Dungeons and Dragons has been around since 1974:

Dungeons and Dragons has been around since 1974:
>Infinite Races
>Infinite Classes
>Infinite Maps
>Infinite Storylines
>Infinite NPCs/Characters
>Can be balanced on the spot.

Why are you guys spending $100s to $1000s of dollars on consoles and gaming PC's to be limited, when you can spend like maybe $50 on a handbook, some pencils, and some paper, and have infinite things. Particularly if you love RPGs, why do you do this?

Debatable the only advantage is graphics, but the battlecry of gamers has long been "I don't care about graphics. I want good gameplay."

>I actually just want to discuss the merits of pen and paper gaming against the merits of video gaming, but the nature of this board is everything must be phrased as a confrontation.

This is a repeated thread, but it garners good discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:


I have no friends

The limiting factor has been finding people to play with that aren't literally autistic.

compare /tg/ to Sup Forums and you'll know why I don't play this gay shit

wrong. it's easy as hell to find people willing. it's hard as fuck to organize more than two people meeting up on a regular basis.

One person has finals at school, another picked up an extra evening shift at work, someone is sick as hell, etc.

I haven't played a fantasy game in ages, all my groups ever play are WoD and Cyberpunk.

I'm too nervous to DM. I can grasp the mechanics well enough but I can't improvise. I feel like I'd railroad the players too much

>Sup Forums
>not the gayest board

No one wants to play 3.5 any more :(

>Can be balanced on the spot.
>Dungeons and Dragons
This meme never gets old

I could drag my buddy away from MtG long enough to play some D&D.

i'll be your friend user, but keep in mind i'm a raging alcholic

A decent DM is fucking hard to find, cant play without a DM. Even if you have a DM you need at least 1-2 friends on top of them AND time that all the people can get together in order to play.

People are the problem. Problems, rather. D&D and many other PnP games are a lot of fun but suffer from the organic nature of a book of rules, another book of rules for bad guys and a book of rules for the biggest nerd in the room. I love the games but i've grown so tired of having to find people who want to play similarly to how I do. As much as some people may say it is easy i've yet to see a group that actually enjoys each other and the game in equal measure.

finding people willing who aren't autistic is a new thing that's happened as DnD hit the mainstream more

try finding a non autistic group in like 2010 or earlier

it's too difficult finding a group of people who aren't awful, finding someone willing and good enough to be DM and then finding a time and place everyone can get to.

I don't have anyone to play with

Me too. Do you drink daily? Not the guy you responded to, FYI.

try writing that response digitally in 1874

no, but really, what the hell is your point? If you want to roleplay and pretend it's a decade ago, you'll have to say so up front.

I reiterate, it is not hard to find people willing to at least try DnD, it's finding people who's schedule's match up

that's a copy pasta now? fuck Sup Forums

Me and a few friends have been trying to get together to try out D&D for months, but we've all got shit to do. The closest I've ever gotten is D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun, and that had some pretty bumpin' music.

P&P games are really great in principle. They'd be perfect if you had a group of mature, responsible players interested in making a good story whose schedules align. Unfortunately, the real world rarely works like that.

You know those threads about "that guy?" Every P&P gamer is "that guy."

t. finally DMing for a decent group after several failed attempts

So you agree its almost impossible play due to people. Thanks for agreeing I guess. Have a nice day.

>Need to be social and speak to other human beings
>Reliant on those human beings to be around when you want to play
>Have to be creative

And whose fault is that.

How come something like D&D wasn't made before the 1970's? It's literally just a game based on imagination.

Are you mental? D&D was mainstream enough back in 2001, moreso with wizard edition. 4th was a cancerous blight and i've yet to play a full session of fifth but it sure as shit wasn't just for troll people pre-2010.

Because I prefer a fight that's supposed to have lasted only one half of a minute to last a matter of seconds and not occupy three hours of a four hour session.

>playing D&D instead of Pathfinder
Gee I sure love how every single class is identical

In my experience it's women who ruin the game.

But I already play tabletop games on a weekly basis with several diffferent groups of friends

what now, OP?

I've played D & D since I was about 13 in 1998. And I have been a DM since 2004. I won't play games with people I cannot trust not to be complete spergs.

