Opinion on fast travel in games?
Opinion on fast travel in games?
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It basically mean that the game designers admitted that navigating the world they made isn't fun.
should only be able to fast travel between major cities
I think i have alzheimer, because i feel like i was gonna post this and then forgot i posted it
Only good if the fast-travel is enmeshed within the world (think bus-stations) and done sparingly.
Is there any game where you do have map, but arent marked on it? You would have to figure out where you are based on landmarks, which would be interesting desu
It’s convenient. It’s totally optional. If you want to purposely walk to the destination, you can. Useless criticism, honestly
>in games
In MMO and non-RPG games it's a god's gift
In RPG unless it's extremely forced (skyrim doesn't fall here) it's whatever, but if it's forced it really sucks
Yes, lots.
its shit and "open" world is shit
Ultima 7 i believe
usually badly implemented
Ugh I can't stand how Mario fast travels between levels, why is Nintendo so lazy
No you idiot it means the developers design the game in a certain way, because they know the player's just gonna fast travel everywhere.
I agree but I also agree with
if the worlds not fun, youll abuse the fast travel
Sonic handles it pretty well
Similar to waypoints, it's fine as an option but the game should be designed well enough that it isn't necessary. Like you can technically play Skyrim without fast travel or waypoints, but the game was built from the ground up with the expectations that you will use them.
I don't mind.
but gravity rush 2 has fast travel between manholes, and navigating the world is the most fun part of the game. sometimes convenience trumps atmosphere when you're dealing with a huge scale.
Or not everyone wants to waste their time and has better things to do.
Necessary evil. Probably shouldn't be as easily accessible as it is in Skyrim though.
should be restricted to a few major nodes instead of unrestricted immediate arrival anywhere in the game.
I played Mafia 3(bad game but cozy) and it had zero fast travel, and reviews took this as a negative thing, but its honestly great as it allows the player to actually have to explore the cool world
Watch dogs 2(another bad but fun game) allows you to fast travel literally anywhere, and thats how I got around, essentially never driving cars
It takes away from the game world alot, why make a fully detailed world if youre going to allow the player to skip it all?
If you have better things to do why are you playing the video game in the first place
>He thinks this is a genuine comparison
If a games going to have it, it should be something like skyrims carriages which take you to the main cities only. It could even be done as a potential quest reward, giving you a horse or a car.
>acknowledging that retard
His post was so stupid that it didn't warrant a response
completly forgot GR2 even has fast travel
If you think that navigating the world is a waste of time it's obviously not fun you fucking idiot.
Mario Odyssey did it well
Morrowind did it perfectly.
For a week I didn't know that the horse and carriage could fast travel to any town in the game. I thought you actually had to go places by foot.
When its a 50+ hour RPG, gaining a fast travel option in the middle of the game is fine
Anything else is
Just depends on the game. I would probably kill myself if I had to hold up for 30 minutes getting from one end of the map to the other in elder scrolls or botw. Or in something like Prey 2017 where the loading screens take like minutes each and you have to sit through 3 of them to get to the other end of the station. I'd rather just sit through 1 2bh.
Does this mean that every open world game ever made isn't fun to navigate?
>when people call the levels in this game "exits"
nice image loser
If they gave you a horse it would be perfect
>muh boot of blinding speed and 1 pts levitation spell
How do you remove the blinding part of the enchantment on the boots of blinding speed?
It's because the game counts the number of levels completed by how many unique exits you have found. Beating one level twice using different exits counts as beating "two levels"
pick breton
It's an absolute necessity in open world games. Even if you take a game like Horizon Zero Dawn that's comparatively tiny, it was necessary.
Here's another point: Think of Morrowind. At the time the game felt absolutely fucking huge, but when you look at things from a perspective the world is actually very small. However you never really noticed it when you were playing because the game pounded into you that you should always travel using Silt Strider/Boat/Mages Guild/Pylons. You would almost never walk from one town to another, and thus never take notice that they were actually closer to each other than you first thought they were.
If you have to ask you are too dumb to do it.
How would you solve it? Add random encounters à la Spider-Man 2 that rewards you well for completing them? In the case that your game is not a RPG, what would you consider a good reward?
Fast travel is fine if you manage it like Morrowind did
>Silt Striders can take you to certain settlements back and forth
>Boats can take you to certain settlements back and forth
>Mages Guild could teleport you to every Guild Hall in the cities
Skyim's fast travel is awful because the only viable way of fast travel without using the feature is the horse carriages. And 50% of the big cities in Skyrim have no carriage system to take you to other cities.
Denser world.
what open world games don't have fast travel then?
why does everybody forget that Skyrim has carts and boats too? Oblivion was the worst though, you didn't even need to discover a location to fast travel to it
>create custom spell 100% magic resist for 1 second
>cast the spell
>quickly equip the boots
Right now I'm playing Hollow Knight and it has this. Although it does allow you to use a compass which will tell you where you are but it is at the cost of an equip. Fast travel can only be done at stations and they are few and far between so the game really encourages you to explore the detailed world.
