mods deleted the other one? why?
Mods deleted the other one? why?
Oh wow, did the previous thread get deleted? lol
Anyways Yahtzee is shit.
>It didn't even make top 5
Boy I can't imagine how fucking assravaged the terrorists on this board are right now. Probably already getting the suicide vests and on their way to his house as we speak.
>hurr it was good but was an expected type of good
Wtf does that mean
>HiT related post on Sup Forums
>comments praise the game
>post about e-celeb that liked HiT
>comments shit on the game
anticonformists are just as mindless sheep as conformists, you know...
they are full rage mode today
what is this referring to?
>Preemptively mock Nintenbros by suggesting that they will froth with rage for not heaping enough praise on BOTW
>Nintenbros proceed to froth with rage because he didn't heap enough praise for Odyssey
Pottery. Game tied for second and people are still mad.
It didn't challenge him or offer anything new
It was a Mario game, so it was good and with minimal problems but didn't really try and challenge itself
Yahtzee gave A Hat in Time a higher spot on his Top 5 of 2017 list than Mario Odyssey.
Hat in Time? More like Shat on Time.
But hat in time didn't do anything new either or do anything challenging
means its easy and safe and nothing about it is new or incredibly interesting. Zelda at least had the giant world to run around in.
BotW is fucking ass compared to Odyssey and that's coming from somebody who played both on switch at launch.
>Liked both but gave the title to AHiT because he had expected Odyssey to be great where as AHiT was a pleasant surprise
>People are pissed for some reason
I mean I personally liked both and I wouldn't call AHiT better than Odyssey, even though I do think AHiT does some things better than Odyssey, but I can see his reasoning.
Botw was more ambitious but Odyssey used the 3D Mario formula almost perfectly. The only problem was too many filler moons.
Ben "Boggle" Crowshaw is still alive? I thought the escapist was a withered corpse nowadays.
>people still give a shit about this faggot
Just because you played both doesn't mean you have any sort of taste shithead.
I'd say both are fucking great games but BotW definitely did more to mix up the Zelda formula than Odyssey did for the Mario formula.
>instead of having real dungeons let's just have 120 shrines all over the map that are pretty much just samey looking dungeon rooms chopped up and spread around
great game
>Taking Yahtzee seriously
it is. He's the only person creating new content for them
>says the TRex was pointless trailer bait
>streams the game later, chat suggests fun side objectives involving the TRex
>Refuses to do fun things
Zero interest in the game from the start. Fucker probably said this mostly to ruffle some feathers.
If you've watched his other reviews you'll notice Yahtzees favorite thing is to be pleasantly suprised, as in he finds a cheap game he's never heard of before and it turns out to be good
Maybe you didn't understand my point.
I was saying that BotW did more to change up the Zelda formula with a more open world that focused on the adventure of Zelda games over other aspects that have been more central to the Zelda formula. Was it flawless? No but it was still a great game and I'm looking forward to the next game that builds off the stellar base they put in place with this new style.
Whereas Odyssey is basically perfecting the 3d Mario format but isn't really doing anything new that changes up the formula in a meaningful degree.
Yahtzee is a closet loli fag so of course he prefers A Hat in Time
-"I hate anime, BUT"
-posted on SA about playing Princess Maker
>brawlfags still butthurt
This is a guy who unironically used the phrases "Arkham combat" and "skill" in the same sentence. He is westacuck cancer.
I take yahtzee as seriously as videogamedunkey
I bet he never even found the deep woods.
>man has opinion
That's not that hard. Here
"Arkham combat takes no skill"
What was your point?
I was just joking by bringing up the stock 2007 Yahtzeefag retort to any criticism
Dunkey is funny (moreso than Yahtzee is today) and it's good that he mostly makes comedy content instead of "comedy, and exaggerating the negative, but with serious points" like Yahtzee. His occasional earnest video ranges from decent to absolutely terrible. His criticism of Yakuza 0's story was so bad it felt like he was playing a radically different game; it was practically the polar opposite of what he said
>"the main plot gets sidetracked with irrelevant side stories"
>pic of Majima & Makoto Makimura
If anything you could say 0's story was unnatural in that everything came together TOO well. But implying the owner of the empty lot is irrelevant to the main story makes me think he skipped cutscenes or some shit.
>I don't understand traditional phrasology
>I play games to look at crude cartoon faces that supposedly represent females
A Hat in Time legitimately feels like more of a 64/Sunshine successor than Odyssey.
Probably because it followed the structure of those games 1-to-1 by kicking you out of the world after you get the main collectible. Even then, at least 64 gives you the freedom of finding other stars before you get the main one, something Odyssey does way better.
If anything, it’s a sequel to Sunshine if anything, and Sunshine was goddawful soooooo
>Sunshine was goddawful
Bad post
It means they should rebrand Mario games into a new IP so that they're "fresh."
Oh that Nintendo butt hurt tastes so good
Did anyone else know Persona 5 was going to be on his top 5? I saw it coming as soon he reviewed it and was fully delighted knowing that even Yahtzee had to recognize P5 as a GOTY.