Battle theme :P5 > P3 > P2 > P4

Battle theme :P5 > P3 > P2 > P4
Overall Soundtrack: P3 > P5 > P2 > P4
Story: P3 > P5 = P2 > P4
Events: P4 > P3 > P5 > P2
Gameplay: P5 > P4 > P3 > P2
Confidants/Social LInks: P3 > P5 > P4

We're all in agreement yes?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums suddenly hates P4

What the fuck bros

yeah close enough

OP here, I've replayed P4 more times than any other Persona game. It's a great game on it's own but falls behind the others in anything but events/character interaction.

P5 wins all caregories


Forgot MC category

Joker > Door-kun > Yucock > Tatsuya = Maya

Chad Ziodynecock worked them all into a shoot.

>Battle theme :P5 > P3 > P2 > P4
Fuck no.
>Overall Soundtrack: P3 > P5 > P2 > P4
Switch P4 with P5 and you have a deal. The Jazz aesthetics fit P5 well but it was not well done and there was much few memorable tracks in comparison to P4.
>Events: P4 > P3 > P5 > P2
NNNNNNOOOOOOPPPPPPEEEEE. P2 has some of the best character interactions in the franchise, P5 had among the worst in the franchise.
>Gameplay: P5 > P4 > P3 > P2
The only one you got right
>Confidants/Social LInks: P3 > P5 > P4
P3 had the shittiest Confidants of the three and P5's benefit is that you actually want to do them not because they're interesting but because of the gameplay bonuses they offer.
>Joker > Door-kun > Yucock > Tatsuya = Maya
Joker fails as a silent protagonist because they gave him far too much. Door has a lot of subtle aspects to him which makes him interesting despite being silent. Yucock is entertaining but he's the very definition of a blank slate.

Battle theme: 5 > 3 > 4
Overall Soundtrack: 5 > 4 > 3
Story: 4 > 5 > 3
Events: 4 > 3 > 5
Gameplay: 5 > 4 > 3
Confidants/Social LInks: 4 > 5 > 3
MC: 5 > 4 > 3
Overall: 5 > 4 > 3 But all 3 are 10/10 games


>Story: P3 > P5 = P2 > P4
I'm not sure how anyone can seriously believe P5's story is good let alone above any installment. It falls off a cliff during the Okumara arc and never recovers.

I preferred it to the story in 3 and 4, but 3, 4 and 5 all have shit stories.

There was nothing inherently wrong with the stories in 3 and 4. 5 was literally the first time in the series I cringed at what was happening on screen. That whole debacle with Goro is some of the worst writing in the series.
>P2 has some of the best character interactions in the franchise, P5 had among the worst in the franchise.
Part of the reason is that the Phantoms never have time to interact with one another or act like genuine friends so any moment of comradely feels fake and unearned (Morgana's rejection of Okumara's offer) compared to SEES who essentially had to tolerant one another for months before they could become genuine friends or the Investigation Teams who were tight from the start.

>I'm not sure how anyone can seriously believe P5's story is good let alone above any installment
It was their first Persona.

3's story is the best on paper, and I have not seen the movies but I bet it's plenty enjoyable there, unfortunately the absolutely abysmal pacing in P3 ruins whatever else it does right. The high points in 3 are great, but they're so backloaded and not worth the 60-70 hour slog preceding them that I have a hard time calling the game's story anything but a complete bore. 4's story is similar in terms of pacing in that it moves along a lot early on, then it pretty much comes to a full halt while you accrue party members and go after incredibly obvious red herrings. It's not bad necessarily because it fills time with SoL events and it really is more focused on that stuff then it is with the plot, so I'm fine with it, but the plot itself is still not that good, the writing is just enjoyable because the game does a good job of sidestepping the plot until the end when things move along again, and at that point it's mostly fine. P5 has some of the issues 3 and 4 have with writing, but it also has much better pacing in my eyes because it doesn't set up the overarching plot until the end of the game, the time when it's actually ready to move things a long. Up to that point you just get a bunch of shorter stories that are later connected together, but that lets you focus more on the moment rather than the end, as I often was doing in P3, which was awful because it moved towards that end at a snail's pace. For me, P3 had a story that was boring up until the end, but that end wasn't enough to save it, 4 had an unremarkable story, btu it was a story that was easy it ignore, and 5, while not reaching the level of quality as the better parts of 3, was consistently decent, and enough to keep my focus on the plot, unlike P4, while also not boring me to death, like P3 did. With that in mind, I have to say I preferred 5's even if it feels rushed and messy in some areas.
I disagree about the PTs not feeling like a good group and SEES feeling like genuine friend.