Where as you have games like BOTW which have fast travel all over and it is unrestricted. The only thing worth exploring in that game is for shrines and korok seeds though. And all those do is give you gameplay enhancements like more health or inventory space.
>didn't even need to discover a location to fast travel to it
Only the cities.
The ability to fast travel from anywhere nullifies the merit of having fixed freight lines.
Morrowind really seems to be the de-facto standard for fast travel in Sup Forums's opinion.
It's not that travelling around isn't fun, it's that travelling around isn't rewarding. Travelling around can be interesting but if there's no reason to then I'd rather just teleport to where I need to go so I can get things done.
Just as an example, imagine if walking around on the over world in Skyrim is what gave you bonus health/stamina/mana rather than leveling up, and fast travelling didn't give you any stats. It certainly wouldn't make things more fun, but I can bet you a lot of people would just start running around just for the reward.
100% this
I didn't even know there was a fast travel in Sunset Overdrive until the ass end of the game, and I still chose not to use it because it was so much fun travelling.
Build the world and balance the game with the intention to never use it.
Then add it towards the end of development once the world is finalised or mostly finalised.
I prefer natural modes of automatic transport you have to unlock like carriages, boats, or jet flights, rather than magic portals or something like that.
BotW is a good example of a world where fast travel exists but isn't required by any means.
it breaks immersion. which, however, is not always (and not for everyone) a priority
and sometimes it's necessary for the game to be entertaining
Only if you dont have fast vehicles or animals to travel.
Even in warewolf mode its painfull.
It's fine if you are forced to discover it/go there first because who likes backtracking? I'm not even a fan of this in metroidvanias. The only genre I really like it in is Mario/Hat In Time-tier platformers. where half the fun is literally just moving around.
It really helped Morrowind that it's quests were all hand-made with specific destinations in mind. Overall, not many quests in Morrowind send you across the entire map. Skyrim with its terrible "radiant" quests have the potential to send you across the map again and again and again.
Depends entirely on the world design and general layout. Also there's a difference between teleporting to major cities or being able to teleport to every shitty cave and big tree you ever encountered.
Prototype and Saint's Row 4 got around it very well by having the method of transport reasonably involving and very satisfying to use. Also, both were reasonably fast, so broke up gameplay quite well.
Vice City managed it by just having all journeys be very short.
yep, morrowind is actually very small, they just made the movement speed tiny to make sure you don't notice that
It is, man. Say what you want about the combat and the dialogue, the sheer amount of ways to get around in that game are great.
This map doesn't even take mark/recall or the almsivi/divine interventions into account
I feel as though it just means the world isnt worth exploring. If I'm traveling and come across a dynamic quest or find a hidden path to a new area or a rare item then I have no problem with not having fast travel. Developers need to give us more reason to explore the world rather than for just grinding exp.
i enjoyed fallout 3 and nv worlds very much but i still fast travelled
walking the same road 50 times gets tedious
fast travel is a good thing
If you don't have any map markers, you may run into an equally bullshit situation where you can't find ye olde Bear Ass Shoppe in a town but the game doesn't have a feature to ask any of the 50 passersby for directions.
I'm fine with it. Sometimes you just don't want to spend the time traveling. Maybe you have shit to do, or you don't want to spend 300+ hours on a single game when you don't have to and have other games you want to get to. But sometimes when you do have the time or motivation it can be great. So I'm glad it's an option in most cases.
If it's unlimited and cost-free, it's pretty bad. Means exploration is pretty much pointless.
One of the games which did it best imo was RuneScape. Almost all methods of teleportation have some level or quest requirement, and most have a cost associated with them as well. It allows the world to open up a lot, while making it non-trivial to hop from one end of the world to the other without penalty. Plus you can only teleport to fixed points (and sometimes only from fixed points too), which means you still have to rely on walking places.
If you don't like fast travel why don't you just not use it? Why the fuck do you guys get your panties in a twist over features in single player games? How is it any skin off your ass if people use fast travel? It literally doesn't affect you at all.
Acceptable at endgame but really shouldn't be handed out right away.
Because game design doesn't occur in a vacuum idiot.
So you all know Sea of Thieves right? I'm an alpha tester, browsed the forums a bit as well.
Anyway I'm looking around one day and I find this guy bitching about "add basic game mechanics". Some of them I could maybe understand (he wanted an intro cutscene and NPC dialog), but one stood out in particular that absolutely disgusted me
>add fast travel
>to Sea of Thieves, a game exclusively about sailing places yourself
How about fast travel in MMO games, Sup Forums?
Quests are the absolute best part of Morrowind. Instead of a boring compass marker that's going to lead you straight into the side of a mountain, a quest journal log in Morrowind was something like this.
>exit the city through the South Gate and take the East. Following through the Foyada past Fort Stuffsmoth and through the Dwemer ruins of Somethinggatand. Keep an eye to your side and walk until the vegetation turns green, then take a left turn at a dead tree. Follow the ravine until you find the burial grounds to your right.
Why can't we have quests line this again, Sup Forums?
