Anyone else feeling burned out on quality vidya?

Anyone else feeling burned out on quality vidya?

After playing so many 100+ hr games last year like Yakuzer 0, Tekken 7, BOTW, XB2, Nier, etc I just feel like videogames are boring now.

I sat down to play Personer 5 the other day and it was so incredibly boring that I fell asleep with my headcrones on and the controller in my hand.

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Holy butterface.

Haven't played a single game yet this year so I feel you.

shame about the face

Body a 10, face a -1.

whys her face so ugly

although i like p5, it's really boring when youre seeing story unfold.

She's an Oriental

Oh fuck off, you’re all used to plastic-faced DoA girls. This is what a real woman looks like.

bitch looks like liu kang

Damn Kim let herself go.

Yeah a real woman with real (ugly) acne scars

oh my god these thighs aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

t. woman

>body is 10
>no tits

Black people

im sorry dude but that's a fucking 3/10 face, looks like a guy

Persona 5 would be a lot better on Switch

But I agree with you

This year I put 100 hours in a lot of games

Yakuza 0
Persona 5
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade 2
Witcher 3
Dark Souls 3

It's nice because you don't spend so much money but it's also tiring

Are you fucking retarded? Her acne is bad as hell and her eyebrows are completely unkempt.

Nice body but she's asian, which immediately makes me pass

Shouldn't it be written Nia then?
just asking for a friend

I always feel weird when it comes to faces. I see people say one face is beautiful and one is ugly but I never seem to see it. No girl is ever a 10 for me or a 1 unless deformed from human norms which she clearly is not deformed. Faces just don't do anything for me usually. I can tell she isn't the typical model or movie star face but even those barely do shit for me. Even with the makeup all people to me typically look about the same beauty-wise. A smile seems to do a lot for a face for me though, she seems happy and it gives off a cute sort of vibe. There's no such thing as someone with a face of a 10 or having a better face than another. I really don't see the appeal. Am I the only one? I've never seen anyone else in threads like these give off a similar opinion.

acne scarring it looks like

a real ugly woman

I actually completely agree, body >>>>>>>>>>> face for me unless they look like a monster.


Nope. If new things aren't doing it for you, try old stuff, if that doesnt work, take a break from games

Also nice thighs, same she's got pizzas face though. Never got to fuck an asian chick when I was still playing the field

Who is this grill

You can fix a bad body, you can't do much to a scuffed face outside of makeup or plastic.

Bruh, she's got acne scars for days, also a bit of man face going on, I'd still fuck those legs but c'mon now

Her face is average not ugly but that body rocking so it doesn't matter.

I'd stare her in the face and never blink if I got to stick my dick between those thighs.

it's actually an improvement

Hello Ace

>her eyebrows are unkempt

Imagine being this gay

Which is funny because I typically don't like the look of makeup and plastic surgery always starts looking deformed to me. I can deal with makeup but I prefer without, I have a slight preference on more natural looking. Faces tend to never need fixing for me. I feel like weight is the primary thing for me, breaks a body and breaks a face.

I am so fucking mad that whoever took this pic didn't get more of her in frame.

Whoever took this pic is now my milkshake duck and I will do everything in my power to get them fired for being racist towards boners.

Is that a streamer or something? Typing Ace into Google isn't going to do shit.

What's the point of obesity?

>pizza and ice cream
That's a gross combination.

every time I open a thread here it's never actually about video games. I think my mental age has exceeded the average on this board.

you dont know how female bodies work.
theres this fucking fat blob of fat in my snapchat who has absolutely no fat on her face, it's the biggest decietful body youve ever seen
bitch is a sad fucking blob from the neck down

Why isn't she naked?

>You can fix a bad body, you can't do much to a scuffed face outside of makeup or plastic
You're retarded. An ugly chick can do wonders with makeup but a hot body is gifted through genetics. /fit/ likes to meme about it but some people really are destined to become fat. Even if you diet and exercise it can months or years to fix a fatty whereas make up can pretty up uggo in 30 minutes.

