If the DLC is not an epilogue I'm going to be fucking mad

If the DLC is not an epilogue I'm going to be fucking mad

What would there be to do in an epilogue, really? Gameplay wise.

DLC is Malos mode

He just wants confirmation on whether or not Rex has a harem or not. Considering what happened in the ending, if there's a playable epilogue, you might as well just make a full-blown sequel.

>malos mode with jin and the rest of the torna gang as party members
yes please

Epilogue would be pointless.
You would actually be nerfed since Pyra/Mythra are no longer one blade and can't go Verde.
There are no real threats left either

epilogue would be the worst fucking thing, thank god Takahashi confirmed it's not

past morytha would be the best and 500 years ago Torna would also be good, autumn is gonna be one or the other

they better add all the cut features like the encyclopedia

There is a whole new continent to explore/tame

Now there is more land to fight over. I doubt they will be friendly on splitting up the land equally.

Rebuild the world.

No thanks, there's literally no point in doing that, we already know everything that happened.

I want to know what happens, if they end up together or not. They never fucking said "I love you" to each other, not even when we all thought Pneuma was going to die. Writers are fucking cucks.

So what do you suggest ?

We already know what happened at the aegis war, why do you want to play that shit ? Do you not want to see more of the main cast ?

it's pretty much 90% going to be this. i cant imagine what else they would do for a story campaign scenario

>We already know what happened at the aegis war
we don't know everything, like with Addam

>why do you want to play that shit ?
at least 3 new continents, more emphasis/development on smaller characters

>Do you not want to see more of the main cast ?
not really no, I know enough about them and don't give a shit about Rex. There wouldn't even be a villain in the epilogue

I hope there's a DLC that makes handheld resolution not 386p

>rebuild the world
lol that's overly amibitious to have as a dlc. it sounds like the premise for a whole game. monolith may be wizards but i doubt they're going to build an entire in engine landscape with all the titans

>No thanks, there's literally no point in doing that, we already know everything that happened.

We really don't. The game shows very little of the actual events. And we have no details on the final fight that left Malos near dead and sank 2 Titans

>instead of an epilogue it's a prequel where you play as the Torna gang
i would be entirely okay with this

Why do we need to see how it happened? We know it happened

Story wise I think the two most likely candidates for the DLC are an epilogue in the new world or playing as Addam through his quest

And you need to create an entire new landmass that's larger than all of the titans combined in addition to the titans themselves. You might as well make a new game if that happens.

I'm sort of in between. I don't want to expect too much, but at the same time, XB2's development cycle started in July 2015, it only took them two years or so to make.

Watch it be a prequel about Vandham and the founding of the Garfont Mercenaries.

It started July 2014

inb4 the dlc is episode sharla

>Cole and Vandham running around kicking ass
Sure, I'd play it

fucking this.

I hate when a perk says to go and kill x o y monster and I don't have clue of how it looks or where it is

I'm sure you can figure out the answer

The game shows everything that is important to us. I'd rather see the story continue than to know how the fuck was Addam besides a beta male.

It's a good thing you're in the minority then

I will laugh if they lock Roc to only level one affinity.

>Implying Episode Zeke wouldn't be kino as fuck

Aegis War would be way cooler than most of the actual story shown in XC2.

>dealing with ancient Judicium Flesh Eaters
>dealing with remnants of Indol, maybe a Blade Eater experiment gone awry
>more Zohar shenanigans, defeating enemies that spill over from other worlds
>lead in to Xenoblade 3

Don't you want to see Special Inquisitor Morag solving a myriad of cases all over Mor Ardain before she met Rex?

I just want more Morag content. She’s too cutedorable to leave for just one game.

Don't you want to see Morag solving a myriad of cases all over Elysium after the end ?

Don't think so. Malos and Mythra are stronger during XC2 and Rex is better than Addam.

I want to marry Morag and start a family with her


I really REALLY do not give a fuck about the Aegis War, and Torna doesn't excite me much either because Jin and Malos were the only characters there I even liked. Mik was alright too I guess.

well it would be interesting to see also Addam and Mythra relationship.

No! I want to marry Lady Morag and be part of her & Lady Brighid’s family!

I want a DLC about /ourboy/'s life in the Ardainian military

Wow this is exceptionally cute. Morag is for /u/ officially.

I’m waitit g to see what it is before purchasing even though I love the game.

I’m also resisting the urge to start a new game until I find out what’s in NG+

I don’t have much interest in grinding my lvl 85 party to 99 though just to fight optional UMs. I’ve completed all but the final quest of Zenobia’s affinity chart so I’ve had my fill. I just want to hit a reset button and speed through the game

Morag is already claimed for the female in /ss/ relationship police

It should be Malos coming back to life to make Rex stronger

I cant force myself to play the game because I would have to stop listening to its soundtrack on youtube
What the flying fuck

Restart the game, there's a memory leak that kills the performance before the game crashes

More silly comics are appearing

>Play as Malos
>Torna people are your party members
>Do some dope Monado arts
I don't know what happens after that but I wanna use muh nado again.