Endgame Morrowind was knowing how far you had to walk in a given direction so you could pop an Intervention scroll and be on the next city over.
This is correct
You are an imbecile. Travel in a game takes as long as it takes. In games with fast travel options, the developers just add in other things to slow you down, so you reach the target time to complete action.
So for example, games with mounts? Maps are bigger to compensate. Games with fast travel? Non fast travel areas you must navigate. Etc.
The ideal game is in as small a world map as possible and you move very slowly, only then do i believe the developers actually know what they are doing.
I don't care if people use fast travel or not. I'm talking about fast travel as a concept and how it is implemented in games.
It objectively makes the game worse.
the most boring solution to a problem, just like quicksaving
Well of course, the example I gave would be boring as hell and would just be another problem, since the developers would basically be admitting travelling is pointless so they force you to do it by awkwardly shoving character progression in there.
The idea of finding dynamic quests or things to do while travelling isn't just an opportunity for fun, but also an opportunity to get something out of travelling. Sure you can have travelling be simply fun by creating a beautiful environment or some amusing random events, but if the player doesn't get something out of them they'll get old fast and people will just start wanting to fast travel after they feel like they've seen everything.
this has to be bait
no matter how good the game is walking the same road 100+ times because you need something gets boring, tiring, and really time consuming.
>single player RPG's
What does this even mean? There is no game out there with fast travel that forces you to use it. It's just a convenience for people that don't want to spend all day walking places. There's plenty of cool shit to see in Skyrim if you choose to walk.
Fast travel is fast travel, it's always the same. If you don't like it, don't use it. If you are going to try and make a case about why a single-player feature shouldn't be included, you really need a better argument than "I don't like it".
In my opinion
>Shit tier
Point and click fast travel with no random encounters. Make little sense and is casual as shit, while also being unfun
>God tier
No point and click fast travel from world map, fast travel is instead usable through transportation services, aka the "Morrowind" method. Is immersive, makes sense, encourages exploration more and doesn't need to worry about random encounters
>>What does this even mean?
It means that the developers who make the game intentionally make the game world less interesting because people will just use fast travel lol, so why bother.
Just like any game with lootboxes in will always have significant elements of grinding, because that's part of the necessary marketing formula.
>how far you had to walk
you played the game wrong desu
endgame morrowing is about levitating everywhere and jumping over mountains
If it's just, "Open map, click destination.", it feels lazy and cheap. If it's integrated into the game world as a real function, I like it.
The Silt Striders in Morrowind and the horse carts in Skyrim are good mechanic because they're part of the world. The Ferry Stones and crystals in Dragon's Dogma I loved too because not only where they part of the world, you had to spend the resources to even get the equipment, and then do the legwork to actually setup the network.
>buy a plane ticket from buffalo to dallas
>"LMAO why are you robbing yourself of the experience? No wonder you complained the game was too short"
this times a million. i dont understand the love of walking everywhere, most of all in souls games. news flash Sup Forumstards, that gets old VERY fast. the way DaS handled it by giving you the fast travel bonfire item, and having it only apply to a few bonfires, was perfect. i actually like the fact you can fast travel everywhere in DaS2 and 3 as well
GTA does fast travel perfectly, prove me wrong
It's true. You should go to pilot school and fly yourself you loser.
>get random encounter
>cool, fun mechanic
>get random encounter for the 49th time
>have to waste 2 minutes clearing it, again
Does that game have single player? If it does then there's literally zero reason to not include optional fast travel in the single player portion of the game. Fast travel in multiplayer should NEVER be implemented though.
Everyone's done a playthrough of Morrowind like that but it's not fun. Not just Morrowind, but every single Elder Scrolls game is too easy to break, if you know what to do.
Levitation spells were acceptable when using in moderations, but once you get into enchanting permanent effect Exquisite clothes, things just stop being fun. Like how you can make a set that adds up to permanent 100% Charmeleon on yourself and suddenly you can just play through the game and nothing fights back and nobody reports you.
How you play these games is a very important aspect. The first time you go full autismo and steal everything, down to the plates and and forks and then advance the game 100 days in order to fence everything you stole, only to realize that gold is only really useful for training because you can just steal any items you want.
For me it breaks immersion, but if the world sucks or the area is too long for me to bear I'll do it.
giving you the item halfway through the game* or 2/3
then why are you playing these time-consuming immersive games?
Because having fast travel like that in modern Bethesda games has implications
For example think of map markers, the game is designed for the player to use them at all times, you can choose not to use them, except then playing the game becomes annoying at best and unplayable at worst because none of the npcs are designed to give you directions of any sort to find your objective
This is a difficult point to argue, unless you can show me a game that had no fast travel and then got it later, and you can prove the world is "less interesting" after the game got fast travel.
There's plenty of shit to see in Fallout and Skyrim and Oblivion. But once you've passed it 100 times it gets less interesting. Or maybe you're trying to get a lot done and don't want to spend the time to walk across the whole map?
At the end of the day, fast travel is optional. You can use it if you want or not. A lot of this complaining makes it sound like you people have no self control and use it even though you don't like it and don't want it in the game.