>everyone wants to play a le so unique race
>rogues? can I get a party of 4 rogues please that's what i always wanted
>lawful-stupid paladins
>selfish players who would sell out the party for a fucking +1 ring
>how dare you depict rape in a fantasy
>too many chicks these days

I could go on.

>>how dare you depict rape in a fantasy
are you fucking kidding me

I do both. Ive been running a never ending game for 10 years now. This post is right.

>admitting to being a lobotomized sheep
Sad desu, I'll be an activist so these types of things don't happen again


yeah, i do. But for different reasons than originally described in , making it a worthless false statement.

Are you having an aneurysm?

I've had my best friend's wife sperg out on me for this.

>nieve as fuck NPC
>the party saves her from a live of sexual torture
>they fucking leave her with the "totally respectable businessman" with the horses and supplies
>she is raped and murdered and they are robbed
I caught a lot of hell for that

Like I said, thanks for agreeing. Not sure why you feel the need to keep replying but w/e. Have a nice day.

the rogue meme is the worst one desu. every rogue i've had to experience playing with has been an absolute cringe shitter.

at least tell me it wasn't a gross DM fiat and you let the character try to fight

Depends on how he does it. If he goes deep and talks about relentless, agonising thrusts and copious viscous loads i'd probably call him out too unless it really sold the theme. But most of my concern would be if there's kids or if he's obviously getting a stiffy from it. The latter's just sad and the former means the content is probably too much for little folk.

No, it was a these assholes are way too trusting of every NPC they come across let's fix that. They death happens "off-screen" or whatever you'd call it.

I think your confused. are you saying the non-player character's dilemma should have been publicly rolled on and described instead of the party coming back to tragedy for their idiot decision?

Also aren't there a lot of "utility" classes that modern players wouldn't want to play as because they aren't good at fighting, like planeswalkers?

I played a Thief/Druid in AD&D. That was fun as fuck. Sneak around as a mouse, turn into a rhino when I inevitably get caught, befriend a bear and make him chill with the party, help my friends get mad loot, donate all of my money to make plant sanctuaries... Shit was tight.

No. There's Thief, which is a problem because it's not actually good out of combat until several levels in. It's why you might as well multiclass if you're going to play one: a Fighter/Thief is just as good as a Thief at everything that matters about being a Thief but they're not dead weight in combat.

That's fair. Unless they come back and find her submerged in a pot of thick, greasy horsecum and her ass and cunt ruptured or some shit it sounds totally reasonable. Hell, if anything it sounds like a great hook for a small time recurring villain.

I was the youngest at the time I was 28, so no kids present.

This thread is /tg/'s septic tank.

My understanding was that Pathfinder is "real" DnD now (initiative, armor class, etc. etc.) Is that correct?
I've never played one before, for the record.

>4th was a cancerous blight
It did what 3e tried to do but with mechanics that don't utterly collapse past level 6.

I wish i could afford to be an alcoholic in my shithole country

you are a fucking imbecile and it has nothing to do with rape but with not letting your players play

doing something as dire as killing a PC without letting the player try anything is atrocious and deserves complete hate.

>Not superior GURPS
baka'ing at your life

No, PF is a ripoff of 3.5.

>its bad because its popular
No matter the board this meme will be there.

NPCs aren't controlled by players you fucking twat. I'll do whatever I want with MY npcs.


RP games are ridiculously fun. The problem is it relies on other people, and despite how badly I'd like to DM, it's really hard to get the chance.

In 3.5 there were a shit ton. One of the only things 3.5 did 'right' was having an absolute assload of classes that weren't based on combat in the slightest. Now 3.5 was bogged down with mechanics but characters who were literal skill monkies could happen and could be fun to play, if your DM wasn't a hack who always forced them into combat instead of letting them slink away with a sack of gold and jewels.

kids these days have a hard enough time taking turns in video games and doing something slow and imaginative like reading so they'd never take to pnp

No one ever heard of GUPRS where I was from in the 90's so fuck off back to your circlejerk elsewhere.

play pathfinder nigger

please buy my splatbooks :^)

I haven't played or followed D&D since 2006-2007, but I know my friend hated the 4th edition. Care to give me a short rundown on what went wrong and the state of D&D now? Also, I am used to 3.5. If I wanted to play today (I'd have to DM), what edition should I pick?

