NeoGaf, I think it might somewhat be true. Then again the #metoo campaign made it cool for women to accuse someone they don't like of sexual harassment even if they did nothing wrong
>Nothing to do with videogames or the industry
Back to your containment board Sup Forums to worship rape culture dumpfy.
It's kind of like how serial killers have families to cover up being serial killers
More like they try to point the spotlight away from themselves as much as possible. Usually the louder they are, the more fucked up the skeletons in the closet they have.
>Steve Butts
>Mr. Butts
I spent a lot of time in a community of radical feminist/SJW types a few years ago. I never really fully identified with their politics, but I still remained good friends with them. Until they accused me of rape because I had consensually slept with a woman who had been drinking (in their mind, even if you have one drink you cannot consent which I think is bullshit).
Given my experience, I think it has more to do with far left people projecting their extreme beliefs and politics on to some poor person who doesn't completely live up to their unrealistic standards than anything else. Plus they love a good scandal because it gives them an opportunity to show everyone how good a person they are.
>Steve Butts
>I think it has more to do with far left people projecting their extreme beliefs and politics on to some poor person who doesn't completely live up to their unrealistic standards than anything else.
This is what its like on most college campuses
Because they hope to get pussy that way. Whiteknighting is Plan B for many who have trouble socially attracting women because they're weird and ugly.
You know why Chris Chan is now a woman? It's not because he thinks he's a woman, it's because in his fucked up mind, he'll have more of a chance to score some genuine china with a TRUE and HONEST sweetheart.
Im terrified that female coworkers want male competition in the workplace out of the way so they make false accusations.
How many of these allegations are actually true amd how likely is it that they have weaponized this shit?
Some of it is that, but it's mostly that these left wing communties indulge in and are addicted to drama, offline and on. Harassment against women has presented itself as the most juicy and destructive drama in these circles, so they are indulging in it, even when there is no evidence.
Look at that Nick Robinson dude, raked over the coals in all the usual communities and the only thing of substance offered up was an innocuous and slightly embarrasing flirty text exchange.
This falls well into video game culture. Video game culture means anything that has to do with video games such as things on video game websites or forums. Unless there is a clear message saying what is and isn't allowed it well falls into the rules of the board
"Harassment" is a nebulous term that can mean anything from sustained threats to unwanted chatter. It's a term SJWs use in order to silence or remove individuals they don't like. If you become an SJW yourself then you are especially vulnerable to these accusations since you've shown yourself to be vulnerable to them.
>steve butts
Don't get involved or speak with them ----> Problem solved.
Never had a problem with them as i never gave them attention.
Its gonna be weird seeing what happens after Barb kicks the bucket.
>yfw you're not Steve Butts
They are just cheering for the winning team. They want to side with the acceptable crowd and voice popular opinions. They could be murderers on the inside, they are just playing the social game and trying to survive.
>Steve Butts
>Videogame culture
Its a harassment lawsuit that just so happens to be against a company that sometimes talks about videogames
This is reaching so far that even lanky kong is having trouble
If you've ever been in an industry or workplace where its filled with SJW's, its extremely difficult to keep silent. One wrong thing you say that breaks the hivemind will get you blackballed
>How many of these allegations are actually true amd how likely is it that they have weaponized this shit?
Most allegations are probably true, some probably aren't.
The few that aren't do not invalidate the ones that are and we should not use that as an excuse to not take any allegations seriously. Note that taking them seriously doesn't mean believing them 100% at face value with no corroboration.
>though the assertion proved false
lmao like there is any chance in hell they'd be permitted to say it was true.
>literally not a single piece of evidence
Why are there so many people getting fired nowdays because some woman didn't like them and they can accuse them of literally whatever they want to get them fired, no matter how high up they are?
I imagine after enough men have their lives destroyed by unsubstantiated allegations of rape that more men will start actually raping women because of the damned if you do/don't principle.
>ign doesn't cover video games
please die
I guess Phoenix couldn't help him out this time.
Ever since Weinstein went down women are using it to go after men who may or may not have harmed them
>Video game culture means anything that has to do with video games
No, it doesn't
How has Roosterteeth kept clear of this shit? I'd fuck Barbara or Elyse no problem.
Maybe even Benson
Ok but why have accusations replaced judge and jury and evidence?
Clearly says they did an investigation. They kept him on staff until they found out the allegation was true.
Lately its been 80% Star Wars The Last Jedi shilling. Seriously its insane how much they've been talking about it nonstop, even when the topic at hand isn't interesting. IGN must be getting paid good money by Disney to do this
It's confirmation bias on Sup Forums's part. Of course there's harassers and pedophiles in every community large enough, and of course they pretend not to be wherever they go.