I would:
1) Switch P3 with P5 on overall soundtrack
2) remove the story category altogether because it's so not the point of these games, just glue to hold them together. All of them are equally "doesn't matter". Perhaps change it to "theme" instead of "story" and I'd care.
3) Switch P3 with P2 on gameplay. The only acceptable version of P3 has shit gameplay due to lack of good party control, and the alternative is to play the way shittier menu-based P3P which nearly ruins the mood of the whole game and the only upside is to improve on a combat system that is mediocre regardless. (Shame since female protag's stuff might be neat, but I jsut can't bare it)

Overall not a bad list

>Story: P3 > P5 = P2 > P4
>Events: P4 > P3 > P5 > P2
I'll agree that the gameplay in P2 is piss poor but that is some shit taste right there mate.

The battle theme in 5 is good for the first hour but I found it really annoying after that if they ever do a gold addition they need more music

Battle theme: 5 > 3 > 4
OST: 3 > 4 > 5
Story: 3 > 4 > 5
Events: 4 > 5 > 3
Gameplay: 5 > 4 > 3
S. Links: 3 > 4 > 5

P5 followed an episodic structure which I can see people would prefer over the slow burn of P3 and the virtually game about nothing which was P4 HOWEVER it loses itself after Futaba's dungeon where it actually tries to construct a narrative that builds to something that ultimately stumbles due to how rushed and poorly written it was (not like the writing was good before but it was much harder to ignore). You're right that on paper P3 has a great story but its largely build up leading to the pay off in between there's nothing exciting that happens. P4 really doesn't have anything remarkable happen until the final stretch but it makes up for it by having the most character interaction and best feel of the games which makes the whole experience worthwwhile. P5 pretty much strips P3's build up and P4's character interaction so shit basically happens with no development, characters don't get any sort of relevance and the final stretch is a rushed mess but everything leading up to Haru's introduction is solid and moves fast enough that you can ignore the fact that you're really not getting a feel of the setting and cast or that you're aimlessly following a plot with no structure.

That's one thing I will not agree on. PT needed a lot more development and never did feel like a good group that;s why everything feels so incredibly rushed and moments that should have been genuine get played off as a complete joke (Ryujis sacrifice, Morgana's revelation, the Yaldy reveal). I know that P3fags are annoying as shit but they make a good point about how well the game actually treated the cast and how they actually did feel like they formed a friendship in the end which makes the final scene all the more bittersweet.

>It was their first Persona.

Pretty much exactly this.

>Persona 5 is the best in the series
>It's just a coincidence I say that and it's the only Persona game I've played


>it loses itself after Futaba's dungeon...
I do agree to an extent, but I also don't think it falls down so drastically that I would say P3 or 4 have better stories because of it. The only section of the game where I really felt myself getting sick of it was the section beginning after Futaba's dungeon and ending after Okumura's, but it wasn't even the writing that bothered me here, it was just the poorly put together calendar that put you on rails way too much. The writing itself was decent enough, and everything from that point on, while feeling rushed, messy and I even think it felt intentionally unfinished so they'd have an easy avenue to add in content to a re-release, it was not abysmal, it was just not very good. The only point in the story I found offensively bad was the girls getting mad at Ryuji over risking his life to save them for the sake of a bad joke, otherwise I didn't think the dropoff in quality after Futaba's dungeon was that bad.
>so shit basically happens with no development
I'm not sure what exactly you mean with this, the only thing that was not developed well enough for me was Goro. Everything else, be it a character or event, was built up to and foreshadowed appropriately enough that it felt like a sensible place for the story to go.
>characters don't get any sort of relevance
This is something I know not everyone will agree with me on, and understandably so, but I don't care in the least if a character feels undeveloped or irrelevant in the story so long as they have a good enough S. Link, which I think the characters of P5 do. I don't care for the stories in these games anyway and they are much more character-driven than they are plot-driven, so if a character exists just for the sake of being a character, that's fine by me. The only reason I have an issue with Goro's development is because he doesn't have a Confidant, not a real Confidant anyway, and I'm sure if he did have one, and it was decent, I'd think he's fine (1/2)

You forgot
Best final boss theme : P3 > P4 > P2 > P5
Best intendant : Elizabeth > Margareth > Caroline & Justine

