ITT: Those we couldn't save.
ITT: Those we couldn't save
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Wish it happened more often.
more like soy we couldn't save lmao
Why was the cat attacking the soy boy?
True, Tofu is full of protein, it just also gives you estrogen.
He saw weakness.
>No difference
>More muscular
>soy boy
You just answered your own question.
Based cat.
Any social animal would be bothered by his suddenly hysterical behavior. The cat and dog both knew this was not ok, and the cat decided to do something about it. I was expecting the dog to go first as they are more sensitive to abnormal behavior.
He looks like he has the shoulder width of a girl.
The cat is just playing, he flails around like a retard and he excites the cat. The same thing would happen if you flail a cat toy around
>does not catch that pussy midflight like a chad would
>when the estrogen hits
Soyboys and reflexes do not match, user.
I like it when my cat does it
>cat senses his master is going to become a man after playing a sony console
>attacks him because he sees him as a treat
should have gotten him a switch
>cat does it
Hiss at penis?
>The cat is just playing
Based cat
Further proof cats are the ultimate soyboy pet
based PCcat
>That dicklet hit
That looks painful as fuck
The mental gymnastics of cat owners.
>Get excited around a dog
>Dog also gets excited and barks
>Get excited around a cat
>Get your eat bitten off
Damn. The cat was on a fucking crusade.
Yes, cats play with thier prey.
Catfags btfo
how old is this manchild that he is
1 getting a videogame console from his parents
2 he is SITTING ON THE FUCKING FLOOR opening presents
Amazing, even animals hate Sony fans.
Nah they're just the assholes of the animal kingdom.
Is this a soy milk cup in your picture?
Most cats don't play gently, my hands are covered in scratches from playing with these cute little shits
yeah FUCK people who have happy lives
You can live a happy life without acting like you're still 12, user.
The weak should feat the strong.
>Dog gets excited
>Kills cat/ bites human in the face
>>Get excited around a dog
>>Dog also gets excited and barks
>Not recognizing ATHF
We all know who the soy boy is here.
Cat likes box, maybe rubs against it. Box is now cat's property. Man violently attacks cat's property. Cat defend property.
The Weak Should
feat. The S.T.R.O.N.G.
Post cats
If someone gets a pitbul they are pretty much asking for it. Pitbuls should be euthanized
You can see the life drain from him on the first hit, then the realization that he's paralyzed to avoid the second
>don't assert dominance over pets
>wonder why they injure you
Damn, look at that fucking takedown though. Cat has some good CQC technique.
>soyboys all happen to white
makes you think...
Did you need a trainer to be able to perform mental gymnastics like these? There a dog literally in the OP's video you massive spastics.
People have their own ways of being happy. Just do you, user. Being angry on a Taiwanese imageboard isn't going to make your life any better.
Failed hit piece, soyboy
At least they aren't the niggers of the animal kingdom, like a certain type of dog.
I had a pit bull for 10 years, literally the sweetest thing in the world with strangers and family alike.
Jesus Christ I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time
They are the Dindu of the animal kingdom
t. buttmad "dog lover"
Why are you defending the manchild holding the PS4?
Box was never cat's because master owns it, cat gets its ass thrown outside for attacking master.
>performed by Chad and the Virgins
You should be euthanized too.
Don't bother trying to convince them pal.
At least only one breed of dog that acts like niggers, with cats it's the entire fucking species.
he startled the cat with the noises he was making and rapid movement and perceived him as a threat and attacked
>that webm
you fucking monster...
Seriously this, last month I had a dog run at me barking, I just didn't flinch and stared at it, he stopped mid-run and then walked back embarrassed. Same shit with geese, only weak shits get attacked by them.
>get attacled by a cat
>"it happens, cats are primal creatures and retain a lot of their natural instincts. It is what it is.
>get attacked by dog
The absolute state of mut apologists
>I'm a grown up!
Post the edit with the slide music.
I've been bitten by dogs and cats equally. You would have to do real mental gymnastics to think dogs don't hurt people just as much. At the end of the day they're both fucking animals, there's no rhyme or reason to when they spaz out and hurt somebody. That's why I'll never get a boa constrictor.
Don't you have a Trump effigy to worship?
Anyway, back on topic, if that was my cat, I'd take the cat punishment box and leave in there for an hour. Sometimes I leave a flap open to see if she has the ingenuity to free herself when she's trapped. I'd even throw random garbage in the box and shake it up to startle her a bit. It's the only way to get her to behave.
>being this mad about someone getting a present
I'm sorry your parents didn't love you user. Do you need a hug? I'm sure your cat won't too much, and all those scratch marks from last time have probably healed by now.
>Scare cat by flailing like a 4 year old having a seizure
>Cat feels threatened and attacks
>Somehow the cat will be blamed
No, fuck soyboy nu-males
I wouldn't own a cat any longer if that was me.
I also wouldn't own a PS4 any longer, either.
>perceiving a soyboy as threat
wow cats are ultrahomo
Cats don't have "masters". It's either they consider you to be a part of their home or they don't.
Hahahahaha bitch got fucked up
Except cats don't kill 25,000 people every year.
There's an animal that knows exactly what the fuck it wants and will get it by any means. God bless cats.
only my Dad is allowed to do that
is this supposed to make you feel better? even skinnyfat losers don't respect you
>my anecdote!
Nah. My cat is cool and never breaks my skin when we play. Cat in OP was out for blood.
fixed it for ya
>This is the same guy who posts 'kill all nigger dogs' when a dog who has been beaten within an inch if it's life and forced to fight other dogs decides to attack
>gaslighting this hard
Cats cannot be trained in the way dogs can. When was the last time you saw a police cat?
A rescue cat? If a dog attacks someone it is the owner's fault.
If a cat attacks someone it's just a cat being a cat.
Why not throw a backflip in with those mental gymnastics?
No cat actively looks for things to attack. They only do it once provoked. Some dogs, not just pitbulls, do
You're such an adult, look at how you comment on how manchildish people are, Like a grown up.
10/10 webum
What would happen if you act like that around a snake?