Im living the NEET life, depressed and think about ending it all often. every day is a blur into the next...

im living the NEET life, depressed and think about ending it all often. every day is a blur into the next. one thing in life still gives me passion: the thought of a real paper mario sequel.

so it's decided. i am going to put my infinite time into learning to code and sprite, and i'm already an excellect creative writer. i will create the spiritual successor to the thousand year door. i expect this project to take years, but the experience i get out of it will be invaluable. and i will make damn sure it's a good game. i have the following decided:

-a journey through space and time
-good/bad route decides which partners and story you'll see
-13+ partners, with more post-game and secret ones
-japanese pop art inspired. think kanye west graduation cover
-animal crossing like relationships building
-story will be based on memories and time, so you'll see your partners age and possibly die, as well as baby versions of them

this is the first time i've been excited about something in years. so i ask you two questions Sup Forums: am i foolish? and what do YOU want to see out of a paper mario successor?

tldr go outside nerd

i haven't been outside since i went christmas shopping like 3 weeks ago

it's snowing

>ideas guy


You're foolish unless if you actually do it, so get to work.

Let me know when you finish it


Just make your own original shit and stop leeching off of others' creativity.

>I'm an ideas guy: the post
I don't fucking believe you OP. How old are you?

mario is a kinda meh IP. you can create something better.

If you want to make something then make it.
Don't talk about it, just do it.

All you're doing is fantasizing.

Terrible ideas.

Can you do Paper Luigi first?

luigi's own story is an inspiration for this
young enough to learn things quickly. making games isn't impossible, it just takes time and dedication which i have
i won't be using any mario assets because i want this to be a real product

You are being to rash, you haven't even learned code and you want to compromise on making a huge project? Start small, make things you know you are going to finish, because if you go that route you'll end up even more depressed when you realized is too much to handle. It's a great idea to spend your time on something productive, but keep your feet on the ground.

join us in /agdg/ and join the discord.

>13+ partners
>partners age and die, baby versions
>animal crossing relationships building

Mate if your options are make this game or kill yourself make the fucking game no matter how long it takes.

ill keep this in mind