WHO has reconized gaming as a disorder. Maybe its time to ask your self. Do you have a problem Sup Forums?

WHO has reconized gaming as a disorder. Maybe its time to ask your self. Do you have a problem Sup Forums?



literally WHO

Everything is a fucking mental illness today. God fucking damn, can't you enjoy anything anymore without slapping some disabillity or mental illness shit to it these days.

What are they gonna do? Take my videogames away? If they do it will cost them deeply.

No, I have a shitposting on Sup Forums disorder just like you, OP.

I think its about time we murder these contempt fucks who think they're so superior that they can just label everyone else with a fucking condition

thanks for posting this i missed the last two hundred threads about it


No, they didn't. They recognized extreme binges of gaming as a disorder. Ones that severely impair your social, physical, or emotional behaviors.


this isn’t any different from regular addiction so what was the point of all this

Sup Forums doesn't play videogames


literally who


No, they didn't. Can you try reading next time?

Since when has gaming addiction not been a disorder? Gambling addicts for example have been pathetic for a long time

>men are encouraged to become trannies and chop their dick off - this is seen as normal and healthy
>however, anyone playing videogames is a sick fucko who should be institutionalized and pumped full of drugs
God, I hope that someone would go and give those cultural marxist bastards what they deserve.

>being unable to read

OP and the majority of people ITT are an example of why fake news works so well. The source proves OP is lying but no one will read it because they want to be the victim.

>Sup Forums
>playing games

>no one will read it because they want to be the victim
Even if they read it, they will still interpret it through their already existing narrative, it’s just too damn addictive to live with an eternal victim complex. It’s exactly the same thing that Sup Forums likes to blame some twitter drama queens for.

That’s not what WHO is proposing.

>WHO has reconized gaming as a disorder
how the fuck should I know
you made the thread

Oh no user.
I think you caught it already. Drop the controller and pick up the keyboard NOW

When is Sup Forums being recognized as a disorder?