What video games do they play in Ireland

What video games do they play in Ireland


Terrorist simulator
Kill innocent Anglos simulator
Massacre Protestants simulator
Potato famine simulator

Unironically this and Pro Evo
Fucking Hell how much I hated having friends.
Let's drink ten cans and play Fifa cause it's fuckin' class, like.
Generally stereotypical bro gamers in Dublin

No idea about out in bogland, though.


The games where they elect a gay Indian as their prime minister and start letting in refugees

>tfw none of the boys share your nip game interests
At least Matthewmatosis is from Coolock

PUBG I guess. That freak Brendan Green is Irish.

Second Life

they are yuro so their main reason for existence is soccer.

final fantasy xiv because every character has a 2d ass

That's a shame, there's several people with similar tastes to mine in uni

Well I bought one of my best friends Yakuza 0 for Christmas and she enjoyed it

FIFA mostly.

People more or less play the same video games across the entire western world, and there's massive overlap with the eastern hemisphere anyway.

What are you imagining they play? Fiddle Hero? Mods of Farming Simulator where everything dies? Battlefield 1 but they play as Brits and deliberately die over and over while laughing?

The only two good videogame youtubers are both from Ireland so there's that at least. Meanwhile every English videogame youtuber is an arrogant, unbearable blight.

It's one of the reasons why friends in this country is bollocks. All it involves is "let's do a side activity while getting pissed lads cause that's bleedin' deadly, like!"

Some of the girls tend to have actual tastes, yes.
Boys? Bollocks all beyond "muh mcgregor" and "muh Premier League" while bitching about the English

Find the potato

napoleonic warsq

>tfw rec'd my friend P4G when he bought a Vita
>Thought he'd dislike it since he's not really a fan of Japanese games in general
>Finished it in like a month


>Pope Adrian called the Irish a "rude and barbarous" nation
>Pope Alexander III, who was Pope at the time of the invasion, ratified the Laudabiliter and gave Henry dominion over Ireland. He likewise called the Irish a "barbarous nation" with "filthy practices".
>Dedicated only to leisure and laziness, this is a truly barbarous people. They depend on animals for their livelihood and they live like animals.
>"This is a filthy people, wallowing in vice. They indulge in incest, for example in marrying – or rather debauching – the wives of their dead brothers"
>Archbishop Anselm accused the Irish of wife swapping, "exchanging their wives as freely as other men exchange their horses".
>the Irish "commit whoredom, hold no wedlock, ravish, steal and commit all abomination without scruple of conscience"
> "They are all papists by profession but in the same so blindingly and brutishly informed that you would rather think them atheists or infidels"
>[The Irish] hate our order, our civilization, our enterprising industry, our pure religion. This wild, reckless, indolent, uncertain and superstitious race have no sympathy with the English character. Their ideal of human felicity is an alternation of clannish broils and coarse idolatry. Their history describes an unbroken circle of bigotry and blood.
The Irish papist beast should be deported

Ever go to Academy and play some Fifa?

i like persona


>went over to a mate's gaff one night for cans
>PS4 in his room is the designated FIFA machine, sounds like jet engine taking off
>noticed a copy of Dark Souls under his bed
>ask him what he thought of it
>"nah that game was weird, man"
>never made it out of Undead Asylum

I'm 29.
I stopped going to clubs when I was 22 because I'd rather spend €70 on drink over 5 days instead of one night

go shitpost elsewhere and let people have a vidya thread for once

Fair enough. Although you do see 50 year olds in coppers

Don't Starve

>dead language simulator
>not fighting hitler simulator
>Greatest terror attack in europe 2k16
>Wank over collins sim 1922
>Wank over de valera simulator 1938
>Be conflicted over which fenian cunt to wank over simulator
>austerity simulator
What I'm saying is I wouldn't consider myself proud to be irish.

>everyone i know plays FIFA, COD or on PC and plays CSGOY and ASSFAGGOTS
why cant people here play decent games? most people where i live rather do heroin or weed than anything else

It's not a shitpost papist, it's a fact your species should be used as beasts of burden in welsh coal mines, without Anglo ingenuity your island would be as desolate as Africa

Potato/flat ass simulators.