>crying wolf
didn't start what you can't finish.
saying this for every on'e's sake
They haven't?
There was an investigation.
Re-read what you just posted and tell me what is wrong with what you just said.
See the Harvey Weinstein fiasco
You gave enough of a fuck to reply to the thread.
>tfw a tranny recently got hired on at my workplace
It's all over for me lads. A single slip up with pronouns and I'll be booted
I'd say it's a mix of getting deeply involved with serial liars with no sense of responsibility or any empathy whatsoever and numales being genuine scum. Hard to tell which is which, but they deserve it nonetheless.
Keep silent about what? i only interact with them for work.
Because enough people will consider you automatically guilty to cause a social media shitstorm that can instantaneously destroy your business if you don't immediately excommunicate and condemn the accused.
Also because plenty of people at high levels are actually complicit and need to cover their own asses by cutting off the part of the infection that has been exposed.
Why are women such pussies? All Vince Ingenito did was talk about mature thigns among his peers. He didn’t grope anyone.
It's nebulous but we all know what the intention is. Even without 'sexual' infront of it, the implication is that the person is a creepy weird rapey sex pervert and that renders you persona non grata to pretty much any tech company
It's at a point where if you get dragged into the managers office you could breath a sigh of relief and laugh when you are accused of theft or something unrelated to women.
>uptight butts.
You know what they say, when something stinks, it's usually the Butts.
They have in some cases. Allegations are all it takes to ruin a mans life.
Sensationalism and fear of backlash.
Again, taking accusations seriously doesn't mean the act of doing so replaces the judge and jury. In fact, taking a false accusation seriously and actually looking into it makes it a lot easier to debunk and discredit.
Holy shit something good finally came out of IGN.
Women are more sensitive then men are. Its pretty much a proven fact
Might as well take the fall like a man and stomp it's skull against the curb while you still have time.
again, when people virtue signal and shill to such an extent, it's partly because they're using it to convince themselves that they're good people.
there's a reason Celebrities decide to get all political, because they think it'll somehow make them less a piece of shit.
Some of the men are beyond saving. They been brainwashed so much that those that were accused will likely be happy they were since they'll feel they were sacrifices for a greater cause. Take a look at what Emily Lindin wrote on her Twitter in November.
>Here’s an unpopular opinion: I’m actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.
Also companies do not want to be involved in a lawsuit
I feel it's more like associating with SJW's at all will inevitably destroy your career.
Does that mean she doesn't believe it's happening or that she doesn't care?
fuck his bucci
Standard tactic of political crooks is to blame others for what they themselves do. It keeps the spotlight away from you and the others on the defensive.
see: drumpfffh is a russian agent reeeeeee
Was he a assman?
She literally went on to say that she doesnt care. Men are sacrificial lambs
Once again, the concept of personal agency is completely alien to gen Z.
>>There was an investigation.
Investigations can be just as rigged as anything else. One dude who got accused of raping this chick at a college still got kicked out, even though evidence was presented that the chick initiated most their sexual interactions, forced herself on him while he was drunk, and even slept with other guys during the night in question when the supposed rape happened.
>hiring a tranny at all
Your problem for working on a shitty company.
What does IGN stand for again?
They haven't, but you're confused. You can be acquitted of a crime but still have your life ruined, and that goes for plenty of things besides sex crimes and does in fact happen nauseatingly often.
But are they qt though?
International Game Network
But they had glowing reviews from their previous employer (aka they wanted to get rid of the walking HR problem)
they show there bigotry when it comes to drinking as well because if a women is drunk she cant consent like she is a fucking child. But if a man is drunk then he is still responsible for his own actions.
How long until Jason gets fired? I hope it's this year
I Give teN
These are millenials. Oldest gen Z's are still in high school.
I don't know, I haven't kept up with the everlasting hoenn fetus meltdown for a while.
Ignoring Gender Nonbinaries
No, they're like 6'5 and could probably easily snap my neck. He's your stereotypical massive shoulders, lumbering transsexual
They just have to settle for being the provider of some single moms mulatto baby.
>unrealistic standards
Right has standards, leftism has only a mental illness.
Butts wasnt being accused of having harassed anyone, but of having intimidated the victim into not pressing charges
>Steve Butts
To be fair, there were actual pressure by the federal goverment to get colleges to get more guilty verdicts thanks to the title IX changes.
Repealing them was one of the only things the trump administration has done right, alongside killing the TPP.
It's like how power bottom homosexuals try to cover their lust for dicks with muscles, guns or both.