Yfw you can literally beat the shit out of an old man and fuck his daughter upstairs

>yfw you can literally beat the shit out of an old man and fuck his daughter upstairs

Name a more based game, I dare you.

Other urls found in this thread:


tw1 is based in many many ways user

The game has aged like dogshit in the sun.

this honestly

It hasn't aged a single bit, it looked like complete shit the day it came out

>implying games age

>Name a more based game, I dare you.
fallout new vegas

>game runs smooth and well
>no aged controls like gothic
it's perfect

mechanic-wise the game hasn't really aged well, the amount of invisible walls on this game is horrendous

That fucking swamp area though. Not once but twice.

He didn't say prove you were underage you faggot

lol. I believe it.

your mother sucks dwarf cock

you may be retarded

literally played in it the summer for the first time, it was tight as fuck.

>games can age
people like this actually exist?

look at old 3d games mah boi

They're exactly the same as they were when they came out. They're the same exact 1s and 0s. They literally do not age.

your taste is shit in the sun

you know very well what he means, the difference between what the game actually looks like and will always look like and your personal perception of what it looks like, your memory of it, that you only remember vaguely from playing it years ago, when new technologies and graphical advances and new quality of life improvements in gameplay designs have been made that you got used to and falsely remember that old game to be just like that, and when you realize it isn't, that is what people mean by "games age", and the worst part is you know it 100%, you know what that person meant when he used that phrase in lack of a better name for it to call, but you decide to be a troll regardless


Too bad the graphics aged like milk and the combat is horrible.

Otherwise seemed pretty cool though.




Upload a reaction video to YouTube.

>game is released in a certain year
>several years passed
>the game is now that amount of age
>it has aged
You are objectively wrong.


Sure as hell was annoying every time you had to talk to Shani. Old hag on the ground floor never let you go upstairs. I really wanted to kick her ass but Geralt would never hurt an innocent so I just had to grunt and bear it.

gothic plays way better than the witcher
tw1 still had a top tier story though


A few months ago I replayed Empire Earth and Pharaoh Cleopatra, and somehow the isometric city builder from the 1999 held up really well while the 3D grand scale RTS from 2001 crashes at every possible chance and the gameplay is insufferably bad. Awful terrain texture even for the time, horrific pathfinding, predictable AI that cheats out the ass, and some very questionable balancing choices. And I learned that sometimes childhood memories should be kept like that. I would have legit have been better off just listening to a youtube compilation of the wonderfully cheesy voice acting

Sengoku Rance

>there are people in this thread who went the IM NOOTRUL route or helped fucking Yaevinn when this guy exists

It's as good as it was when it came out. TW1 Geralt looked weird as fuck.

based Siegfried was such a good bro

considering this run on modified Aurora engine, it's actually impressive

But how could nu-Sup Forumsirgins knows anything


this. most annoying parts of the game.

Totally agree OP, but
Haven't had Internet for a month, did anything worthwhile happen in the meantime? Any new games?

Does the gameplay change much and get deeper later on? Or is it bascially QTE the whole way through?

Siegfried was a faggot who wouldn't have raped everything you love and hold dear if his religious nut case leader even hinted that he might like it.

There were no good factions in that game other than having sex with two nurses.

>Oh shit a dead body.
>Let record this and pretend we're seeing it for the first time as a reaction video

Only cucks believe this.

Objectively false.

>thinks its a literal term

Do you also think when people say a game is shit that they means its a literal pile of feces?

My biggest issue with the game is that there were these very cool woods near Kaer Morhen, and you only explore some of them in a premium module.

Basically QTE all the way. Alchemy plays more of a role as you meet tougher enemies but the combat doesn't really change much aside from you having more tools at your disposal.

It was alright. One thing I'll give the game is that all the side plots made sense and contributed to the main story, whereas most games don't have the writing organization to make a coherent main plot.

The Witcher hasn't aged, though. If you don't like the game today, you probably wouldn't have liked it back in 2007 either.

A game that lets you beat the daughter and fuck the oldman

Throw in collectible lewd old men cards and we've got a deal.

Aerondight looks so good, but it will always rustle my jimmies that 1/4of the blade is blunt. And accounts for half the space that presumably is used,most for hacking and slashing.

True. Even the most "filler" chapter had a very cool questline that makes a great job fleshing out the world and lore of the game.

>dat moment when you get the sword
I would post pictures with the Lady of the Lake, but mods would probably delete them and ban me.

Quite honestly the most enjoyable RPG I played this year.

It is my favorite Witcher game. It is the most fun out of the 3. The other 2 are better in almost every other way, but they just aren't as fun.