Because you're not masturbating hard enough.

>Persona 5 would be alot better on Switch

Get your switch pandering shit out of here.

>mental age

Looks like Jackie Chan.


Persona 5 just isn’t very good

Continue playing good games.

>a hot body is gifted through genetics. /fit/ likes to meme about it but some people really are destined to become fat.

Poor eating and activity habits aren't genetic, what the fuck

sick edit

This. I can tell shes fridge mode by that angle

You don't get to complain about boring if you played all those game until the end.

>no one has posted eating shit meme
shameful display

>playing ocarina of time, want to finally beat it
>at the boss of shadow temple, completely uninterested in continuing
this game is way too fucking long for its own good. its been dragging out since the fucking fire temple and i guarantee i have another several hours of trudging through shitty dungeons before encountering ganon


i'm getting sweaty lads. might be a random husband soon

Then post the original because it looks real to me. Her facial structure and everything match up.

Not every hot chick exercises or eats healthy. Some people have skinny genes whereas some people have to work at it. I didn't say every landwhale was born fat but you'd have to be an idiot to think every hot chick goes to the gym 24/7.

Nier Automata especially made everything else feel boring. That game was unlike anything else.

Why is Kokomi so pretty bros? I don't even like japs.

are you actually implying women who arent toned are attractive? you absolutely need to go to the gym to be attractive and that is true for both men and women. it isnt enough to just be fucking skinny you need to be healthy too

*blocks your path*

>Yakuzer, Personer

Are you retarded?

Are you me?

Most likely Australian so yes

literally me
i prefer a hot body

id fuck her big thighs and blow a huge load on her face and use it like proactive.

Nah, I've seen my fair share of attractive of women who were pretty lazy. You don't have to be an instagram model to be be attractive. I've also seen plenty of attractive dudes who don't go to the gym.

Beauty isn't an objective measure. Remember if you have enough money you can fuck anybody you want.

Did you stroke out?
Real women are uggos...
Why should we accept any less than perfection when 2d can be so easily created and obtained?

it's more attractive when she has a semi-ugly face and a great body

it sterilizes your curiosity and you feel bad when having sex, but then you throw caution to the wind because it feels good. there is a such thing as too perfect.

>100+ hr games
>Tekken 7

uh ... sounds like a wee bit of autism

how is that autism

Bitch just throw a paperbag over the pig's head.


literally nothing autistic about it

>I always feel weird when it comes to faces. I see people say one face is beautiful and one is ugly but I never seem to see it.
autists can't differentiate faces, bad news for you,
and you.

Worse news for your poor parents

Crashing this thread with no survivors

what if she works at a really high class place

it's not like the paper bag is gonna help, everyone is gonna know you're stuffing your meat balls deep inside the round the way girl. might as well own up to it.

Imagine being a blind faggot attracted to ugly fuckers.

i got tested as a child because i was pretty peculiar
turns out i just have high iq

imagine being a sheltered faggot and thinking everyone who doesn't look like your mom is ugly

This. Literal manface

>All these people pointing out Pizza face
>Not pointing out the fact that she's by a Subaru

What's the point anons? She's clearly a lesbian.

shit taste, she's fat, her stomach is probably sagging


>being straight
>in 2018

I think this maybe means you are autism spectrum because you cannot recognizes faces as well they all look kinda samey to you.

lesbos drive outbacks and foresters, not stis

I understand the difference in faces and even emotions they portray but I don't find any attractive.

she looks like the teenage mexican boy who changes oil at my local auto repair shop

>thick Asian girls

my kryptonite

Shoop some Todd in there

>being sick when you can seak therapy

how do you know that's her car?


literally fucking google

>being so personal you miss a joke entirely and look like an asshat

I just googled thick Asian and all I got were a bunch of results about cornstarch



Yo kid, the chick is fucking ugly, are you gonna quit being fucking blind or what, you absolute proto-nigger