You literally have no excuse not to play the best online game right now.
You literally have no excuse not to play the best online game right now.
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Kill yourself, retard.
Isn't this game a monthly subscription?
Don't be disingenuous user. It's not meaningful content DLC, it's the preorder DLC for Morrowind so you get some cosmetic garbage.
No. You buy the game and can play almost everything except the expansion content. Subscribing gives you access to all expansions and gives you crowns(their monopoly cash shop currency) every month of recurrent sub, so you could potentially do it all in a month and go back to freeman gaming. None of the PvP areas are locked behind paywall.
Here is one: The game is fucking boring.
Literally cheaper on Steam.
>online game
The actual DLC zones are pretty darn good. Orsinium is regarded as one of the better DLCs.
It's also kind of fucked up.
What makes it fucked up?
you learn a lot about orcs. more than any other game
But I can read all the lore online for free.
That's not Overwatch.
It also has perhaps the best Dark Brotherhood in a Elder Scrolls game.
Is the DLC for this worth it? The whole concept of "DLC" in an mmo seems retarded and I'd have to imagine just buying the shit would be a better deal than paying a sub to access it.
>playing online games
Don't you need to do monthly subscription
How much do they pay you?
You really want to subscribe to play it. It will be a huge hassle with out access to the craft bag (all crafting resources go into the craft bag instead of clogging up real inventory slots)
The games pvp is ok. Its a fairly mediocre 3 way rvr thing but honestly there are no other games at all doing this right now except planetside 2 so you take what you can get.
The character development system is a shitty meme of feigned choices. There is no true ranged dps class, everyone does close range stuff. Its a very strict rotation based system with out much deviation. Perfecting your rotations and animation cancels is basically it.
Boss mechanics at endgame can be fun if you like that sort of thing.
The game does legitimately have a TES atmosphere to it, things like going into npc houses and stealing and such. Its the most alive ive felt an mmo world in a long time.
Overall its a decently good game for people who appreciate TES, or people who are really into mmos and need one to play, but its not super remarkable.
Taven music :^)
No support or healing? I sort of enjoy playing that kind of role.
Yes, healing and tanks exist, but good luck leveling/soloing as a non dps. Of course respecs let you level as dps.
Alternatively you could just level in pvp as a healer starting at level 10.
Thereis no real support type thing, that archetype was killed off by WoW.
The way it works is, due to there being no real class system to give people a sense of role, and due to respecing being fairly easy, pretty much everyone just goes around as a dps at all times. At endgame someone may spec as a tank or a healer. But be prepared you will be generic dps #2579 for most of the time spent playing this game.
Its got good atmosphere and the quests themselves are all pretty well written if you like the lore. They obviously spent a lot of time creating the game world. But the game itself is somewhat mediocre
Like all TES games then, only no mods to fix it here.
Also it uses a weapon swap mechanic, you have two skillbars, and two weapon slots, you will be swapping between them constantly. I mention things that might have the effect of annoying people. I, as a right proper autist, enjoy things like thinking "i am the user of X weapon type!" to motivate me to play a game, but not here.
If you are a stamina build you will have a bow on your backbar (and never on your front bar). No exceptions.
Things like that
Sounds like all the worst parts of tes and gw2.
I'd probably just buy this on PS4 since Elder Scrolls is better on consoles
>no excuse
I don't want to waste my life on an mmo time sink, even if it is fun or a good game
it was a $2 on g2a over a week ago :*