Post video game characters you like!

Post video game characters you like!

I love Reisen!



back to your cont/a/inment board

I don't browse Sup Forums!


I think raziel is pretty cool, to bad there will never be another legacy of kain game

Is it wrong that I want to fuck Reisen while you watch?


This is my girlfriend, Sup Forums
Please be nice to her

>goofy as fuck
>always fun to control
>never been in a bad game

Yes, that would be rather rude!


Is it that time already?


It's always time!

>tfw spent your whole life wanting a big bara bf
>finally got one to snuggle up with this winter
He's not as big as King yet though.

Miracles do happen anons.

Is this proof that if men didn't have heads they would be sexy as fuck? Asking as straight white male.

Good for you, user.

what about people with heads but no facial features

>if men didn't have heads
That would be pretty fucking creepy.

>touhou is Sup Forums

What do you mean? Like faceless guys in doujins?

>never been in a bad game

hotel mario

>like manly bodies but feminie heads
h e l p m e

Just put on a paper bag bro

>The thread was a bara cover-up
Tricked again.

I love Kasumi!

honestly surprised it wasn't a blatant /trash/ thread honestly

Masks would work too. Besides, headless guys could probably pull off motorcycle helmets.

Still, this is genuinely new to me. I've never gotten off looking at a guy before but that drawing of King makes me want to cum. Even his bulge is getting to me.

Best girl.

We should all be so lucky as to have somebody as devoted as you.

So this is how a guy get converted into a furry.

Like or "like like"?

It's simple user.

The male body is attractive. The male face is not.

its over user
they got you

Its up to you but most seem to be picking the latter.

It was always too late.

Okay then.

>nasus 5

It's just porn. It's not like looking at that picture made me no longer attracted to women.

Instead of using folders I use filenames to sort my files, so this started off as the Nasus heading but then became the more general LoL heading.

>choosing women over men when you could possibly choose men
It's like having a best friend you can also have sex with, instead of having some cunty random person you only keep around to have sex with.

I've got leaked screenshots from TSA.




I will cum on Reisen's face while you have to sit and look


Eh. Women are great until they get emotional for no apparent reason or abandon you.

Besides liking a couple of furry bara pictures in this thread does not mean I want to fuck a real dude.

>poopy diaperhead game isn't Sup Forums
back to your con/trash/ment board

t. cartel


I expected this thread to be a bunch of people who want to fuck dogs but it's not


I love Fuuka!

My wife

>Besides liking a couple of furry bara pictures in this thread does not mean I want to fuck a real dude.


That comes later.

>spookee hairdont

The most sincere insult you can give to an artist is not recognising who they are.

Post more Tama he/she/it gets my ding hard