I know nothing about Ireland what do people make fun of them for?

Honestly, I find most of (I'm in Dublin) the clubs here to actually require alcohol to the point you're pretty wasted to tolerate it.

Terror attack in 2016 in Ireland? what?

American-Irish stereotypes, mainly.
And y'know, the fact the English attempted genocide on us for 800 years

Potatoes and their dislike of women with large butts.

>Irish thread pops up
>Amerifats think they're fucking hilarious for regurgitating the same shit spud/famine jokes for the millionth time

Yank ''''''''humour''''''''

>unemployment? Not important
>Loss of industry? I don't care
>famine? Whatever
>poverty? Oh well
>Islamic and papist terror attacks? Big deal
>a sign says Londonderry? REEEEEE FUCK YOU YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS

Go on Seamus, complain about plastic paddies some while your niece sucks you off

The second one isn't actually true, like at all.
Maybe it's the influence of black culture or something but 99% of the (So called straight) lads I know, are obsessed with women's arses and don't care about tits.
It's really weird, desu.

certainly not nier:automato, that's for sure

>there ISNT a game where you play as the IRA vs crown forces/unionists
its the perfect fucking setting, CSCZ had one level where you needed to stop the IRA from nuking belfast and it was kino. mixture of post-apocolyptic cities and vast country side would make a great game desu

smells like protestant

>West Tyrone Brigade

Soy Simulator.

You play as Dave Chambers and run around guzzling Soy, whilst trying your best to avoid the consequences of your actions.

Final Fantasy XIII

What the fuck do plastic paddies have to do with yanks having shit-tier humour you absolute mongoloid?

1916 you twat

Not like your gutter in the south eh papist?

Brit thinks it's 1916

Us loving flat arses is an Sup Forums or Sup Forums meme, can't remember which

It's all you disgusting people ever talk about in reference to the US, I also wish we didn't have St Patty's day here but more so that vile Irish culture could stop being glorified by morons that think your shitty little island ever produced anything good

I was baptised. Just because I don't appeal to the amerifat cowboy opinion of Irish people doesn't mean I go to a church, let alone a protestant one.

No in 2016 too, papist gangs patrol the streets to find good Irish men to murder, that's why Northern Ireland has looser gun laws they know the need protection from papist apes.

1k16 doesn't sound right. What county are you from so? Lu-cunt here.

Sup Forums Shamus.


Oh... thanks, user.

"I hate the Irish but will use the PC term because Paddy is considered a slur in the US"
Thanks for being so kind to us!

I'm more and more amused each time I read this

They say saint Patrick rid Ireland of its snakes, but they forgot the most toxic species, the papist

The English will never care for the North

We don't acknowledge the US at all
>St Patty's Day
This being one of the main reasons. Fucking hell yanks are retards

I'm not saying orangemen, or orangetangs as I like to call them, are much better but I can respect a child who wants to remain british for financial reasons more than a knacker pleb child who sports IRA for the fun.

the one where white irish have an average IQ of 92, lower than any other whites on the planet, including meds

And the thread is fucked.

>st pattys day
5 6 P E R C E N T I R I S H B R O S

>"I hate the Irish but will use the PC term because Paddy is considered a slur in the US"
>PC term
>the proper name of a fucking holiday
Micks are so fucking stupid goddamn

Tae be shore lassie though ye may be a wee bird o' seven years, ye'd be best served polishin' me shillelagh, 'tis what the bible says yanno, toi toi toi

>living / working in dublin city
rate my most played games laddos

Irish Protestants, ready to serve their community and do Gods work

>We don't acknowledge the US at all
lol okay Colin

An Irish papist ready to murder innocent Irish Protestant children on their way to Sunday school, instead of worshiping the Irish papists rapes and murders

There are 6 million people in Ireland including the orange parts. How the fuck are we going to have a higher IQ than other overcrowded european countries if it is statistically less probable for a lower number of people to have more smart people than a nation with ten times the population, you pleb.