>PT needed a lot more development and never did feel like a good group
Their issue, for me, is that all fo their small talk and little interactions are confined to Mementos. I won't defend that and I think it's a horrible way to convey that content, but the content is still there, and I think it does plenty to make the group feel friendly with one another. The PTs do feel like they're all business when they're actually in business, but the game does show them having fun and bouncing off of one another that managed to make them feel like friends to me, even if they delivered that content in a very poor way. I never got any sense of closeness between the P3 cast. There's no sense of a bond between the protagonist and nay of the others because you can't even spend anytime with them, outside of the girls, but that only makes it worse for me because it makes it feel like the only reason MC would spend time with any member of SEES is so that he can fuck them. Some of the members of SEES have good relationships, Akihiko and Shinji are obviously close for example, but largely I didn't get a sense of any bond at all, or there was intentionally no bond until later in the game where characters would make up and become friend, like Yukari and Mitsuru. My issue with that is that the character and relationship development in P3 feels so unnatural and rigid, like you can see clearly the milestones in the relationship but never the gradual inbetween that leads to reaching those milestones, that I can't get invested in the relationship. There's already no bond between the members of SEES and where there is it feels very transparent in it being a story in a game that I couldn't care for it. There were obvious attempt to showing they had grown close like all of them encouraging one another towards the end but none of it felt genuine or earned to me and I couldn't envision many of these people just spending time together because they enjoyed each others company

P4 was over hyped by desperate vita fags and soured the game with their retarded shilling of p4g as the god of all video games.

P2 battle themes were all garbage, worse than P1.

>P3 will never be top
What went wrong bros

>Confidants/Social LInks: P3
What the fuck is wrong with you?

You are not an impressionable teen anymore. Growing up sucks.

Not OP, but RPGs are also about meeting interesting characters and situations. Limiting them to friends allows less unique, varied and random stuff to happen. The story itself should flesh out your friends.

So? Even then P3 has the worst slinks by far.
It's not like the other games don't have slinks aside from your party members.

I disagree on the first. They all tied to Death/change. As such they all had a climax and denoument so to speak. The highs were also higher.

Sure on the second, it's just a percentage thing.

Battle theme: P4>P5>P2>P3>P1
Overall Soundtrack: P4>P3>P5>P1>P2
Story: P2>P3>P1>P5>P4
Gameplay: P5>P4>P3>P1>P2
Social Links: P4>P5>P3
That being said I think almost all of them are 10/10

I disagree completely.
I found most of P3 slinks completely boring. There were a few gems here and there, but overall they pale in comparison to the other games.
Even more so when it came to party members.

I cant take anyone serious who puts P5 above anything. Its the new worst game, looks like P1 can catch a break now

This. Who cares if the other games didn't even have dungeons? Everyone only cares about the waifus.

how is it bad? pls explain

>P3 best at anything
nice nostalgia goggles.

I feel 4's stoey falls short than the others because it's literally just:
>Wait for someone to get thrown in TV
>Rescue them
>They have no info about the culprit until Naoto comes along to piece together it was a deliveryman

3 is even worse in that aspect.
>let's just climb this tower
>oh, here's the boss fight of the month
>it's not even at the tower btw
>let's just climb this tower
And that's all you do for like 40 hours.

>persona 4

>social simulator with dungeons
>falls behind in ''''''everything'''''' but social simulation

Girls: P5 >>>>>>> Who cares

Its the same shit except now the dungeons are infested with hours of more repeated garbage dialogue. Back to the reddit and resetera blind endless praise of the disappointing shitty game

Not at all. One has dungeons whole the other one doesn't, and no amount of strawmanning will change that.
Back to your /peg/ or /smtg/ echo chamber.

So if P4 was a murder mystery in a small time of Stand Users and P5 was about Vigliantes with stand powers, will P6 Take place in a sort of boarding school that’s filled with problem students who are treated like criminals, to which the MC discoveres their persona in order to survive in the school, make friends and uncover a plot where one of the teachers is trying to attain “the velvet room”?

>waah every game needs my le epic teleporters and endless warping and pitfalls aw yes now its good :) if its simple its bad, right? the youtube and resetera guys told me that

See? Not even your meme arrow can change the fact that P5 has actual dungeons.
Your 'meme magic' is all inside your head.

actual dungeons =/= good


Yes and?

Persona 3 had the best Devil, Hangeman, Tower, Fortune, Chariot, Hermit, and Strength S.Links.

Persona 4 had the best Lovers, Magician, Justice, Priestess, Temperance, and Emperor S.Links.

I'm playing P5 right now and Death, Hierophant, Temperance, and Moon are the only good ones. Going to do Sun on New game plus.

I'm mad that P4 wasn't about Royatro and Adachi solving murders in a small town with Persona powers.

P4 was defended by casuals who jumped ship the moment P5 came out.

I like P4, but it wasn't as good as P3 from the start and P5 is a straight upgrade to it. At least its got Naoto

P5 had great side characters. The main party except Ryuji were pretty unrealistic.

P3's soundtrack is rather weak, 5's is the best by far.

I don't know why everyone shits on P4's story, I think it's consistently solid whereas 3 and 5 both have some low points.

P3 is by far the worst for gameplay.

