Why the fuck are they ice skating in the intro?

Why the fuck are they ice skating in the intro?

Have you ever been ice skating? It's really fun. Why shouldn't they be ice skating?

it's fun

>implying OP is thin enough to ice skate

>implying I'd think OP would ever leave his mom's basement

I have ice skated, nigger. I'm 140 pounds.

It's literally persona man, the meaning of persona is ehhh school sim and dating dumb anime bitches alright
really good game!

Then why are you asking

why the fuck not you stupid little bitch

It had nothing to do with the game, really.

But it's a brilliant video that looks fantastic. It works the same way as perfume commercials I think.

Yuri on Ice animation director did the opening. I'm not joking.

Oh, it does look great.

it's symbolism OP

They thought it looked cool.

Fuck off, Carlos.

It's from an alternate neutral ending where Yusuke becomes Za Warudo and changes reality according to his ice powers.


More like concrete skating.


yep, came here to say this

you have to be thin to ice skate?