>Thinks Patty is the proper name of the holiday

Mick is short for Michael.
Please stop trying to make both Paddy (short for Patrick) and Mick (short for Michael) into insults.
It's just not gonna happen
Pic related, Gretchen.

Not bad. Although you better fucking pirate the DLC for those Paradox games.
And I assume at one stage or another, you invaded and raped the shit out of Ireland in both EU and CK with the English otherwise I'm ashamed.

Also fuck you for buying PUBG

>thinks anyone in the US gives a shit about a "holiday" that we just use an excuse to get drunk

>windowlicking yank can't even name a holiday properly
Holy shit is this what passes for banter over there, you fat fuck? lmao. No wonder the world hates you

This I suppose on a smaller scale, we are video game wise a smaller version of the UK sans slightly less FIFA obsessed.

I hope Bob Geldof's corpse is being anally destroyed right about now by some protestant just to piss you coons off. Hope you all catch live-aid(s)

Hewie, where we off to, lads?

Nobody cares what you think Neill, go expose yourself to some more children you degenerate fuck

Jesus this gets under my skin
>have group of friends in ireland who have 10/10 vidya taste but there complete fucking freaks who im ashamed to hang out with
>have other group of friends who are just fifa lads but there sociable and good craic
>constantly hang out with fifa lads
>they play fifa so fucking much that i start hanging around the freaks just to get away from them
>one of the them texts me "lawd where ya been? Havne seen ye in yonks come over for some cans tonight!"
>decide fuck it, its been months since ive seen em and go over
>there playing fucking fifa
>fuck it
>sit with them and play for 8 hours while pissed out my skull

Dont get how irish bro gamers do it, fifa aint the worst game but jesus christ it gets old after about 5 hours and eventually gets to the point where every match is almost identical, fuck that shit

So, i hear you play video games now

>no this is the right way to say it
>proven wrong
>lol i dont actually care lol

Irish Protestants, meeting together, ready to build a better community and a better ireland that will once again be united under the red white and blue, rule Britannia they shout, and God save the queen, God looks down from heaven and smiles at them

Do Americans actually... put thought into their hate of other places?

I'm not even being funny or trying to - but like, I don't think anyone alive gives a fuck about Bob.
Or Bobby Sands for that matter.
Or the IRA
Or anything you people think we care about...
See above, user

It's the whole British soccer working class meme come to life.
I mean, when you're raised in a fucked up society that literally is "football, football, football" and that's more or less the only hobby outside of GAA (if you're in the country and not Dublin) then you'll be enjoying football because it's one of the "normal" things

Literally nobody cares, don't you have sheep to fuck

I heard you guys find the drink "irish car bomb" somewhat less funny than I do.

Hey there 56%er, I take issue with that niece remark.
We may have long historical ties to catholicism, but I can't personally name any pedo Irish politicians, celebrities etc. and I know well that you cant either without a google search. However anyone from anywhere can name plenty of your countrymen.

>Although you better fucking pirate the DLC for those Paradox games.
Oy vey!

Irish papist art, the greatest piece of artwork ever made by an Irish papist ape, represents his love for terror and murder, he idolizes the Islamic cult, wishing he could have joined muhammed PS4 army and rape and murder every innocent Protestant English and Irish woman he met, God looks angrily from Heaven at these muhammedan worshipping heathens

>Sup Forums
Tbh I contributed to this autism but I personally just play a lot of Day of Infamy lately.

>even americans have higher iqs than the Irish

how do they even cope

The only thing that really sucks about being irish is how the yanks still think "LE POTATOES XDDD" insults us. Its like walking into a room as a white guy and a load of other people start calling you nigger and coon, shits so old its stale at this point

>thinking anybody here would be distraught at the thought of Bob Geldof being anally raped
He's a cunt and everyone here knows it

I mean you did elect a homosexual indian guy

What games do they play in Bizarro Ireland?

What ever you say cleetus

Yes lads!!!

People think pointing out my flag has a leaf in insulting. Personally I think all flags that are just 3 colours and uninventive garbage.