>play Fighter
>get effortlessly styled on by party Druid's animal companion

it was a rescued NPC that was killed off-screen.

Who here /CallofCthulhu/ ????

If your PCs are lasting more than a single session, you're doing it wrong. Keep those tommy guns loaded and remember: When in doubt, burn 'em out!

Pathfinder is 3.5 homebrew sold as its own thing.

DnD is really only fun if you have friends.

>One of the only things 3.5 did 'right' was having an absolute assload of classes that weren't based on combat in the slightest.

Bring souless mmo combat and grind to the table top?

Pathfinder is a very poor 'overhaul' of 3.5 marketed mainly at the 3.5 crowd who refuses to play anything else. You'd do well to avoid it and its fans like they're radioactive.

I have the corebook in PDF form. Haven't looked at it much.

Hi, /tg/.

Paranoia is the most fun I've ever had with an RPG. It's a shame nobody ever developed a game based off of it.

Why is a fa/tg/uy on the Sup Forumsirgin board?

what are some fun vidya themed tabletop games?

I played a bit of PTU with friends but the individual pokemon management got pretty hellish like 10 sessions in, really fun otherwise though

ah shit
I though you killed the player character of your friend's wife because I misread "nieve NPC" as "new PC"

Fuck classes altogether. idiotic concept.

You probably can, unless your country is a real shithole and not an American idea of shithole. I do and i'm rather poor.
Try to understand that I appreciate what 4th wanted to be. 3.5 was a clusterfuck of epic proportions but at the least still felt like D&D. 4th felt like a slower board game. The ability cards (and they absolutely were cards) sucked such hot shit that I returned my pre-ordered copy of the books so I wouldn't have to be tainted by it any longer. Aside from that, though, it was okay.


have fun user

Is CoC a good rpg for a first-time GM? While I like dreaming up characters and stories, starting with some existing lore sounds like a nice way to ease into worldbuilding and all that.

...I'd agree in theory, because that is what 3e was (had a WoW splatbook too, don't you know), but since it's now obvious you've never played 4e and don't know what you're talking about I can't miss the opportunity to call you an imbecile who parrots other people's opinions.

I'd love to play a TTG with a class system similar to Dark Souls. You get starting templates, but freedom on how to build from there.

>Why are you guys spending $100s to $1000s of dollars on consoles and gaming PC's to be limited, when you can spend like maybe $50 on a handbook, some pencils, and some paper, and have infinite things. Particularly if you love RPGs, why do you do this?

Because D&D need more than 100$ to have a good setup.

>I actually just want to discuss the merits of pen and paper gaming against the merits of video gaming, but the nature of this board is everything must be phrased as a confrontation.

For starters you need people to find to play it, you cant play it solo and you need a DM who is willing to take the role of pure DM always.
Then that DM needs to be good, because the quality gap between DMs is huge, even if its your best friend, he can be a shit DM.

Where as videogames let you experience a story tailored to one player and lets you stop whenever you want without making other people stop their progress.

Is simple really.

None of what you said were infinite tho, you need to come up with that shit and most of the time the shit some amature DM comes up with its either boring or retarded

I still run 3.5. 4e tryed to compete with video game mmos and it failed bad. 5e seems like a watered down d&d. More like 2e not bad but simple. Pathfinder is revised 3.5 go with that.

Its $60 for a litre of cheap liquor in the land down under

user, all you need is pens and paper at the bare minimum. You can get dice apps for your phone, and the DM can look at PDFs on their laptop or tablet. RPGs cost potentially a dollar.

>You'd do well to avoid it and its fans like they're radioactive.

next time before you spout off like a sperg, try reading and understanding all the words first

Currently playing a Pathfinder campaign with friends and while I enjoy the mechanics of 3.5/PF, Golarion as a setting is absolute trash.


The rules are relatively complex, but if you have a patient group, I don't see why not.

Isn't your minimum wage ridiculously high so everything costs more anyway?

same as melee autists

can't get over their shitty outdated game and just want more of it

>comparing board games to video games
god this thread is retarded

how do you avoid characters getting ridiculously OP after that long?

its because I've had plenty of arguments of the subject matter on /tg/ and seeing another one triggers me as you've seen because I've reached a point where I can't stand that kind of GMs anymore

Everyone wants to be world of warcraft when they play a rogue.