Agreed, 3 suffered from open world and is kind of boring.

Kind of sucked then, kind of sucks now. Everything BUT the gameplay in Witcher was the draw.

are those two dlcs worth checking out?

I just can't get my self to play this game. The first area is so fucking awful. I always hear it gets way better but goddamn

I only played The Price of Neutrality because of the setting, and I've heard it is easily the best of the two. I wasn't interested in returning to the Temple Quarter to be honest.

First area is not that bad desu.
You're a thin-skinned gamer. You'd do yourself some good by going up against somethin' a little rough.

What I don't get it you are supposed to play the Witcher twice if not THREE times. It took me about 80 hours of serious effort to push through it the first time, I can't imagine doing it again TWICE to see all the content across the moral spectrum.

don't be a retard that goes out there during the night

>that amulet looks awfully familiar....
post yfw it hit you

because it was kind of shoehorned in

I have 76 hours on the game, and I had a lot of fun. I will definitely replay the game in the future because it was a fantastic experience (and I want to try out some difficulty mods). And of course to see how much changes depending on your choices.

I miss freak Geralt, making him a hot dad was a bad idea.

>yfw Geralt didn't realize it was Alvin
>yfw casuals didn't get it
>yfw CDPR needed to spoonfeed them the plot twist in TW3

True. Even though I played with a TW3 face mod, the vanilla face looks fantastic with an eye mod (that makes him look closer to the cinematics).

The games were destined to fuck up Geralt's character. Honestly the first game already fucked it up by making him a "mutant" but the second and third installments just made it worse (can anyone say, "Polish batman"?). The writer of the original series has said that the games aren't canon, probably because they ruin Geralt's character.

>comparing geralt to a shitty comic book character because of one game mechanic in the third entry
Go walk into traffic.

How many RPGs did you play this year?

This is one of the dumbest posts I've read on this site, how does that make you feel?

Not many.

- Fallout
- Fallout 2
- Arcanum
- Baldur's Gate
- The Witcher
- Icewind Dale (I'm doing the expansions)

Meanwhile on the PS3....

I don’t tend to worry myself about the opinions of anons on a chinese loli cartoon discussion site. Especially on Sup Forums of all boards.

Sapkowski has said the games aren't canon because he doesn't care about videogames at all.

Then you should probably stop posting

witcher 1 was so much more pleasant to play than 2

Why are you mad? Because I think superheroes and comic book characters like Batman are stupid? Go cry about it on Sup Forums or some other shit board.

so has TW2

He said that because he's asshurt he doesn't get royalties because of his own ignorance and stupidity.

but shit stinks less after being out in the sun for a while. and it's easier to pick up with your shovel because it's hardened.

Sapkowski is a bitter old fag who's mad that the video game is more popular than his shitty books and actually brought the Witcher to relevance outside of being something that only vodka drinking polish nerds care about

Good man, shitty side.

Nice reading comprehension. Why don't you learn the English language before posting on an American website?

Ok, do you mean last year? And how is arcanum, I need an rpg to play


To be fair, Geralt is supposed to look weird as shit. If you read the books, hes an ugly grizzled motherfucker

What mods are these?

But can you beat the shit out of his daughter and fuck the old man?

they'll stop once you learn to quit being racist to elves

Post best soundtrack


>liking elves

he said that because he doesn't want to write around events that happen in the games in the event that he writes another witcher book (like most recently, season of storms)
what kind of author would be retarded to declare someone's independent fanfic as canon?


Fuck, you are right. I get a hard time adapting to the new year.

Bad combat, complete lack of balance, but very good RPG nonetheless.

Just one: FPS Counter and Post-Processing Effects.

Just look for FPS Counter in the Witcher Nexus and you will find it. It lets me tweak the color, brightness, contrast, sharpness, and also add Ambient Occlusion into the game (but if you have an Nvidia card I've heard you can force it that way too).

Pic related is all I played the game with. I can upload my FPS Counter settings to pastebin if you'd like.

Oh and by "Vanilla" I meant a selection of textures from the Texture Overhaul mod. Namely pic related.

I just bought the games and I'm playing through the first one. The graphics and story are fine, but the combat is giving me cancer.

He's just mad he sold the rights for some lump sum of vodka instead of getting constant steady income of vodka

TW1 is a terrible game and probably the longest I've ever played a game I hated
The narrative is good and the cast is likable. That's it. Everything else about the game, especially the combat, ranges from mediocre to downright terrible

The combat was good, asshat. It just needed to be more punishing. I felt like combos were very easy to pull off unless you were surrounded by a shitload of enemies that made it complicated to concentrate on the clicking cues.