Ever downloaded a game off Limewire?

Ever downloaded a game off Limewire?

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Starcraft that worked with no CD and all contained in a folder.

no but i downloaded a damn good amount of cp off it

Downloaded what I thought was Empire Earth 2, and what I got was the first one

Red Alert 2 and Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge

Just very illegal shit by today standards

i was too young when i downloaded a love hina hentai video

I never deleted the video off the family computer

GTA 3 and VC they both worked out fine

Being 18 now, I didn't know it could be used for games so I just downloaded a shit ton of songs when I was younger

bitch, I remember using kazaa and bearshare

>smashmouth intensifies


I tried to download Patapon. It wasn't patapon.


>kazaa and bearshare
remember the old days when folks had to physically download from stolen cds


I do remember that saving_private_ryan.mp4 file. It was actually a self-shot movie of a girl having sex with a dog. Fucking limewire.

i free club dot com

>try to download game.exe
>it's a video of some 8 year old sucking dick
every time..

the good old days

oh man I know exactly what you're talking about

>download porn on limewire
>delete videos from limewire's queue
>didn't know they were saved in a folder
>videos in question were the unfortunately titled my first sex teacher videos
>siblings discover videos
>think I was looking for educational videos
>23 now
>they still make fun of me
There was also the time they found my google search of "pokemon sex" because I didn't know what rule 34 was. I don't even know if that was even a term at the time

This and that video of the cheerleader getting railed were the most annoying shit. Essentially the rick rolling of the old internet


or getting pooped on :(

still fucking haunts me, that one. i wonder what happened to that poor kid, jesus christ.

salty milk

>search for thing
>thing 12 year old gets fucked dog
>first result
>every single search
Fuck was up with that

No but I've downloaded plenty of highly compressed 34kb popular songs off it.

What the fuck is wrong with this place

>download some parody/humor song
>it's always by Wierd Al Yankovic
And they always spelled it like that

You had to TRY not to

>download the.martix.raildoed.dvdrip.240p.divx.wmv
>wait three days to finish download
>wait one more day because mum picked up the phone
>finally open it
>it's r@ygold

>microwave the harddisk
>burn the computer


Bro were you even around for that time? More than half the time you thought you were downloading Little Mermaid only to be greeted with CP or dolphin porn.

They didn't take much care to name things properly back then.

Half-Life 2 was the first game I pirated and through Lime Wire. Later it was the same way I got Halo, FarCry and a few others before I learned what a torrent was. Hell I even found a site with "legal" full ISO's of hundreds of games. I would download those then browse on over to NOCD for the right crack. Funny. I remember thinking that a 2GB game was fucking massive.

>Wired Al Yankovic



oh fuck i had that on my pc

r@ygold holy shit what the fuck was that again? You just activated my almonds really bad.

>Weird Al Yankovich

>he still had dialup

>yfw r@ygold

Well my young friend. Back then it was impossible to tell what you downloaded until you actually downloaded it. Limewire was notorious for having child porn, audio of bill clinton and other shit under the titles of movies and songs so people weren't intentionally downloading questionable material

what sort of fucked up shit did you find there?

The Beer Song - Wierd Al Yancovich
Which Backstreet Boy Is Gay? - Wierd Al Yancovich

>download a popular song
>it's some faggot from bumfuck nowhere talking "Hey, this is Jimmy from Harley Boys, a band from Sister Fister Alabama, and you're about to listen to our hit single" then the shit song begins to play
I wouldn't be so upset if it didn't take me 20 minutes to download that one song.

I downloaded once SwBattlefront Rip on 10 parts of like 50 mb each in my Acer With a core duo.
Fuck truman

yeah, once

Fucking limewire, man.
Drove me to become a script kiddie.

>GTA3 rip was 300mb
>downloading on a 56k
>took like a week of intermittent resuming because parents using phone
>tfw finally done and installed fine
>played that game beyond death because of how long it took to get it

You proud of yourself, you daddy's credit card waving faggot?


Serious question, I've been wondering this for some time; what the fuck is T3, Terminator 3 speeds?


You have to be at least 18 years old to post on Sup Forums.

Cheese pizza.

the bad stuff

Something I just made up to troll you
You’ve been trolled

>mfw I was 12 and just wanted some music
>get some RG

Just do a quick Google search and you'll find out.
Better yet, check the Pirate Bay. You'll find something quickly


get it?

Fuck off underage or learn to fucking Google you dumb coon

I remember the name, but I don't remember what it was. My best guess is CP.

we can go deeper

It's certainly a ray of golden sunshine.


remember raygold

Back when I was using Limewire I was around the same same age as those kids. Still illegal, but eh.

>Google sib.so
>probably permanently on a list somewhere

Fuck you. Don't click this.

Come at me son

you are like little baby
watch this

Did anyone here use FrostWire instead? It was the superior client.

I remember downloading porn off it.
Since then I only ever was able to fap to anal sex porn.



I miss it but i kinda don't desu


It's not actually SoaD of course

>1kb in size
>12 year old me: "LOOKS LEGIT"

nothin personal kid


ur a loser, you know that at least.

W.h.a.t i.s. r.a.y.g.o.l.d

CP Dummy. Limewire was full of it.

>be too young for this shit
>learn about love hina through that porn game on newgrounds
>decide I wanna watch the show
>figure "hey you can download videos on that limewire thing right, let's look there"
>every title was just a random string of porn tags that had love hina buried in the middle
>since I knew so little about this shit I'd asked my dad to search for me instead of just doing it myself

also now that I think about it it's kinda funny how much your tastes change as you grow up. When I was that age the one I thought was the cutest was the brown schoolgirl but the drunk chick is the only one I've actually jerked off to in the last decade.

Shit was that pictures of underage nudists? I remember getting tricked with something like that like ten years ago

>search for music by a certain artist
>download a song isn't even by the artist or has the correct title

dark days


>can only get Morpheus to work
>then had to use Azureus
>only occasionally stumbled on illegal shit
>saw 10x more on imageboards
>Google literally flooded with pizza images from Not[this place] (it's an automatic ban to post the website's name here)
The internet is weird.

grow up

>Be younger user with horomones
>Find Videos on Limewire
>"Oh cool theyre my age"

I know that feel. I think he eventually did a song making fun of things like limewire and napster because of it

>download Slipknot music video
>it's some Russian woman blowing a pit bull


Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=IBH4g_ua5es

man we were fucking stupid back then

>That Legend of Zelda song everyone thought was made by System of a Down

>could never use the internet because fags kept on downloading R@Ys and marylin manson songs
what happened? where did all that shit go? does the CP and weird porn get removed or is it all stil there? havent used it in years

>download "Creep" by Stone Temple Pilots
>it's listed as "Half the Man I Used To Be" by Nirvana