There's no reason to buy an xb-

There's no reason to buy an xb-

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One word: mining

still no reason to buy a xbox buy a ps4 or pc

Oh, wow. It's fucking nothing.

I bought that card two months ago for less than half of the listed price

Seriously, with prices like that for ONE piece of the hardware required to play games on max settings which are mandatory AND NEED TO BE UPDATED CONSTANTLY because if you're not why the fuck are you playing on pc?
Anyway PC fags are delusional and retarded.

>he doesn't have a pc already


i heard this shit causes BSODs

i can't wait until bitcoin bursts

i haven’t updated drivers in like 6 months desu
you have updates on Xbox that are required to even play online

>buy gpu for mining
>mommy's electricity bill costs more than you ever earn
>burn it out in 2 years for nothing

you get an RX470 4GB for like $180

people who do that have the money to and at least the games look good and dont run like shit

That's not the point. I just chose the first thing I saw on newegg. The point is that they there are plenty of 1060s that are within $50ish of msrp.


Buying an XBox is equal to forcefully castrating yourself

Who would've thought it'd be cryptominers being the thing that fucks PC gaming over.

No, the point is you shouldn't be buying shitty graphics card.

jesus that cant be real?

>castrate =/= vasectomy

You don’t need top end shit to hit a steady framerate, a feat consoles seem to struggle with on low settings anyway.

t. Someone that never owned a PC

You don't know how good it is to be able to play a game at your preferred settings, I don't know why consoles don't allow changing your settings when games run like shit.

I have that card. I'm playing PUBG at average 90fps. Can xbone x do that?


>mining craze
>resellers buy up all the good parts
>resell at high prices
>scammers get into the fray
>manufacturers "run out" of parts
>any new parts get snatched up asap
When will it end


>mfw bought the 1070 when it came out before the miners ran up the prices
>mfw I bought int o the 16GB meme right before RAM prices went up like AMD stock after Meltdown

This is the pc build thread, ye?
Just a whole new rig: getting a 3TB HDD from Amazon, dual boot Windows 10 and Linux Distro, then all of
Are my parts good? It's only 1k and a definite improvement over my 2011 specs

Says who? Consoles play the equivalent of low to medium graphics settings and usually at 30 FPS. A new rig can go without upgrading for like 7 years before it gets that shitty. You’d have to be a peasant to ride it out that long but it still beats console.

you're a cancer to this board

any reason for a ryzen?

i dont get why thats a bad thing. You have a few kids and don't want to fuck around with contraceptives anymore. The wife gave him like $700 in gifts because they have a normal relationship.

holy shit you're right

According to what? As long as you have fun who fucking cares what you play video games on? They’re all shit anyway.

I have exactly same build. It's great, runs everything out today

>They’re all shit anyway

Not the ones i like

Man wanna shoot fat loads, not runny nose fluid. Trading one of mans core pleasures for a console, and a god-awful one at that.

PCfags and their over glorified console port machines xD

*plays at 140fps*
Nothing personel, kiddo

>world ends
>he can't repopulate it because he cut his balls

Name one (1) objectively good video game. You literally cannot.

Peace of mind my man. Having less things to worry about (for both you and your SO) goes a very long way in a relationship.

>buy prebuilt gaming pc in 2015
>i5 6600, gtx 960, corsair mx500 for 800 eurobucks
>runs everything at 60 fps in silence
>discover crypto in march 2017
>never mine because not a cuck
>instead, buy, hold and trade
>7 figures by 2018
>grab games from steam winter sale, for a change
>still runs at 60 fps flawlessly
not sure what to tell you mate
have you tried updating your drivers?

I'll show you three

Never, because ASICs will not replace GPUs seeing how many new meme coins are spawning every other month.

what the fuck

just buy a 1080. you're 3/4ths there, shell out the extra $40.

You and I both know from the pic alone this couple is an unmarried duo of white childless glasses-wearing city dwellers in their early 30s

>any reason for a ryzen
I was recommended it

>third party gougers

Literally unironically kill yourself.

t. salty grapes console cuck

who is she?

Shoot for a bigger SSD if you can. Maybe around 250-500GB?

Man doesn't wanna shoot fat loads when man already has 3 kids sucking up all the disposable income.

Why does this even rile you virgins up?
Women fuck around, at least this guy's bulletproof from child support now

r8 my build Sup Forums

Sup cuckboi


oh dear god no

>single fan

Not even once.

I don't know how much I'm going to use it besides my OS. Im currently okay with my 530 GB HDD, so I think I'll be okay with my 3TB upgrade

Why's that?

Every time I see this processor I get filled with rage. Never have I been mislead so strongly.

You do realise most people get vasectomies so they can have more sex without the risk of more kids right?

Spent literally 5x the price of an xbox one x to do that.

>tfw FX-6300
It's not that bad I guess.

Do you know women change their minds easily right? She will wake up one day wanting kids and he will not be able to deliver, guess what will happen then.

>When ya get your 1060 for 170$ on sale

>basically degrading yourself into a human dildo

I guess that's what soyboys strive to become

>spends 5 times the price
>gets 10 times the frames

Not a bad trade huh?

What happened?

You don't need a fan if you're getting the r5 1600, it comes with one. Though honestly the cryorig h7 plus an r5 1600x is exactly what I have, and I love it, so you could keep the fan and get the faster r5.

Imagine the worst single core performance possible then knock that down one more notch.

They're a young couple still, getting a vasectomy and cutting out decades worth of time in which he could change his mind or meet someone else who does want kids is foolish.
She can still move on and have a family at any time, he might be able to get it reversed, maybe, but for now he's infertile but she's still fine.
Do you know how often people split up and get divorced? If he had already had kids and then he didn't want anymore, fine but he's only doing it to himself, there's no we in that situation despite the woman phrasing it that way, it's he.

>you cant buy used

Whats with all the xbone shill threads lately?

Was there an announcement or something?

>buying used electronics

Or on the opposite side, they could not get the vasectomy and have an accidental kid. Which obviously is a much better scenario for a divorce.

I know you're an underage memedspouter and clearly uneducated, but vasectomies are completely reversible.

Say I have a FX-6300, would getting an older phenom II CPU be better for gaming?

>with prices like that for ONE piece of the hardware required to play games on max settings which are mandatory
>tfw buy a $50 dollar gpu
>tfw lowest settings
>tfw still higher settings than xbox's lower than low custom hidden settings
[email protected]

Buying used pc parts is the dumbest idea ever. People only get rid of old pc parts if there's something wrong with them.

>he doesnt get a motherboard, processor, power supply, and tower for only $200 that works perfectly fine

When you put it that way yeah that is a pretty good trade

OP's image is from a shady associate seller. That's a fast way to get ripped off on any online store.

Yes, absolutely.

I'm glad i got 16 GB RAM DDR4 and a 1070 at the beginning of last year, before miners screwed up the market.

Or you could keep some sperm in a sperm bank just in case.

Would you recommend the X4 965?
Or is there a specific one I should go for?

My nigga

This time last year was when I started ordering parts thanks to delicious leftover christmas bonus.

>mfw GPU prices are through the roof

blame Sup Forums faggots for making cryptofaggotry


You should just save up and bite the Ryzen bullet honestly.

I'm a bit of a broke ass right now and as much as I would like to build a new Ryzen rig I cant afford it with the current prices on things. I'm just trying to squeeze as much out of my current rig with what I can get.

I literally do not own a PC at all

I think you mean /biz/

literally zero difference in performance

yea it isn't an (((intel))) with built in hacks and security -insecurities

I want to buy new RAM but I refuse to pay these high prices. Fucking miners are ruining the hardware business.