
I didn't have a good enough PC when it first came out. Thinking of going back. What am I in for?

Runs fine on my 1070.

Its a great game, my first open world rpg experience. Definitely look at mods for better combat or boost your agility cause you want hit jack shit starting off.


You'll be fine now that you have SLI

Is it not worth trying deal with the original combat system?

O-oh my


Read the manual. Don't be this faggot and try swinging at enemies without letting your stamina recharge first.

I had a pretty damn great time wasting my late teens on this after wasting my early teens on Daggerfall.





really fast walking speed

Steam hides the manual in the gamefiles, right?

What kind of character do you recommend? I hear the magic and alchemy get pretty bonkers.

white people i swear

>what are the boots of blinding speed

So when you don't know how to do something, you don't always succeed? How weird... it's almost like... the game is trying to... simulate real life somehow, but how can that be? It's a computer game?

What if I'm playing a character with low light armor?

Just grabbed this on sale.

What mods are must have. In terms of keeping the game kind of vanilla but adding QoL?

get morrowind graphics extender to remove the shitty fog

>What mods are must have. In terms of keeping the game kind of vanilla but adding QoL?
None, you fucking brainlet

Really slow walk speeds

literally just fortify speed/athletics and use jump and levitate spells

You've already waited 16 years. Wait another to play OpenMW with a completely new combat system.

Gotta appreciate the classics. Even if they're hard to get into.

Disable Tribunal until the middle of the MQ or so.

I hate how people use these joke webms to try and dismiss any serious criticism of Morrowind's awful combat.
Just because mashing left-click can work when you don't deliberately build your character wrong doesn't make it fun.

Got it. Any particular reason?

I don't think they're trying to dismiss serious criticism. It looks more like they're mocking the game to me.

>person posts webms without making any actual claims or arguments
>webms get laughed at
>guy who posted them doesn't provide any sort of response or counterargument
This exact same shit happens in every single goddamn Morrowind thread.
It's a meme, not a legitimate argument for or against Morrowind's combat system.

Exactly. That's what I was saying.

its funny because these dumbfuck webms were made by someone who had to know what they were doing wrong in order to film it.

they probably deliberately wasted their character stats for this footage and then wasted their stamina and then hit the record button.

>It's a meme, not a legitimate argument for or against Morrowind's combat system.
Only rationale.

Why do we have this thread every other hour?

i dunno

i think we have a dedicated morrowind thread every day now

Ignoring the bait, the lockpicking system really sucks because if you don't have good security or alteration skills those locked doors might as well just be walls.

Your naps will be disturbed

For me it's the MGXE, madd leveler since minmaxing all the time is boring and a magicka regen because playing a sleeping simulator gets tiresome (heh)


Assassins appearing as soon as you step off the boat makes no sense, and the loot you get from them absolutely breaks the game.

These, plus they appear way too often.

>go to interior cell
>open console
>player->setathletics 99999999
>face upwards, pick a direction, and run
>every minute, toggle third person, and check how broken you are
Don't move diagonally, because that will crash the game. Doing this in an exterior cell can work, but it's much easier to crash the game. If outside, try to just go up or down.

>Vivec shows up and one shots you
I smirked a bit.

Depends on how used to older RPGs you are. If you have little patience for old mechanics then you'd be better off finding a mod.