Why does nu-Sup Forums support shitty DLC practices and corporate greed?
Why does nu-Sup Forums support shitty DLC practices and corporate greed?
I don't. I pirate all video games, even indies.
i support the right to sell DLC, its called free market you commie
Yes I do because I'm a contrarian :D if you don't like Jewish tricks you're a commie
Whoa dude, is just a cosmetic, don't buy it if you don't like it.
>inb4 it will be a slippery slope
You paranoid doomsayers.
Because they were young enough not to remember a time before it.
Most of the board was in elementary school when the horse armor debacle happened and they don't believe in the slippery slope.
stop slurping jewish corporate dick you faggot
I just want to play my games NOW and don't want to wait, but I also want to play a complete game and don't care how much extra I have to spend to get that.
I've always supported the free market
Sup Forums doesn't understand this. The majority of them have a childish view of the world and think they know better than everyone else and everything should be done their way. It's why they excuse piracy.
sorry that you dont have free will and cant choose not to buy it. but we arent all as dumb as you
Shitty ones? No. Good dlc is one that contains content that doesnt feel like it was suddenly cut out from the original game.
It's only video games. It's not worth caring about.
Nu Sup Forums was 6 when horse armor came out
It's called having self-control and not buying something you don't need. Try it sometime. It's surprisingly liberating.
There's nothing wrong with selling dlc bonus content, the problem is when companies cut out content that was supposed to be in the base game in order to put in dlc and squeeze out some extra bucks from consumers. If it's already on the disc when I buy it, I shouldn't have to pay more to unlock it.
reminder that it's perfectly O K when Japan does it.
when did it go so right??
Sup Forums went mainstream, oldfags grew up and stopped caring
>If you don't want to ban Alcohol and Weed, you must be a drunken pothead
Im sorry. Did i walked in a bizzarro Sup Forums thread?
This entire industry is filled with shit-flinging monkeys who define themselves by the toys they buy and hate any kind of serious discussion of the medium.
Sup Forums has always been for corporate greed
Don't like it, don't buy it.
Seriously, I really don't get why people are asspained.