For social links, again I think P4 is the most consistent. I can't think of any bad ones in that game, maybe Death, whereas I can think of 3 or 4 bad ones from the other games.

Sun is the fucking best.

>P3's soundtrack is rather weak, 5's is the best by far.
You got that backwards.

>P3's soundtrack is rather weak

Only P4 was kind of realistic though.
P3 had Scrooge Mcduck, boxing champion school Idol, top beauty in the school, tech genius, a regular dog with a Persona, a robot, etc...

P3 was about talented students using their gifts to cure humanity of their problems though. It's explained that the Kirijo group built the school and conducted research in the area.


And about a dog with a Persona, and a robot who is somehow able to communicate with it.
Justifying something doesn't make it realistic.

P3>P2>P4>>>P5. P5's Soundtrack is redditcore.

That's your concern when you play a game where you can summon stand using gun/cards/mask to fight monsters and use magic? Are you fucking retarded


P4 is an accurate representation of the suburbs. People living in Small Towns are pretty smug and petty about their local businesses.

Think of all the neofags and reddit loving kids who browse here now. I bet their persona reddit is just endless praise of the game

Yes, that's my concern. Nice strawmanning btw.

Every main character is great when the're not railroaded into being what the main story needs them to be. Ryuji is dealing with the guilt of ruining his team because he lost his temper, and losing the only thing he felt he was good at but no now he's a loud idiot because we need someone to make Joker look good. Makoto is the most interesting character in the game until she joins your party and is relegated to designated waifu, completely dropping the ongoing story with her sister and giving her no development. Ann has a scene at the start of the game where the implication is that she's taking control of her own body and sex image after being made to feel like a sex toy by Kamoshida (She's hung up on a bondage cross when she awakens and her outfit is latex, zippers, and a whip) but then a plot point of the next dungeon is her being encouraged to strip naked.

Except Haru. She's just a non-character.

Well yeah, his only talent was having a persona but his entire character arc over the course of the game revolves around that

I thought his talent was being really annoying and selfish.

It's threads like these where you spot the people who pretended to play all the games in the series.

You are right. No one plays P1 and P2 here lol

And for a good reason, they suck ass.

which one was scrooge mcduck? was it the MC?

so what color P6 will use? green or purple seems like a weird central color

they've aged yeah but they don't suck. Maybe im just saying that cause i cheat to avoid the grind

>P3 is by far the worst for gameplay.
You can't say that while p2 exists.

>We're all in agreement yes?
the soundtrack, story, events, and s.links are all subjective matters
you can enjoy 3's soundtrack over the others, that doesn't make it factually the best, that's like saying you like the color blue therefore all the other colors are not as good, its not a fact, its just a personal preference

gameplay is objective in which things can be improved, made easier, more accessible, and more beneficial in which 5 is the best in these regards
It is better that getting the preemptive strike isn't such a hassle anymore, it is better that baton pass speeds up regular battles, it is better that s.links do more than just give bonus exp to fused personas

In terms of just gameplay, 5 wins, in terms of everything else, that depends on the player

Are there really that many people pretending like they played P1 and P2? Most people usually just admit that they either aren't interested or they just don't like them.

very very close but it should be
>Gameplay: P5 > P3 > P4 > P2
other than that, it's perfect

If you don't like my favorite game it means you haven't played it.
Or something like that.

The nostalgia is strong in this one

Aside from Mass Destruction, Battle For Everyone's Souls, and one or two boss themes, there's not much that really stands out. In P5 every track is gold.

But then I do have a huge hardon for jazz, so I could be wrong.

P2 didn't have tiredness.

>P2 didn't have tiredness.
You mean a mechanic that you can pretty much ignore after the first part of the game.

Not me P4 is the best game out of all of them. I've played them all. Most comfy too. P5 is awful. P3 is just plain not good. 4 is the sweet spot

what about memories of you for p3?

Mass destruction best battle theme

So I just beat Persona 5 (great game and loved it) and now I'm starting Persona 3 (then go to 4). so what am I in for.

>Baby Baby Baby Baby...

>Aside from Mass Destruction, Battle For Everyone's Souls, and one or two boss themes, there's not much that really stands out.

Best track coming through
I'm stupei sorry

p4:Happiness then sadness than happiness

Marin fucking Karin.
Just kidding, just a pretty mediocre AI and 30 hours of nothing.

damn straight

>arguing over something subjective
Sure is Sup Forums in here

Pretty good taste, op.
Battle Theme: P5 > P3 > P2 > P4
Overall Soundtrack: P3 > P5 > P4 > P2
Story: P3 > P2 > P5 > P4
Events: P4 > P5=P3 > P2
Gameplay: P5 > P4 > P3 > P2
Confidants/Social Links: P3 > P5 > P4

>Sup Forums is one person
Kill yourself