They talk up how big of a project it's supposed to be for them in the latest interview they did so I'm hoping for at least another 20 hours worth out of it, whatever it is. I hope I'll even still care a year from now.

>those fucking lifts
I thought I was so clever when I climbed on them just to get btfo by that tyrant

I want to impregnate Pyra and take responsibility

What's the Japanese consensus on this game?

>Morag with 3 Guns: "I am growing stronger."

>tfw your routine for the last week is to turn on the game, grind for 4-5 hours, and open cores
>don't want to move on to other games until get last rare blade even though there's no actual reward or reason to other than wanting to complete the album

Only Newt can save me from this hell.

That's too bad user. As perfect as she is I don't think blades reproduce that way. Besides then there would be some weird fucked up situation where the 3 of your all die at once or something when you die.

Padraig and that driver recruiter are awesome. Would love if they got some more attention.

How'd you disengage Brighid?

Play with the headphones if you can. I was definitely able to appreciate the music while playing.

You'll find out in Chapter 8

I didn't really had any problems with it until it knocked me off of the platform. I took more damage from the fall than from the monster. The worst part was having to do it again for Zenopia.

Do you think that maybe I could borrow your KOS-MOS? Because I don't have one yet.

its not an epilogue, takahashi said "you can play it without having finished the main story"

Common blades with Luck Mods: equip them. They make a huge difference. I rolled my last blade with about 721 luck stat thanks to them. Go through all your commons and see which character can unlock 3 of them that have luck modifiers, then use luck accessories. and try to use mostly legendaries.

Later on Rex gets the ability to engage other Blades even if they're bonded to someone else. Normally you can't remove a Driver's main Blade but if you have Rex engage them and obviously they can't be engaged to two people at once, it frees up the space for them.


Even with 999 luck I've gone through about 60 legendaries and still nothing. At the end of the day it still all comes down to RNG.

You did finish her quest, right?

not only that, you have to make sure brighid or dromarch or pandy aren't on the "top" slot for that character, you can't remove those no matter what is there. once they're off that slot Rex can take them

Then it can't be a prequel, unless it's something you play while Mythra or Grampa are telling you a story... which is bullshit.

Not even close. However, she did help me fill out the affinity charts for all of my rare blades

One doujin already uo and two more confirmes, one is about a rare blade. So far looks good.

it will be a side story like champion's ballad, some shit like rex touches the third aegis and boom, vision of adam's adventures inside pyra's womb

maybe once I'm done with her quest

Morag a best


Nia here, to remind you all that Pyra and Mythra are pedophiles and they need to stay away from Rex!

They already said it won't be so get mad
On that note, I hope it's Zekedventures or something like that.

I want to marry and impregnate Nia

Holy shit, can he get Poppis?
Rex with Aegis and two Poppis sounds OP as fuck

Did anyone who wasn't initially sold on the art style end up changing their mind after playing the game? Sure, it's a little safer and more generic. It's obvious it's trying to just get a broader appeal. But in many scenes, I really enjoyed the facial expressions they were able to do by going all in on an anime look. I can't really imagine a game in the hard sci-fi X universe looking like this. But I think it's more suitable for the main series.

Nia no matter what you won't win the Rexbowl. You should listen to Kora and go fuck your cat butler.

Fake Nia.

ctrl + s

Only Masterpon can engage Poppi. She's the one exception.


The facial animations were really good and expressive but there were a lot of cutscenes where you could tell the quality wasn't as good.

woah thank you :)

>172 hours
>missing 4 blades (from RNG)
>have opened hundreds of cores the last 2 nights
>all while also doing Affinity Charts

I want to explore the new world and settle down with pyra

>downloaded the thumbnail
Here lad, have the full image


>Harold's whole side quest
Wew Monolith, just didn't care about that blade or...?

If they don't want to make new assets, then it's either going to be side stories about your companions before they met Rex, about Vandham, or a gaiden story about Torna.

This, except with Nia instead.

It's probably before the main story.

Epilogue is 0% chance the DLC is for everyone, and they can't spoil the end so don't be stupid, also what the fuck would you do?

Basically the cutscenes that were actually animated vs the cutscenes that were cobbled from premade animations.

Maybe it's just because I've played so much FFXIV but the cookie cutter animation scenes didn't bother me that much.

What DID bother me was scenes where they switched between real animation and the prebaked shit (like the conversation between the party and The Architect, what the fuck. Can't believe they thought they could get away with switching between the two styles in such an important scene.)

Not as bad as

>Malos is a driver despite not being a hybrid or whatever.

Rex using Malos using whatever his Blade was called would be pretty fucking cool

>He is the only one who can't get cucked by Rex
Tora is becoming more and more my number one role model in life